Exams We Offer: Cardiac CT Calcium Score

patient having a ct exam

Knowing your score could save your life. A cardiac CT calcium score, also known as a coronary calcium scan, is a quick, convenient and noninvasive way of evaluating the amount of calcified (hard) plaque in your heart vessels. The level of calcium equates to the extent of plaque build-up in your arteries. Plaque in the arteries can cause heart attacks.

The radiologist reads the images and sends your doctor a report with a calcium score. Patients with higher scores have a greater risk for a heart attack, heart disease or stroke. Knowing your score can help your doctor decide on blood pressure and cholesterol goals that will minimize your risk as much as possible.

The American College of Cardiology found that Coronary artery calcification (CAC) is an excellent cardiovascular disease risk marker and can help guide the decision to use cholesterol reducing medications such as statins. A negative calcium score may reduce the need for statins in otherwise eligible patients.

The exam takes less than 10 minutes, is painless and does not require any IV or oral contrast. At Johns Hopkins Medical Imaging locations, the out-of-pocket fee without insurance is $75. At the time of scheduling, please let us know if you want to process the exam through your insurance or self-pay at the rate of $75. Patients who want to self-pay should not submit their insurance card when checking in for the appointment. 

Who should consider a Cardiac CT Calcium Score:

People over age 40 with risk factors that increase chances of heart disease such as:

  • Family history of heart disease, especially heart disease at a young age
  • Borderline high cholesterol, high blood pressure or diabetes
  • Overweight or physical inactivity
  • Uncertain about taking daily preventive medical therapy

Request An Appointment

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Schedule by phone

New and existing patients: 443-997-7237
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How do I prepare for a Cardiac CT Calcium Score?

Webinar: Types of Cardiac Imaging

Watch Dr. Stefan Zimmerman discuss the many types of new imaging technology for cardiac exams including coronary CT, calcium scoring, and cardiac MRI.

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