Our Expert Team

Meet our Memory Center Physicians and Nurses


  • Kostas G. Lyketsos, MD

    • Elizabeth Plank Althouse Professor
    • Professor of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences

    Expertise: Psychiatry

  • Esther Oh, MD PhD

    • Co-Director, Johns Hopkins Memory and Alzheimer's Treatment Center
    • Associate Professor of Medicine

    Expertise: Geriatric Medicine

  • Paul B. Rosenberg, MD

    • Co-Director, Memory and Alzheimer's Treatment Center Division of Geriatric Psychiatry and Neuropsychiatry
    • Professor of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences

    Expertise: Psychiatry

  • Nicole Thornton
    Ambulatory Services Manager, Memory Center and Alpha Commons Psychiatry Outpatient Clinic


  • Antonsdottir, Inga, PhD, DNP, AGNP-C
  • Kapogiannis, Dimitrios, M.D.


Andrea Nelson, RN, MSN

Director, Memory Care Programs Memory and Alzheimer's Treatment Center
Andrea Nelson, RN, MSN
Jenine Folk, RN
Christina Kelly, RN
Brandi Sadler, RN
Brandi Sadler, RN