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Takanari Inoue

Takanari Inoue, PhD

Johns Hopkins Affiliations:
  • Johns Hopkins School of Medicine Faculty


  • English



About Takanari Inoue

Primary Academic Title

Professor of Cell Biology


Dr. Takanari Inoue is a professor of Cell Biology Department and a director of Center for Cell Dynamics at the Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine.

His research focuses on synthetic cell biology to dissect and reconstitute intricate signaling networks and dynamic cytoskeletal events.

The Inoue Lab develops a kind of actuator, converting energy to motion, at the molecular level with the high temporal and spatial precision to move and probe actions in live cells, such as chemotaxis, phagocytosis and degranulation, as well as the function of cilia, microtubules and stress granules. 

The findings have implications in treatment of neurodegenerative diseases, cancers, and polycystic kidney diseases.

Dr. Inoue received both his undergraduate degree in chemical biology and his Ph.D. in pharmaceutical science from the University of Tokyo. He completed postdoctoral training in chemical and systems biology at Stanford University. He joined the Johns Hopkins faculty in 2008.

He is a member of the American Society for Cell Biology, the Biophysical Society and the American Association for the Advancement of Science.

Additional Academic Titles

Professor of Biological Chemistry, Professor of Biomedical Engineering, Professor of Pharmacology and Molecular Sciences

Contact for Research Inquiries

855 N. Wolfe Street
Rangos Building
Baltimore, MD 21205

Phone: (443) 287-7668

Research Interests

Synthetic cell biology

Lab Website

Inoue Lab - Lab Website

  • Synthetic cell biology: total synthesis of cellular functions such as neutrophil chemotaxis and ciliary mechano-sensation

    Our research focuses on "synthetic cell biology" to dissect and reconstitute intricate signaling networks. In particular, we investigate positive-feedback mechanisms underlying the initiation of neutrophil chemotaxis (known as a symmetry breaking process), as well as spatio-temporally dynamic information processing at various compartments in living cells. In parallel, our lab also tries to understand how cell morphology affects biochemical functions. Ultimately, we will generate completely orthogonal nano-machinery in artificial cells that can achieve existing, and even novel, cellular functions.

    Our research is conducted in an open lab style building that embodies a multidisciplinary research approach. Students who are enthusiastic about learning diverse disciplines, developing innovative techniques and challenging fundamental biological problems would enjoy the environment. Students are always welcomed to our lab for discussions about potential research projects.

Research Summary

Dr. Inoue and his lab have developed a series of chemical-molecular tools that allow for inducible, quick-onset and specific perturbation of various signaling molecules. Using this novel technique in conjunction with fluorescence imaging, microfabricated devices, quantitative analysis and computational modeling, the Inoue Lab is dissecting intricate signaling networks. They investigate positive-feedback mechanisms underlying the initiation of neutrophil chemotaxis (known as a symmetry breaking process), as well as spatio-temporally compartmentalized Ras signaling. In parallel, the lab also tries to understand how cell morphology affects biochemical functions in cells. Ultimately, the team’s research seeks to generate completely orthogonal nano-machinery in cells that can achieve existing, as well as novel, cellular functions.

Selected Publications

  • Deb Roy A, Gross EG, Pillai GS, Seetharaman S, Etienne-Manneville S, Inoue T Non-catalytic allostery in α-TAT1 by a phospho-switch drives dynamic microtubule acetylation Journal of Cell Biology 2022;221:11:e1-20

  • Nakamura H, Lee AA, Afshar AS, Watanabe S, Rho E, Razavi S, Suarez A, Lin YC, Tanigawa M, Huang B, DeRose R, Bobb D, Hong W, Gabelli SB, Goutsias J, Inoue T Intracellular production of hydrogels and synthetic RNA granules by multivalent molecular interactions Nature Materials 2018;17:79-89

  • Nihongaki Y, Matsubayashi HT, Inoue T. A molecular trap inside microtubules probes luminal access by soluble proteins Nature Chemical Biology 2021;17:888-895

  • Phua SC, Chiba S, Suzuki M, Su E, Roberson EC, Pusapati GV, Schurmans S, Setou M, Rohatgi R, Reiter JF, Ikegami K, Inoue T Dynamic Remodeling of Membrane Composition Drives Cell Cycle through Primary Cilia Excision. Cell 2017;168:264-279

  • Wu HD, Kikuchi M, Dagliyan O, Aragaki AK, Nakamura H, Dokholyan NV, Umehara T, Inoue T Rational design and implementation of a chemically inducible hetero-trimerization system Nature Methods 2020;17:928-936


  • The Young Scientists' Prize, Commendation for Science and Technology by the Ministry of Education Science Sports and Culture, 1/1/14
  • Young Investigator Award, American Association of Anatomists, 1/1/14
  • PRESTO Investigator, Japanese Science and Technology, 1/1/13
  • Award for Young Scientists, The Pharmaceutical Society of Japan, 1/1/13
  • Ruth L. Kirschstein National Research Service Award, Quantitative Chemical Biology Program, 1/1/04

Graduate Program Affiliations

  • Biochemistry, Cellular and Molecular Biology Graduate Program

    Biological Chemistry

    Biomedical Engineering


  • American Society for Cell Biology
  • Japanese Society for Pharmaceutical Sciences

Additional Training

Stanford University, Palo Alto, CA, 2008, Chemical and Systems Biology



University of Tokyo

Ph.D., 2003

University of Tokyo

B.S., 1998