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Santi's sciatic nerve was severed in a boating accident, paralyzing his right leg. He and his family traveled from Texas to Baltimore, where they met with neurosurgeon Allan Belzberg and orthopaedic trauma surgeon Greg Osgood. Together, the two surgeons collaborated to offer a novel way to repair Santi's leg and get him back to the water.

Neurosurgeon Allan Belzberg, M.D., and orthopaedic trauma surgeon Greg Osgood, M.D., collaborated to offer a novel way to repair the sciatic nerve of a patient — Santi — that was severed in a boating accident, paralyzing his right leg.

Santi’s family traveled from Texas to Baltimore so that he could avoid paralysis due to the severe nerve damage. Dr. Osgood applied the principles of bone shortening and, subsequently, lengthening, which allowed Dr. Belzberg to successfully repair the nerve through regeneration. A water sport enthusiast, Santi has been able to return to the water while recovering.