Radiation Oncology Residency

Our residency program in the Johns Hopkins Department of Radiation Oncology and Molecular Radiation Sciences at the Sidney Kimmel Comprehensive Cancer Center is a comprehensive four-year residency program. Our 16 residents are trained in all radiotherapy techniques, including proton therapy, MRI-guided gynecologic brachytherapy, intra-operative brachytherapy, stereotactic ablative radiotherapy, stereotactic radiosurgery, total body irradiation, and radiopharmaceutical administration. Residents receive their radiation oncology training in an exceptional multidisciplinary oncology environment in the setting of a world-renowned tertiary academic hospital and its resources. Trainees have the opportunity to spend a full year dedicated to research.

Our Mission

Our goal is to set the standard of excellence in radiation oncology education, preparing residents to become leaders in clinical care, research, and education.


  • To train excellent, independent radiation oncologists
  • To train leaders in research, clinical care and education
  • To cultivate an inclusive and diverse learning environment

Residents will work in the Department of Radiation Oncology and Molecular Radiation Sciences at the Sidney Kimmel Comprehensive Cancer Center in an academic clinical setting, in a community setting, and in the laboratory.

Learn more about the residency:


Program Leadership

  • Tina Doerer
    Radiation Oncology Residency & Physics Residency Program Coordinator,
    Medical Training Administrator
    Telephone:410-955-7390 or 410-502-1419
    E-mail: tdoerer1@jh.edu
  • Ruth Lewis
    Fellowship and Medical Student Program Coordinator
    Telephone:410-955-7390 or 410-502-1419
    E-mail: rlewisf@jhmi.edu

The Johns Hopkins Hospital
Department of Radiation Oncology and Molecular Radiation Sciences
401 North Broadway, Suite 1440
Baltimore, MD 21231


Our Trainees

Meet our current and previous residents.


Clinical Rotations

At least 36 months of the residency are spent in required clinical rotations. Residents can choose to spend the remaining 12 months in elective or specialized rotations, including medical oncology, oncologic pathology, or diagnostic imaging, and research. Residents are advised to allot time for dosimetry training during clinical rotations.

Throughout the course of their training, residents will gain experience through the spectrum of radiation management with simulation scanning, on-treatment patient management, follow-up care, and the clinical and technical aspects of advanced techniques such as brachytherapy and proton beam therapy. All residents will rotate in all subspecialty areas of radiation oncology during the first three years of the residency. Residents have unique opportunity to learn oncologic management and interact in weekly highly-coordinated multidisciplinary clinics with surgical and medical oncology attendings and fellows.

Additionally, residents will have the opportunity to evaluate inpatient consults in a dedicated inpatient PRISM (Palliative Radiation in Supportive Medicine) service.

The clinical rotations will offer residents the opportunity to:

  • Learn to evaluate patients for the full range of oncology care necessary, including gathering the appropriate information, performing a directed physical exam, reviewing diagnostic test results, and presenting the case to the faculty radiation oncologist
  • Learn the principles of treatment planning and the technical aspects of simulation
  • Understand the acute effects of treatment and their management
  • Participate in follow-up clinics to understand the late effects of treatment and management of complications and recurrences

Throughout the course of their training, residents will gain experience with simulation scanning, on-treatment patient management, and the clinical and technical aspects of brachytherapy. All residents will rotate in all subspecialty areas of radiation oncology during the first three years of the residency.

Additionally, residents will participate in the on-call schedule, where they will have the opportunity to evaluate inpatient consults in the evenings and on weekends.

Research Opportunities

Each resident is expected to be involved with at least one research project during the program (whether or not a research elective is chosen). Trainees have the opportunity for up to 12 months of dedicated research time. Residents have multiple opportunities to present research projects at regional and national scientific societies. Each resident will receive annual travel budget to use for meetings.

At Johns Hopkins, residents have a long history of research and extracurricular achievement, a reflection of the vast resources that JHH offers, mentorship provided by attendings, and quality of the residents themselves. Resident achievement has included:

  • First resident-led Plenary presentation at the annual ASTRO meeting
  • Two ASTRO Resident Seed Grants winners
  • RSNA Grant Winners
  • White House Fellowship
  • Four acceptances into the AACR Methods in Clinical Cancer Research Workshop
  • One acceptance into the AACR Molecular Biology in Clinical Oncology Workshop
  • ASCO Young Investigator Award
  • ASTRO Global Health Scholar Award with international Research Experience in Africa
  • American Board of Medical Specialties (ABMS) Visiting Scholar Award
  • 13 oral presentations at the annual ASTRO meeting
  • Over 50+ peer-reviewed publications
  • Chair of ARRO Executive Committee, Equity and Inclusion Subcommittee
  • Chair of ACRO Resident Committee

Mentorship Opportunities

Uniquely, Johns Hopkins resident physicians receive support and guidance through a dedicated research committee composed of Director of the Department of Johns Hopkins Radiation Oncology and Molecular Radiation Sciences, the Director of the Division of Molecular Radiation, the Residency Program Directors, and the chief residents. This committee guides residents throughout their research period, both before and during their research year.

Academic Conferences, including Diversity, Equity and Inclusion efforts

Residents are expected to participate in academic sessions including didactic lectures and case presentations (Monday and Friday, at least 4 hours week), Residents will participate in dedicated weekly physics and radiobiology courses. Residents participate in weekly radiation peer review conference.

Trainees are encouraged to participate in additional departmental and cancer center-wide academic conference opportunities including:

  • Grand rounds (weekly)
  • Journal Clubs (weekly; includes statistics instruction)
  • Diversity, Equity and Inclusion curriculum series and visiting speakers

Hours and leave

The residency program complies with the ACGME regulations governing resident work hours. Time spent in the clinic/hospital performing patient care counts towards the 80-hour/week maximum. New residents do not participate in the call rotation for their first two months of training.

In keeping with the requirements of the American Board of Radiology training requirements, 20 workdays of leave (including vacation and sick leave) are authorized during each year of residency. Typically, the maximum amount of leave taken during any single rotation should not exceed five workdays.

Application Process

All applications must be submitted to the National Resident Matching Program (NRMP). All supporting documents, the Dean's Letter, and three letters of support are required. Trainees will enter the residency program as PGY-2 residents, after completion of PGY-1 internship.


Applicants selected for interviews are notified in November and interviews are typically scheduled in December and January.

In addition, applicants will usually have an opportunity to meet with current residents in a social and informal setting the night before interviews.

Applicants meet with the department chair and the residency director, in addition to interviews with members of the faculty and a senior resident. Interviewees will tour the department and hospital and current residents will be available for discussions and to answer questions.