Joint replacement surgeon Dr. Nirav Patel, discusses joint replacement and answers commonly asked questions about the surgery, including what patients are eligible, signs to be aware of and what to expect during recovery. To learn more visit
To schedule an appointment or to make a referral, call 240-762-5100.
0:09 How long will I be in the hospital after surgery?
0:37 How soon does rehabilitation therapy start after the joint replacement surgery?
1:13 What is considered a “normal” amount of pain after a joint replacement surgery?
1:52 How long do I have to use my crutches or walker?
2:21 How soon can I return to regular activities after a joint replacement?
3:12 What activities should I avoid after surgery?
3:58 What could slow down my recovery?
4:55 What warning signs should I be on the lookout for?
5:18 When do I need to follow-up with my surgeon?
6:01 How can I prepare for coming home after surgery?