Sensitivity to the patient's spirituality has been a priority at Johns Hopkins since the hospital was founded in 1889. Johns Hopkins, hospital founder and benefactor, was raised in the Society of Friends (better known as the Quakers). The hallmark of Quaker spirituality is the affirmation of the individual’s "Inner Light," rather than an emphasis on creeds or religious practices. All human beings are believed to have the presence of God within them for the experience of God as well as for spiritual and moral guidance.

More about our history

It is my especial request that the influence of religion shall be felt in and impressed upon the whole management of the Hospital; but I desire, nevertheless, that the administration of the charity shall be undisturbed by sectarian influence, discipline or control.

Johns Hopkins, Hospital Founder and Benefactor, 1873

Chaplains at Johns Hopkins Medicine

Chaplains at Johns Hopkins Medicine support staff, as well as patients and families. Chaplains are available 365 days, 24/7, either in person, phone or virtual. They are ready to meet you where you are, whether you consider yourself religious, spiritual or neither.

Meet Our Spiritual Care and Chaplaincy Teams