Sushant Kachhap, PhD
- Johns Hopkins School of Medicine Faculty
- English
MaleAbout Sushant Kachhap
Primary Academic Title
Associate Professor of Oncology
Centers and Institutes
Contact for Research Inquiries
1650 Orleans Street CRB I-1M42
Baltimore, MD 21287-0013
Phone: (410) 502-6489
Research Interests
Prostate Cancer Biology
Research Summary
My research focuses on prostate cancer biology and deciphering molecular mechanisms responsible for metastasis and DNA repair in prostate cancer with the goal to target these pathways. Our work has targeted androgen signaling, DNA repair, and metastatic pathways with novel therapeutics and combined it with existing therapeutic modalities to achieve a better therapeutic index. We have also deciphered the molecular function of NDRG1, a prostate metastasis suppressor that is involved in vesicular transport. Our work continues to identify novel molecular targets for prostate cancer therapy.
Selected Publications
Croessmann, S., Wong, H. Y., Zabransky, D. J., Chu, D., Mendonca, J., Sharma, A., Mohseni, M., Rosen, D. M., Scharpf, R. B., Cidado, J., Cochran, R. L., Parsons, H. A., Dalton, W. B., Erlanger, B., Button, B., Cravero, K., Kyker-Snowman, K., Beaver, J. A., Kachhap, S., Hurley, P. J., Lauring, J., and Park, B. H. (2015) NDRG1 links p53 with proliferation-mediated centrosome homeostasis and genome stability. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 112, 11583-11588
Hao Geng, Changhui Xue, Janet Mendonca, Xiao-Xin Sun, Qiong Liu , Patrick N. Reardon , Yingxiao Chen, Kendrick Qian , Vivian Hua , Alice Chen , Freddy Pan , Julia Yuan , Sang Dang , Tomasz M. Beer, Mu-Shui Dai, Sushant K. Kachhap, David Z. Qian., (2018). Interplay between hypoxia and androgen controls a metabolic switch conferring resistance to androgen/AR-targeted therapy. Nature Communications. 26;9 (1):4972
Mark C. Markowski, Eugene Shenderov, Mario A. Eisenberger, Sushant Kachhap, Samuel R. Denmeade, Emmanuel S. Antonarakis (2020). Extreme Responses to Immune Checkpoint Blockade Following Bipolar Androgen Therapy and Enzalutamide in Patients with Metastatic Castration Resistant Prostate Cancer. The Prostate 2020;80(5):407-411
Sharma, A., Mendonca, J., Ying, J., Kim, H. S., Verdone, J. E., Zarif, J. C., Carducci, M., Hammers, H., Pienta, K. J., and Kachhap, S. (2017) The prostate metastasis suppressor gene NDRG1 differentially regulates cell motility and invasion. Mol Oncol 11, 655-669
Teply, B.A., Kachhap, S., Eisenberger, M.A., Denmeade, S.R., 2017. Extreme Response to High-dose Testosterone in BRCA2- and ATM-mutated Prostate Cancer. Eur Urol 71, 499
- Director's Teaching Award, The Sidney Kimmel Comprehensive Cancer Center, Johns Hopkins University, 5/20/20
- Invited as a grant reviewer for Emersons Collective, Emersons Collective, 1/1/20
- Department of Defense PCRP Idea Development Award, Department of Defense, 9/1/19
- Allegheny Health Network Award, Allegheny Health Network Award, 3/1/19
- Prostate Cancer Foundation Challenge Award, Prostate Cancer Foundation, 2/1/19
- Invited as a grant reviewer for French National Alliance for Life and Health Sciences jointly with the French National Cancer Institute (INCa), French National Cancer Institute, 12/9/18
- Member of the Reproducibility Review Panel for the journal eLIFE, Journal eLIFE, 12/20/16
- Member of the National Coalition of Cancer Survivorship, National Coalition of Cancer Survivorship, 7/1/16
- Invited as a grant reviewer for Allegheny Health Network, Allegheny Health Network, 12/15/14
- Department of Defense Prostate Cancer Exploratory Hypothesis Award, Department of Defense Prostate Cancer Exploratory Hypothesis Award, 9/1/11
- Invited as a grant reviewer for The Prostate Cancer Charity United Kingdom, The Prostate Cancer Charity United Kingdom, 2/7/11
- Department of Defense Breast Cancer Concept Award, Department of Defense, 9/1/10
- David Koch Award for Prostate Cancer Research, David Koch Foundation, 4/30/10
- Invited as a grant reviewer for the Israel Science Foundation, Israel Science Foundation, 3/31/10
- Invited as a grant reviewer for the Prostate Cancer Foundation of Australia, Prostate Cancer Foundation of Australia, 12/1/09
- Flight Attendant Medical Research Institute Young Clinical Scientist Award., Flight Attendant Medical Research Institute, 3/30/08
- Prostate Cancer Foundation Award, Prostate Cancer Foundation, 1/1/08
- AEGON International Fellowship, AEGON, 5/1/02
- Senior Research Fellowship, Council of Scientific and Industrial Research, India, Council of Scientific and Industrial Research, India, 12/1/96
- Junior Research Fellowship Cancer Research Institute, Mumbai, India, Cancer Research Institute, Mumbai, India, 11/1/94
- GATE 1993 Indian Institute Of Technology., Indian Institute Of Technology., 5/1/93
- American Association for Cancer Research, since 2002,
- Member of the National Coalition of Cancer Survivorship, since 2016