Research Opportunities

A Passion for Discovery
Research is foundational at Johns Hopkins. Scientists and physicians alike, as well as the students they mentor, pursue knowledge “to identify and answer fundamental questions in the mechanisms, prevention and treatment of disease, in health care delivery and in the basic sciences,” in accordance with to the school of medicine’s mission.
Medical students in the M.D./Ph.D. program typically have research-based career aspirations, and certainly Johns Hopkins offers an extraordinary array of research topics to interest them. While M.D.-only students are not required to do research during their years here, the vast majority of them ultimately choose to do so. Chalk it up to the intellectual curiosity that seems to be infectious at Johns Hopkins.
Students and Research
The pursuit of original knowledge is at the heart of the Genes to Society curriculum. The 18-month long scholarly concentration provides the opportunity to pursue basic or clinical research, or to investigate such topics as the history of medicine, public health or bioethics.
Depending on the student’s interests and the degree they are pursuing, research experiences can range from two-month electives to a year or more of leave for extended study.
Every summer, nearly 100 students pursue investigations of all types with support from Johns Hopkins-sponsored grants. Given the highly collaborative nature of the Johns Hopkins educational approach, students aren’t simply involved in research; they power it. Working closely with their faculty advisers, the young researchers are active participants in discovery here at Johns Hopkins.
- View research opportunities.
- View the Science Calendar to see research-based events happening on campus.