HOPE Center

Hopkins Outreach for Pediatric Education

doctor with patient

The mission of Hopkins Outreach for Pediatric Education is to improve the care of severely ill and injured children in Maryland by:

  • Providing quality education to health care providers caring for children in a variety of settings
  • Emphasizing preventive aspects of health care in order to optimize outcomes in ill and injured children
  • Serving as a forum for long-range development of educational initiatives for all child health care providers
  • Collaborating with community resources for design, implementation and evaluation of pediatric continuing education programs



For a HOPE brochure, including a PALS course registration form, or to inquire about CPR, BLS or ACLS courses, please contact the CPR Office at cproffice@jhmi.edu or call 410-955-9343.

Faculty & Staff

Caitlin O'Brien, M.D., M.P.H.

Assistant Professor, Pediatric Critical Care Medicine
Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine
HOPE Medical Director

Billy Arthes - HOPE Center Training Center Coordinator

Deb Aksamit - CPR Office Manager