Lymphoma and Myeloma

Radiation therapy may be used in a variety of ways to treat patients with lymphoma. It may be used as a primary therapy or after surgery to prevent the disease from recurring. Radiation may also be helpful if used after or along with chemotherapy as a definitive treatment or for pain relief. Johns Hopkins offers several treatment combinations, which may include radiation and immunotherapy, to fight lymphoma.

Our Team of Lymphoma Specialists

Fariba Asrari, MD

  • Director, Johns Hopkins Breast Center - Green Spring Station

Our Lymphoma Treatments

Our radiation oncologists use the following radiation therapies to treat lymphoma:

  • Image-guided, intensity-modulated radiation therapy (IG-IMRT) – IMRT delivers targeted radiation doses to the tumor site, patterned to match the shape of the tumor through modulating the intensity of the radiation beams.
  • Volumetric modulated arc radiotherapy (VMAT) – Single or multiple radiation beams sweep around the patient, greatly reducing treatment time. Three-dimensional imaging technology aids in the precision of radiation delivery, giving doctors the ability to visualize the tumor at the time of treatment. 
  • Stereotactic radiosurgery  – This treatment is a nonsurgical radiation therapy that can be used as an alternative to invasive surgery. The technology delivers multiple radiation beams from different angles and planes. Three-dimensional  images are used to determine the exact location of the tumor.
  • TomoTherapy – Detailed, three-dimensional maps of a tumor’s size and location are created, then the machine delivers small beamlets of radiation from various angles, providing exceptional accuracy when targeting tumors.

Search for an open clinical trial available at The Johns Hopkins Sidney Kimmel Comprehensive Cancer Center.