Support Suburban Hospital
Planned Giving
Planned giving opportunities allow you to make a philanthropic contribution while addressing your own financial goals or providing for loved ones.
Wills and Bequests
One significant way to support Suburban Hospital is to include us in your will. Large and small, these gifts are vital to the success of Suburban’s efforts to continue to provide the best care possible to you, your loved ones, and our growing community. Designating Suburban as a beneficiary of all or part of your retirement account is another way to leave a legacy.
Gifts that Pay You Back
Life-income gifts provide income to you or others for life or a term of years, with the remainder to be used for the purpose you designate at Suburban. Examples of these gifts include charitable gift annuities and charitable remainder trusts.
Calculate your potential benefits now by using our gift calculator
Other Assets
With a contribution to Suburban through assets such as appreciated stock and other securities, an IRA distribution, or real estate, you can receive tax and other benefits while making an impact through your philanthropy.
To learn more about these and other ways to give, contact the Suburban Hospital Foundation. Our services are confidential and collaborative, and we provide them without obligation. For more information, please call Stacey Geldin, Director of Development, Suburban Hospital Foundation at or call 301-896-3971.
If you prefer to make an outright charitable contribution to Suburban, please use our secure online giving platform or print and return our Giving to Suburban form.
Have You Already Included Suburban in Your Estate Plans?
If you have already made a bequest or other gift through your estate, please contact Stacey Geldin, Director of Development, Suburban Foundation at or call 301-896-3971, so we can welcome you as a Suburban Heritage Society member and discuss your plans with you. Most importantly, notifying us allows us to thank you during your lifetime for your generosity.
The Suburban Hospital Heritage Society honors those individuals who help secure the financial future of Suburban by making a life-income gift or gift through their estate.
Members receive acknowledgement of their generosity, exclusive opportunities to engage more fully with our Suburban community, and a memento of thanks.