Treating chronic pain syndromes

The Pain Treatment Program in the Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences offers comprehensive evaluation, treatment planning, and care for patients with chronic, disabling pain that requires intensive rehabilitation.

The Pain Treatment Program's Approach

Patients with chronic pain often become disabled in the pursuit of gaining relief from their pain. Our philosophy of pain treatment is based on our experience that patients suffer more when their functioning and quality of life are impaired.

The Johns Hopkins Pain Treatment Program Virtual Tour: Inpatient Unit

The Meyer Hallway

Staff walk down the Meyer hallway.
The nurses' station on the unit.

Located on the 6th floor of the Meyer Building at the Johns Hopkins Hospital, our specialty inpatient unit cares for patients from all over the country.

Contact Us

Pain Treatment Program
Johns Hopkins Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Science
600 North Wolfe Steet, Meyer 143
Baltimore, Maryland 21287

Phone: 410-614-2068
Fax: 410-955-6155