Gallery of Honor

Recognition Opportunities

We are pleased to offer these recognition opportunities to supporters of our campus transformation. Your gift can make a profound difference in the future of innovative, patient-centered care. To more learn about these opportunities and many more, please contact us at or 301-896-3971.

Founder’s Circle Recognition
Founder’s Circle Recognition
Patient Room
Patient Room
Patient Registration Consultation Room
Patient Registration Consultation Room
Surgical Family Lounge
Surgical Family Lounge
Patient Care Team Station
Patient Care Team Station
Surgical and Procedural Services Recognition
Surgical and Procedural Services Recognition
Surgical Operating Room
Surgical Operating Room
Tranquility Gardens
Tranquility Gardens
Tranquility Garden Patio
Tranquility Garden Patio

Capital Campaign Donors

The Suburban Hospital Foundation thanks the following donors for their generous support of $10,000 or more in making our campus transformation a reality (list current as of March 9, 2021).

Gary and Pennie Abramson Charitable Foundation
Conrad V. and Lois Aschenbach
The Bajaj Family
Tom and Hillary Baltimore
Jacqueline Y. Beale
Marla and Barry Beck
Mary Ellen and Mark Beliveau
Elaine F. Belman
Bender Foundation
Bernard Family Foundation
Bethesda Emergency Associates, LLC
Dr. Harry J. Bigham, Jr. and Dr. Anne Savarese
Eric and Marianne Billings Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. John F. Bowis
Mr. and Mrs. Frederick H. Bowis
Mr. and Mrs. Mark W. Brugger
William and Devon Burak
Chevy Chase Automotive, LLC
Clark Construction Group, LLC
A. James & Alice B. Clark Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. A. James Clark
Clark-Winchcole Foundation
The Ryna and Melvin Cohen Foundation
Marlene and Barry Cohen
Richard and Judy Cohen Family
Jim Coleman Toyota
Mr. and Mrs. James R. Coleman
Diane L. Colgan, MD
Mr. and Mrs. P. B. Connolly
Linda Victoria Courie
Daniel and Gayle D'Aniello
Andrew and Barbara Daskalakis
Cora and John H. Davis Foundation, Inc.
Elsie & Marvin Dekelboum Family Foundation, Inc.
Diamond Rock Hospitality Company
Dockser Family Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. William B. Dockser
The Donohoe Companies, Inc.
Drs. Groover, Christie & Merritt
Epic Systems Corporation
Epstein Family Foundation
Ernst & Young
Fred and Starr Ezra
Fardshisheh Family Foundation
David and Susan Fink
Finmarc Management, Inc.
Lawrence P. Fisher, II
Margaret and Greg Fitzwilliam
Elizabeth and Robert Flanagan
Mr. Scott Foreman
Dr. and Mrs. Douglas Forman
Scott and Robin Frankel
Mark and Robyn Futrovsky
Howard N. Gleckman and Deborah A. Kline
Glickfield Family Foundation
Geoffrey and LuLu Gonella
Brian and Donna Gragnolati
LA & LK Greenberg Charitable Foundation
Pamela and Corbin Gwaltney
Hon. Ann S. Harrington and Mr. David C. Driscoll
Ms. Rhonda Hurwitz
Stuart and Deanna Ingis
Norman and Cammye Jenkins
Johns Hopkins Medicine
Kaiser Permanente Mid-Atlantic States
Mr. and Mrs. Martin L. Kamerow
Timothy and May Kao

Eric Kassoff and Kerry Iris
Ms. Christine N. Kearns
King Automotive Group
Emily and Neil Kishter
Robert and Arlene Kogod
Everett and Nancy Korman
Landow Family
Bruce and Leslie Lane Foundation
Leslie and Ronnie Lapinsky Sax
Mr. and Mrs. Ethan D. Leder
Lindner Family Foundation, Inc.
Linowes and Blocher, LLP
Joseph Linstrom
Lisa and Paul Mandell
The J. Willard and Alice S. Marriott Foundation
Bill and Donna Marriott
Mr. and Mrs. John M. McMahon
Miller & Long Company, Inc.
Nancy J. Miller
Mrs. Annette G. Moshman and Family
Gudelsky-Mulitz Family
Tom and Denise Murphy
Natelli Communities
Thomas and Karen Natelli
John and Kim Cutler
Belle and Morgan O'Brien
The Ochsman Foundation
Cathy and Earle O'Donnell
Dr. and Mrs. Donald S. Orkand
John Otsuki and Loretta Yenson
Grant and Ellen Ottenstein
Rebecca Owen
The Phase Foundation
Betty R. Phillips
Harold Plotnek Charitable Foundation
Charles and Mindy Postal
Mr. and Mrs. Christopher T. Rogers
Dr. and Mrs. Barry K. Rogstad
Samuel G. Rose
David and Carolyn Ruben
Ruth and Samuel Salzberg Family Foundation
Terry M. Sanderson
Santos, Postal & Company, PC
Jacky Schultz
The Segal Family
Bill and Diane Shaw
Eugene W. and Carol S. Shin
David and Julie Silver
David and Arlene Slan
William R. and Lisa Ridgway Slater
Mr. and Mrs. Stanley H. Snow
Ruth Karl Snyder
Mr. Kevin Sowers, MSN, RN, FAAN
Suntrust Bank, Inc. - Laurel, MD
The Tower Companies
Total Wine & More
David and June Trone Family Foundation
U.S. Anesthesia Partners/FCAA
US Anesthesia Partners-Maryland
Mark D. Vogt, MD
Mr. and Mrs. William B. Wallace
Washington Area Toyota Dealers
George Wasserman Family Foundation
Leland and Cynthia Weinstein
Michele E. Williams
Wilmot-Sanz, Inc.