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Geetha Jayaram, MD
Johns Hopkins Affiliations:
- Johns Hopkins School of Medicine Faculty
About Geetha Jayaram
Professional Titles
- Co-Director, Short Stay Unit
Primary Academic Title
Professor of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences
Dr. Geetha Jayaram is a Professor in the Department of Psychiatry at the Johns Hopkins Hospital. She is also a Professor in the Departments of Health Policy and Management and Nursing. She has an MBA and is interested in health services research. Dr. Jayaram has presented at many national and international meetings and has lectured in the US and abroad. She is involved in patient care, teaching and research. Her administrative focus is to improve the quality and safety of health care for patients, develop and implement programs for psychiatric care in low and middle income countries.
Centers and Institutes
Selected Publications
- 1. Jayaram G, Coyle J, Tune L. Relapse in chronic schizophrenics treated with Fluphenazine Decanoate is
associated with low serum neuroleptic levels. J Clin Psychiat (1986) 47:247-248.
2. Rabins P, Pearlson G, Jayaram G, Steele C, Tune L. Increased ventricle-to-brain ratio in late-onset schizophrenia. Am J Psychiat (1987) 144:1216-1218.
3. Pearlson G, Wong K, Kubos K, Mobert P, Jayaram G, Heyler G, Goldfinger A, Tune L. Ventricle-Brain Ratio, Computed Tomographic Destiny and Brain Area in 50 schizophrenics. Arch Gen Psychiatry (1989) 46:690-7.
4. Strauss M, Reynolds K, Jayaram G, Tune L. Effects of Anticholinergic Medication on Memory in Schizophrenia. Schizophr Res (1990) 3:127-129.
5. Jayaram G, Janofsky JS, Fischer PJ. The Emergency Petition Process in Maryland. B Am Acad Psych Law (1990) 18:373-378.
6. Lehmann SW, Rabins PV, Jayaram G, Beyer V. Mental Health Needs of the Elderly Vary by Setting. Am J Geriat Psychiat (1993) 1:1.
7. Jayaram G, Tien A, Sullivan P, Gwon H. Elements of a successful short stay service. Psychiatr Serv (formerly Hospital and Community Psychiatry) (1996) 47:407-412.
8. Margolis RL, Harrison SA, Robinson HJ, Jayaram G. Occupational Therapy Task Observation Scale [OTTOS]: A new method for rating the functional capacity of psychiatric patients. Am J Occup Ther
(1996) ( May):380-385.
9. Jayaram G, Samuels J, Schretlen D, Gurny P. The Cognitive Limited Severely Mentally Ill: Concerns for Managed Care. Manag Care Quarterly (1997) 5:28-34.
10. Jones BN, Jayaram G, Samuels J, Robinson H. Relating Competency Status to Functional Status at discharge in the Chronically Mentally Ill. J Am Acad Psych & L (1998) 26:49-55.
11. Pearlson G, Schretlen D, Jayaram G. Brain MRI Changes in Schizophrenia. Schizophr Res (1999)
12. Schretlen D, Jayaram G, Maki P, Park K, Abebe S, DiCarlo M. Demographic, Clinical and Neurocognitive correlates of Everyday Functional Impairment in Severe Mental Illness. J Abnorm Psychol (2000)
13. Jayaram G. Patient Safety Forum: Developing a Strategic Plan. Psychiatr Serv (2004) 55:259-263.
14. Jayaram G, Casimir A. Major Depression and the use of Electroconvulsive Therapy (ECT) in Lung
Transplant recipients. Psychosomatics (2005) 46:244-249.
15. Grasso BC, Rothschild JM, Jordan CW, Jayaram G. What is the Measure of a safe hospital? Medication
errors missed by Management, Clinical Staff and Surveyors. J Psychiat Pract (2005) 11:1-7.
16. Jayaram G, Rao P. Safety of Trazodone as a Sleep Agent for Inpatients. Psychosomatics (2005)
17. Isaacs AN, Srinivasan K, Neerakkal I, Jayaram G. Initiating a community Mental Health programme in rural Karnataka. Indian J Community Med (2006) 31:86- 87.
18. Srinivasan K, Isaacs A, Thomas T, Jayaram G. Outcomes of Common Mental Disorders in Southern Rural India. Indian J Soc Psychiat (2006) 22:110-115.
19. Jayaram G. Implementing Performance Improvement and Measuring Psychiatric Care Quality. Psychiatry (2007) 4:58-61.
20. Jayaram G. Medication Errors in Psychiatric Treatment: Where Do We Go From Here? Psychiatry (2007) 4:63-64.
21. Jayaram G, Triplett P. Quality Improvement of Psychiatric Care: Challenges for Emergency Psychiatry. Am J Psychiat (2008) 165:1256-1260.
22. Jayaram G. Measuring Adverse Events in Psychiatry. Psychiatry (2008) 5:17-19.
23. Wasan AJ, Neufeld K, Jayaram G. Practice Patterns and Treatment Choices Among Psychiatrists in New Delhi, India: A Qualitative and Quantitative Study. Soc Psych Psych Epid (2009) 44:109-119.
24. Horn PJ, Reti IM, Jayaram G. Transdermal selegiline in patients receiving Electroconvulsive Therapy. Psychosomatics (2010) 51:176-178.
25. Byrisetty S, Goud BR, Pradeep J, Jayaram G. Designing and Implementing an Electronic Health Record System for a Rural Mental Health Program at the Primary Health Care Centre in Mugalur. Paper presentation at the E-Governance conference in Bangalore, India, June 2010. Proceedings published.
