Amanda M. Brown, PhD
- English
FemaleJohns Hopkins Affiliations:
- Johns Hopkins School of Medicine Faculty
About Amanda M. Brown
Primary Academic Title
Associate Professor of Neurology
Dr. Brown received her doctoral degree from The Albert Einstein College of Medicine of Yeshiva University in Microbiology and Immunology. She completed a postdoctoral fellowship in HIV-1 pathogenesis at the Aaron Diamond AIDS Research Center and joined the Department of Neurology at Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine in 2004. Now an Assistant Professor at Hopkins, Dr. Brown’s research is focused on elucidating the role of key macrophage host cell factors that are critical for HIV replication and neuropathogenesis using cellular, molecular, and genetic approaches. Current studies are focused on the role of osteopontin (OPN) in regulating inflammatory signaling pathways and function in macrophages and uncovering the molecular mechanisms by which OPN stimulates HIV replication in this cell type. OPN is upregulated in several neurodegenerative diseases including HIV-associated neurocognitive disorder (HAND) however its role in these pathogenic processes is not understood. Studies are underway to begin to fill this gap in knowledge.
Combination antiviral therapy is effective at suppressing HIV in the periphery, but the continued high prevalence of HIV-associated neurocognitive disorder (HAND) strongly suggests that HIV persistence predominantly in macrophages and microglia in the central nervous system (CNS) contributes to neuropathogenic processes. A second active area of investigation is to identify and study the molecular mechanisms for the establishment and maintenance of latent HIV reservoirs in tissue macrophages/microglia. In this regard, Dr. Brown and colleagues developed an in vitro model to study HIV latency and persistence in primary human monocyte-derived macrophages that is amenable to technologies capable of analyzing cells at the resolution of single-cells.
Additional Academic Titles
Associate Professor of Neuroscience
Research Summary
01/31/10-12/30/10; Osteopontin: An inflammatory mediator in neurodegenerative diseases; Margaret Q. Landenberger Research Foundation; $110,000; Principal Investigator: Amanda Brown
01/11/12-12/31/13 NIMH R21MH095646-01 (PI: Brown) The role of osteopontin in HIV-associated neurocognitive disorder: National Institutes of Mental Health 1; $275,000 (direct costs)
04/30/12-04/30/15 NIMH R25MH080661-05 (PI: McArthur; Co-PI: Brown) Translational Research in NeuroAIDS and Mental Health Train researchers in issues that face HIV infected populations of racial and ethnic minorities. $231, 821 (direct costs in year 2011)
Selected Publications
- Calixto-Hope Lucas; Mathilde Calvez; Roshni Babu; Amanda Brown Altered subcellular localization of the NeuN/Rbfox3 RNA splicing factor in HIV-associated neurocognitive disorders (HAND) Neuroscience Letters. 2014;558:97-102.
- Roshni Babu; Amanda Brown A consensus surface activation marker signature is partially dependent on human immunodeficiency virus type 1 Nef expression within productively infected macrophages Retrovirology. 2013;10(1).
- Charlene E. Gamaldo; Alyssa Gamaldo; Jason Creighton; Rachel E. Salas; Ola A. Selnes; Paula M. David; Gilbert Mbeo; Benjamin S. Parker; Amanda Brown; Justin C. McArthur; et al. Evaluating sleep and cognition in HIV Journal of Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndromes. 2013;63(5):609-616.
- Brown, A., Use of a macrophage-tropic GFP-tagged human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) to study viral reservoirs. Methods in Mol. Biol 2009;515:165-175.
- Grab, D, Garcia-Garcia, J. C., Nikolskaia, O V., Kim, Y. V., Brown, A., Pardo, C. A., Zhang, Y., Becker, K. G., Wilson, B. A., de A Lima, A P., Scharfstein, J., and J. S. Dumler. Protease activated receptor signaling is required for African typanosome traversal of human brain microvascular endothelial cells. PLOS Neglected Tropical Diseases 2009: 3(7):e479.
- Hammoud DA, Endres C.J., Hammond E., Uzuner O., Brown A., Nath A., Kaplin A.I., Pomper M.G. Imaging serotonergic transmission with [(11)C]DASB-PET in depressed and non-depressed patients infected with HIV. Neuroimage 2009; 49:2588-2595.
- Brown, A., Shiramizu, B., Nath, A., Valerie Wojna. 2011. Translational research in neuroAIDS: A neuroimmune pharmacology related CME course, J. Neuroimmun. Pharmacol. 6:80-88;Epub 2010 May 25.
- Brown, A., Islam, T., Adams, R., Nerle, S., Kamara, M., Eger, C., Marder, K., Cohen, B., Schifitto, G., McArthur, J., Sacktor, N., and C. Pardo. 2011. Osteopontin enhances HIV-1 replication and is increased in the brain and cerebrospinal fluid of HIV-infected individuals. J. Neurovirology 17:382-392.
- Brown, A., Sacktor, N., Marder, K., Cohen, B., Schifitto, G., Skolasky, R., Creighton, J., Guo, L and J. McArthur. 2012. CCL3L1 gene copy number in individuals with and without HIV-associated neurocognitive disorder. Current Biomarker Findings 2012; 2: 1-6.
Lectures & Presentations
- Relocalization of HIV-Gag+CD81+ virus containing compartments to the plasma membrane of primary human macrophages., 50th American Society for Cell Biology Conference, The Society for Leucocyte Biology, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, 1/1/10
- Research tools to isolate and study HIV-infected macrophage subpopulations., The Second Annual Symposium on Virology and Laser Microdissection. Integrated Research Facility, Division of Clinical Research/NIAID/NIH, Bethesda, Maryland, 5/1/09
- The role of osteopontin in HIV neuropathogenesis: in vitro and ex vivo analyses., 10th International Society for Neurovirology Conference, Milan, Italy, 1/1/10
- American Association for the Advancement of Science
- American Society for Cell Biology
- Society for Leukocyte Biology
- Women and Diversity Task Force
Professional Activities
- Journal of Neuroscience, Journal peer review, 1/1/05
- Journal of Neurovirology, Journal peer review, 1/1/10
- Research & Reviews - A Journal of Neuroscience, Section Editor, Journal peer review, 1/1/11
Additional Training
Johns Hopkins School of Medicine, Baltimore, MD, 2004, Postdoctoral Fellow; Aaron Diamond AIDS Research Center, New York, NY, 1999, Post-doctoral Fellowship