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Brian O'Rourke

Brian O'Rourke, PhD

Johns Hopkins Affiliations:
  • Johns Hopkins School of Medicine Faculty


  • English



About Brian O'Rourke

Professional Titles

  • Robert L. Levy Professor in Cardiology
  • Vice Chair of Basic and Translational Research, Department of Medicine
  • Director, Bernard Laboratory of Fundamental Research in Preventive Cardiology

Primary Academic Title

Professor of Medicine


Dr. Brian O’Rourke is a Professor of Medicine at the Heart and Vascular Institute. He uses an integrative approach to study the biophysics, energetics and physiology of cardiac cells in normal and diseased states.

A consistent theme of his work has been that mitochondrial dysfunction plays a key role in the mechanisms of arrhythmogenesis, contractile impairment and energetic abnormalities during the progression of heart failure and sudden cardiac death.  Applying a systems biology approach, employing cardiac cell physiology, “omics”, and computational biology, his group has revealed the interplay between ion gradients, redox/ROS balance and energy supply, which, when disrupted, can trigger nonlinear mitochondrial responses that scale to cause global cardiac dysfunction and fatal arrhythmias. Development of therapies that improve the bioenergetic and redox functions of mitochondria is an area of increasing interest in the cardiovascular field, and his group has been a key contributor advancing these ideas.

Dr. O’Rourke holds a bachelor’s degree in Biochemistry from Pennsylvania State University and a Ph.D. in physiology from Thomas Jefferson University. After completing a fellowship within the Cardiology Division at Johns Hopkins University, he joined the faculty in 1993. He has served as Associate Editor of Circulation Research and Chaired the Electrical Signaling, Transport and Arrhythmias Study Section of the NHLBI. He currently serves as the Vice Chair of Basic and Translational Research for the Department of Medicine.

Centers and Institutes

Additional Academic Titles

Professor of Biomedical Engineering

Contact for Research Inquiries

720 Rutland Avenue
Ross 1060
Baltimore, MD 21205

Phone: (410) 614-0034
Fax: (410) 502-5055

Research Interests

Arrhythmias, Cardioprotection, Computational Biology, Excitation-Contraction coupling in heart failure, Heart Failure, Ischemia-Reperfusion, Mitochondria, Molecular manipulation of cardiac excitability, Oscillatory behavior of energy metabolism, Proteomics, Regulation of ion channels by energy metabolism in heart cells

Lab Website

O'Rourke Lab - Lab Website

  • The O'Rourke Lab uses an integrated approach to study the biophysics and physiology of cardiac cells in normal and diseased states. Research in our lab has incorporated mitochondrial energetics, Ca2+ dynamics, and electrophysiology to provide tools for studying how defective function of one component of the cell can lead to catastrophic effects on whole cell and whole organ function. By understanding the links between Ca2+, electrical excitability and energy production, we hope to understand the cellular basis of cardiac arrhythmias, ischemia-reperfusion injury, and sudden death. We use state-of-the-art techniques, including single-channel and whole-cell patch clamp, microfluorimetry, conventional and two-photon fluorescence imaging, and molecular biology to study the structure and function of single proteins to the intact muscle. Experimental results are compared with simulations of computational models in order to understand the findings in the context of the system as a whole. Ongoing studies in our lab are focused on identifying the specific molecular targets modified by oxidative or ischemic stress and how they affect mitochondrial and whole heart function. The motivation for all of the work is to understand - how the molecular details of the heart cell work together to maintain function and - how the synchronization of the parts can go wrong Rational strategies can then be devised to correct dysfunction during the progression of disease through a comprehensive understanding of basic mechanisms. Brian O'Rourke, PhD, is a professor in the Division of Cardiology and Vice Chair of Basic and Translational Research, Department of Medicine, at the Johns Hopkins University.

Core Facility

Mass Spectometry and Proteomics Core

Research Summary

Regulation of ion channels by energy metabolism and reactive oxygen species in heart cells
Oscillatory behavior of energy metabolism
Molecular mechanisms of heart failure and Sudden Cardiac Death
Mitochondrial ion channels and their role in protection against ischemic injury
Two-photon and confocal fluorescence imaging

Graduate Program Affiliations

  • Cellular and Molecular Medicine Biomedical Engineering

Additional Training

Thomas Jefferson University, Foerderer Fellowship; Thomas Jefferson University, NIH training grant; Johns Hopkins University, Cardiology Division



Thomas Jefferson University College of Graduate Studies - Philadelphia

Ph.D., 1990

Pennsylvania State University

B.S., 1983