Clinical Team

Our team of clinicians and nurses specialize in working with specific types of tumors and cancers, as well as certain types of radiation therapies. This specialization not only gives them more expertise, it provides a depth of insight into each patient's needs and concerns and enables them to offer more compassionate care.
Dosimetrists carefully calculate the dose of radiation and develop the treatment plan to make sure the tumor gets the correct radiation as prescribed by the radiation oncologist. They work with the doctor and the medical physicist to choose the treatment plan that is just right for each patient. Dosimetrists take a certification examination administered by the Medical Dosimetrist Certification Board. Many dosimetrists began as radiation therapists, followed by intense medical dosimetrist training. Others receive bachelors degrees, followed by training.
Medical physicists
Medical physicists oversee the entire flow in the radiation oncology clinic. They work with the physicians and dosimetrists to develop customized treatment plans for each patient, and with the therapists to ensure the safety and accuracy of each patient's daily treatments. The medical physics team is responsible for the development and management of the of Quality Management Program that governs the quality control of the equipment, imaging and treatment delivery. They also work with the clinical team to evaluate new equipment, procedures, and clinical trials to ensure that the most contemporary treatments are available for our patients. Additionally, our medical physics faculty lead innovative research in imaging, informatics, and technology development; all focusing on the development of new translational techniques to improve personalized radiation therapy plans provided to each patient.
Radiation oncology nurses
Radiation oncology nurses care for patients during the course of treatment. Along with the oncologist, the nurses are the key links to the patients and their families, talking with them before and during treatment to ensure the patient's comfort, monitoring the patient's condition, and managing any side effects. They provide information, reassurance, and assistance to each patient they care for. Nurses at Johns Hopkins are each specialized in specific tumors and cancers, just as our radiation oncologists are subspecilized in specific tumors. In addition to experience and expertise not found elsewhere, this specialization also means that they can devote more time to the patients they care for and their families.
Radiation therapists
Radiation therapists administer the daily radiation treatment under the doctor's prescription and supervision. Radiation therapists at Johns Hopkins are subspecialized, meaning they work with certain kinds of treatments, providing a depth of experience and expertise that is unmatched. Radiation therapists complete a two- to four-year program after high school or college. They must take an examination to be certified by the American Registry of Radiologic Technologists.