Allergy Laboratory Services - DACI Reference Lab

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Mission, Supervision and Scope of the JHU DACI Laboratory

Mission: The Johns Hopkins University Dermatology, Allergy and Clinical Immunology (DACI) Reference Laboratory is a federally-(Clinical Laboratory Improvement Act - 1988) licensed clinical laboratory that began operation in 1982. Our mission is to provide comprehensive, high quality diagnostic allergy and immunology testing to patients throughout North America with asthma, allergy, and immunologic disorders.

Supervision: The DACI Reference Laboratory participates as an integral component of the Johns Hopkins University (JHU) clinical laboratory network that is operated by the Departments of Medicine and Pathology. In 1989, the DACI Laboratory physically moved from the Good Samaritan Hospital to the Johns Hopkins Asthma and Allergy Center on the Bayview Campus of the Johns Hopkins Medical Institutions in Baltimore, MD. It is directed by Robert G. Hamilton Ph.D., D.ABMLI and N. Franklin Adkinson, M.D. serving as the Medical Director. The laboratory staff include Jack Wisenauer BS, MT (ASCP) (Supervisor), Anne Pence (Clinical Coordinator) and Charles Bronzert BS, MLT.

Scope: The JHU DACI Reference Laboratory offers an extensive menu of laboratory tests that include allergen-specific IgE measurements to approximately 300 pollen, epidermal, mold spore, mite, food, drug, venom, and occupational allergen specificities. The laboratory specializes in Hymenoptera (insect sting) venom specific IgE and IgG antibody measurements. In addition, the DACI Laboratory performs hypersensitivity pneumonitis precipitin panels.

Client Services

Our laboratory representatives are available to respond to telephone inquiries concerning test information, patient results, laboratory report, and billing questions. They may be reached by calling 800/344-3224 (DACI) or 410/550-2029, Monday through Friday, from 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. (EST). During non-business hours, our voice message service is available to take your message. Additional tests may be requested on specimens that have been previously sent by means of a faxed message to 410-550-2030 or by email to Anne Pence, operations manager at or to Charles Bronzert, lab manager at Please do not send overnight packages on Friday because no one is in the laboratory to receive them on Saturday.

  • Specific IgE Antibody Testing (including insects)
  • Hymenoptera Venom Specific IgE Antibody Testing
  • Precipitins for Hypersensitivity Pneumonitis

Collection and Handling

Two types of test specimens are analyzed in the DACI laboratory: serum and environmental surface or airborne dust (mold only).

Serum: Human serum is required for all antibody tests. Please note: not open on weekends.The Johns Hopkins DACI Reference Laboratory fee schedule lists the specimen volume requirements for each individual test. In general, 0.3 ml of serum is required for each serological test. The requested volumes of serum provide for the analysis of tests in replicate with some residual for repeat analyses that may be needed to insure test accuracy. All remaining specimens are stored up to 7 years; This permits the performance of repeat measurements or additional tests that can be performed if they are desired at a later date. We do not require that specimens be frozen and sent on dry ice by overnight delivery. Rather, we ask that the serum specimen be placed in a 12 x 75 mm plastic tube, frozen, and shipped in an IATA-approved packaging. The frozen specimen may be sent at room temperature in our mailer within the continental United States.

For collection and processing of serum, draw 10 ml of whole blood by venipuncture into a syringe or red or tiger top vacutainer without anticoagulant. If collected in a syringe, transfer the contents into a glass or plastic tube with no anticoagulant. Next, allow the blood to clot for 1-2 hours at room temperature. Centrifuge and harvest the serum, free of cells into a plastic (5ml) 12x75mm plastic test tube and seal tightly with a plastic top. If no centrifuge is available, refrigerate the blood tube overnight so the white and red blood cells will settle and then carefully transfer the serum into the plastic tube. Stopper the tube tightly to prevent loss of serum during shipping. Label the tube with the patient’s name, date of birth, date of collection, and physician's name. If the serum is to be held for several days or over a weekend, store it frozen until the time of shipping.

For overnight shipping using the following address:

JHU DACI Reference Laboratory
Johns Hopkins Asthma and Allergy Center
Room 1A20
5501 Hopkins Bayview Circle
Baltimore, MD 21224, USA

Phone: 410-550-2029
Fax: 410-550-2030

For first class Domestic mail only, use the following address:

JHU DACI Reference Laboratory
Location: P.O. Box 26037
Baltimore, MD 21224, USA

Order Forms

View DACI Reference Laboratory Serum Request Form

Must have Acrobat® Reader

Billing Information

  • Bill physician/laboratory account
  • Patient pay by check/creditcard (VISA, MC, AM EX, DISCOVER)
  • Bill Medicare

All Medicare patients must sign:

Our laboratory representatives are available to respond to telephone concerning about test information, patient results, laboratory reports, and billing questions. They may be reached by calling 800-344-3224 (DACI) or 410-550-2029, Monday through Friday, from 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. (EST). During non-business hours, our voice message service is available to take your message. Additional tests may be requested on specimens that have been previously sent by means of a faxed message to 410-550-2030 or Please do not send overnight packages on Friday because no one is in the laboratory to receive them on Saturday.

References Related to Laboratory Tests

For Selected References Related to Diagnostic Allergy Laboratory Tests Performed in the JHU DACI Reference Laboratory click here.