Visiting Medical Students

Congratulations on being accepted for a visiting medical student elective at Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine. Prior to the start of your elective, please review all of the following information. Your acceptance email will indicate if there are any requirements that remain outstanding; if so, you must have these items completed prior to the start of your elective.


You are encouraged to familiarize yourself with the following policies:

Johns Hopkins Enterprise Directory (JHED) System

As a visiting medical student, you have been assigned a JHED login ID, which will allow you to access Johns Hopkins information systems. Your JHED login ID has already been established. However, before you can begin using this ID, you will need to verify your identity and set up a password for the JHED system. You have 20 days from the date of your activation letter to log into this system.  JHED requires you to verify your identity with your U.S. Social Security Number (SSN) and date of birth. If you do not have a U.S. SSN, a pseudo-number has been assigned to you.  Your JHED ID is needed in order for you to complete the required HIPAA training. If you need access to the EPR system, this ID is needed for that system as well.   Your JHED login ID and pseudo-number, if applicable, were noted on your acceptance letter.

Requirements to Begin Your Elective

Required Training

All visiting medical students are required to comply with Johns Hopkins' policies and complete the appropriate training courses prior to starting a rotation. These JHUSOM training courses can be completed in myJH through the MyLearning portal and are required even though you may have completed similar training in your home institution.  The courses you are required to complete are:

  • Patient Privacy for Workforce Members course
  • Electronic Information Security and Data Management Training course
  • Preparing for an Active Assailant in the Clinical and Non-clinical Environment Training 
  • Title IX and Harassment Prevention Training
  • Opioid Awareness Training

Please complete all training courses at least 10 days prior to your start date. While the Office of the Registrar will be notified upon successful completion of each course, if training is completed less than 5 days prior to your start date, you will be required to submit certificates of completion at the time of registration.

For technical issues regarding these courses, please contact the JHM myLearning Support Team

Criminal Background Investigation - for Students with U.S. SSNs Only

Johns Hopkins requires visiting medical students who have a U.S. SSN to provide proof of having received a criminal background investigation (CBI) in order to be allowed to register for an elective.  If a criminal background investigation report is on file with your home institution, you can submit that documentation for this requirement.  If that documentation is not available or an investigation was not conducted, you are required to have this investigation conducted through JHU for an additional fee, due at the time of registration.

Send an email to so that your request can be generated by our office; you will be contacted by the Universal Background Screening company with a secure link so that you can provide the data needed to begin the investigation.

JHUSOM reserves the right to rescind an offer of acceptance for any individual whose background investigation reveals a history of criminal conduct.

Training in Blood Borne Pathogens and Universal Precautions - for Clinical Electives Only

Johns Hopkins requires visiting medical students who are scheduled for clinical electives to provide proof of having received training in Blood Borne Pathogens and Universal Precautions.  If this training was provided at your school, you may submit proof of such training to meet this requirement.  If you need take this training, you can log onto the JHED-authenticated myLearning website, search the course catalog for the online 'Bloodborne Pathogens' course and register for it.  After successful completion of training, you will be able to print a certificate that can be submitted as proof that training was received.


An Immunization record form should have been submitted with your application. If not, it must be submitted with adequate time for review prior to the start of your elective. This form is reviewed by University Health Services (UHS) personnel. UHS will correspond directly with you concerning any questions they have regarding your health record. UHS will notify the Office of the Registrar when your health record has been accepted and you are approved to register for your elective based on this requirement.

Included in the immunization record form is the requirement for a yearly influenza vaccination.  For more information about the Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine flu vaccination requirements, please see

Health Insurance

All visiting students must have health insurance that meets the requirements established by JHU. The coverage must be ACA compliant. If you are a domestic student and have acceptable alternative coverage, you do not need to take action on the AHP site.

If you do not have coverage, you are required to enroll in JHU’s health coverage on the AHP website by uploading a copy of your appointment letter: Johns Hopkins University - Visiting Students & Trainees | Home (

If you are a F1/J1 visiting student, you must enroll into coverage, you cannot waive.

For more information regarding your benefits and eligibility please visit the website. If you have any questions, please email


University Health Services

Payment of the registration fee entitles visiting medical students access to the student health clinic through University Health Services.


Visiting medical students are assigned a Johns Hopkins email account for the duration of the elective only.

Although you may create an alias to your JHMI email account, SOM faculty and staff will ONLY communicate with you through the JHMI email address that has been provided. 

You are not able to forward your JHMI email to a non-Hopkins email account.  This protocol is enabled to ensure that information is maintained securely within JHM.

You should familiarize yourself with the University's Information Technology policies as you are required to adhere to them.


You should plan to bring your own white coat, as the school does not provide uniforms.


The maximum daily rate for parking in a JHMI garage is $12. No discounted parking coupons are available.

JH SafeRide is available to students living within 1.5 miles of the East Baltimore Campus. To ensure that your local Baltimore address is available for this service, update it here.

EPIC System - for Clinical Electives Only

Information regarding access to the Johns Hopkins' EPIC System is provided in your acceptance letter.

Office of International Student, Faculty and Staff Services - for Non-U.S. Citizens Only

Students accepted for a Clinical or Research Elective must secure a B-1/B-2 nonimmigrant visa to allow them to enter the U.S. [unless eligible to enter under the Visa Waiver Program]. Visiting medical students do not qualify for F-1 or J-1 sponsorship from Johns Hopkins as they have not been unconditionally admitted to a degree program and will not receive academic credit.  You will find that your dealings with the American Consul will be facilitated by presentation this advisory letter.

Needle Stick Exposures

If you are exposed to potentially infected blood or body fluid, you must call the needle stick hotline immediately for instructions:

Important Telephone Numbers

University Health Services (UHS) Hours:

  • Monday thru Friday, 8 am to 5 pm
  • Extended hours: Tuesday and Thursday evenings til 7 pm
  • UHS Appointments/Information: 410-955-3250
  • Physician On-Call: 410-955-4331
  • Adult Medical/Surgical Emergency: 410-955-4331
  • Psychiatric Emergencies: 410-955-1892

All visiting medical students have access to UHS for primary care.

Cooley Fitness Center

 The Denton A. Cooley Fitness Center is available for use by visiting medical students.

Welch Medical Library

Visiting medical students are given access to the Welch Medical Library for the duration of their elective.


Before you begin your elective, the following items must be completed prior to the receipt of your ID badge:

  • Clearance of immunizations by University Health Services (UHS)
  • Payment of any applicable elective fees
  • Completion of all Required Online Trainings
  • Health Care Form or Waiver

If the aforementioned items are not completed, you will not be permitted to start your elective on time.


Questions concerning this information can be directed to: