Research Studies at the Johns Hopkins Center for Reproductive Mental Health
We are also actively recruiting participants for ongoing research studies. The combination of research with clinical practice keeps our clinicians up to date with evidence-based and high-quality practices.
Allopregnanolone and Dynamic GABA-A Receptor Plasticity in Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitor (SSRI) Responsive Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder

The Johns Hopkins Reproductive Mental Health Center, at the Johns Hopkins School of Medicine, is seeking individuals with regular menstrual cycles to participate in a research study on premenstrual syndrome (PMS) or premenstrual dysphoric disorder (PMDD), or mood changes in the week before a menstrual period. This study will also be investigating the effects of anti-depressants in managing PMS/PMDD. We are looking both for women who DO experience premenstrual mood symptoms and women who do NOT experience premenstrual mood symptoms before their periods.
Participants will have 1 remote visit, including mood questionnaires, tracking your menstrual cycle, and providing blood samples. Following the remote visit, there will be 4-8 blood draws over the span of 1-2 months.
To be eligible for the study, participants must
- Be age 18-50
- Have a regular menstrual cycle
- Not be taking hormonal birth control
- Not using psychiatric medications
- Participants can receive between $240 - $340 in compensation for completion of the study
Study Location: Johns Hopkins Reproductive Mental Health Center 550 North Broadway, Baltimore, MD 21205
Contact Information:
Research Assistant: Annie Ho
Email: Contact Phone: (301)-615-0745
Principal Investigator: Liisa Hantsoo, Ph.D (Protocol# IRB00445770)

The DIBS Study: Diet, Inflammation, BMI, Stress
Dietary Fat Intake, Obesity, and Stress in Women with Premenstrual Mood Disorders: A Perfect Storm for Inflammation?
The Johns Hopkins Reproductive Mental Health Center, at the Johns Hopkins School of Medicine, is seeking individuals with regular menstrual cycles to participate in a research study on premenstrual syndrome (PMS) or premenstrual dysphoric disorder (PMDD), or mood changes and diet in the week before a menstrual period. This study will also be investigating the relationship between diet, PMS/PMDD, and inflammation. We are looking both for women who DO experience premenstrual mood symptoms and women who do NOT experience premenstrual mood symptoms before their periods. We are looking for women who have healthy BMIs (18.5-24.9) and overweight BMIs.
Participants will have 1 remote visit, including mood questionnaires, tracking your menstrual cycle, and providing saliva and stool samples. Following the remote visit, there will be a in-person laboratory visit that will take around 3 hours to complete
To be eligible for the study, participants must
- Be age 18-50
- Have a regular menstrual cycle
- Not be taking hormonal birth control
- Not using psychiatric medications
- No history of endocrine disorders
- No regular tobacco use
- Participants can receive $100 in compensation for completion of the study.
Study Location: Johns Hopkins Reproductive Mental Health Center, 550 North Broadway St., Baltimore, MD 21205
Contact Information:
Research Assistant: Annie Ho
Email: Contact Phone: (301)-615-0745
Principal Investigator: Liisa Hantsoo, Ph.D (Protocol#: IRB00464411)
For more information and to complete the online screening
Survey of Premenstrual or Perimenopausal Symptom Coping
Researchers at Johns Hopkins University are seeking individuals to participate in a research study looking at views about psychedelics and the psychological effects of psychedelics. In collaboration with the Johns Hopkins Center for Psychedelic and Consciousness Research, we are conducting this online survey to assess individuals’ emotions, beliefs, behaviors, and experiences related to using a drug, particularly in the context of the menstrual cycle, premenstrual symptoms, or perimenopausal symptoms.
- Volunteers must be 18 years of age or older and be willing to respond to an anonymous survey.
Please click the link to participate in the anonymous survey.
Principal Investigator: David Yaden, Ph.D Protocol #: IRB00298239