26. Jayaram G, Sporney H, Perticone P. The Utility and Effectiveness of 15-minute Checks in Inpatient Settings. Psychiatry (2010) 7:46-49.
27. Rao V, Goga J, Inscore A, Khushalani S, Rastogi P, Subramaniam G, Jayaram G. Attitudes towards Mental Illness and Help-Seeking Behaviors among South Asian Americans: Results of a Pilot Study. Asian J of Psych (2011) 4(1):76.
28. Jayaram G, Doyle D, Steinwachs D, Samuels J. Identifying and Reducing Medication Errors in Psychiatry: Creating a culture of safety through an adverse event reporting mechanism. J Psychiatr Pract (2011) 17(2):81-88.
29. Yad J, Jayaram G. Suicide Risk: Navigating the Failure Modes. Focus, Spring (2011) (IX):1-9.
30. Corrigan FE III, Kimmel MC, Jayaram G. Four Cases of Takotsubo Cardiomyopathy Linked with Exacerbations of Psychiatric Illness. Innov Clin Neurosci (2011) 8(7):50-53.
31. Jayaram G, Goud R, Srinivasan K. Overcoming cultural barriers to deliver comprehensive rural community mental health care in Southern India. Asian J of Psych (2011) 4(4):261-265.
32. Gallegos J, Vaidya P, DAgati D, Jayaram G, Nguyen T, Tripathi A, Trivedi JK, Reti I. Decreasing adverse outcomes of unmodified ECT: suggestions and possibilities. J ECT (2011) (In Press).
33. Vaidya P, Anderson E, Bobb A, Pulia K, Jayaram G, Reti I. A Within-Subject Comparison of Propofol and Methohexital Anesthesia for Electroconvulsive Therapy. J ECT (2012) 28(1):14-19.
34. Reti I, Walker M, Pulia K, Gallegos J, Jayaram G, Vaidya P. Safety considerations for outpatient electroconvulsive therapy. J Psychiatr Pract (2012) (In Press).
35. Jayaram G., Konrad S., Samuels J. Prediction and Prevention of Aggression and Seclusion by early screening and comprehensive Seclusion Documentation. Innovations in Clinical Neuroscience. June 2012. (In Press)
36. Jesus Gallegos, BA., Punit Vaidya, MD., Douglas DAgati, MA., Geetha Jayaram, MD., Thai Nguyen, MD., Adarsh Tripathi, MD., Jitendra K.Trivedi, MD., and Irving M.Reti., MBBS. Decreasing Adverse Outcomes of Unmodified Electroconvulsive Therapy: Suggestions and Possibilities. J of Ect., Vol. 00, No. 00, 2011.
Invited Review Articles
1. Ethnicity, Culture, and Mental Illness. Psych CME. Broadcast August (2004), CME Article.
2. Masand PS, Andreasen NC, Jayaram G, et al. Is Recovery an Achievable Goal in Schizophrenia? Psych CME. Broadcast February (2005), CME Invited Article.
3. Jayaram G. Psychiatrists Strive to Assure Patient Safety. Directions in Psychiatry (2006) Category 1. CME Invited Article.
4. Jayaram G. MAANASI: Rural mental health in Southern India. Association of Women Psychiatrists Newsletter (2006) 24:11-12. (Invited Article)
5. Jayaram G. The Physician Advisors role in Contemporary Psychiatry and the Quality of Care. Psychiatry
(2006) 3:50-56. (Invited Article)
6. Masand PS, Satcher D, Jayaram G. A Surgeon Generals Report on the Impact of Race (2006), CME Invited Article.
7. Jayaram G. Measuring Severity of Illness: The Clinicians Scylla of Patient Centeredness and the Charybdis of Payment for Care. JPAM (2011); 1(1). (Invited Article)
Case Reports
1. Tune LE, Folstein MF, Rabins RB, Jayaram G, McHugh PR. Familial manic-depressive illness and
Parkinsons disease. A Case Report. Johns Hopkins Medical Journal. 1982;151:65-70.
2. Lee H, Jayaram G, Teitelbaum M. Electroconvulsive Therapy for Depression in a Cardiac Transplant Patient. Psychosomatics. 2001;(42):362-364.
3. Reti I, Torres J, Morad A, Jayaram G. Pseudocholinesterase deficiency in an ECT patient: a case report. Psychosomatics. (In Press) 2011.
Letters, Correspondence
1. Anderson E, Janofsky J, Jayaram G. Argyria as a result of somatic delusions. Letter to the Editor, American Journal of Psychiatry. 2008;(165):649-650.
2. Jayaram G. Quality improvement in Health Care: The Six Ps of Root Cause Analysis. Letter to the Editor. American Journal of Psychiatry. 2009;(166):372-373.
Book Chapters/Book Review
1. Jayaram G. The Outpatient Clinic. Breakey WR (ed). Integrated Mental Health Services: Modern Community Psychiatry. New York: Oxford University Press, 1996, pp. 195-05.
2. Jayaram G. Gender Differences in Mood Disorders from Bench to Bedside. Edited by Ellen Leibenluft. Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease. Maryland: Lippincott, Williams and Wilkins Press, 2000,
pp. 721-722.
3. Taylor K, Brannan D, Rohde J, Dunn G, Keenan BV, Jayaram G. Preventing Patient Aggression: Assessment and Reporting as First Steps. Jones and Bartlett. Measuring Safety. Maryland: Johns University Press, 2004. Patient Safety Chapter.
4. Jayaram G. Culture and Safety in the Psychiatric Emergency Department. Cambridge University Press. Emergency Psychiatry. Edited by Arjun Chanmugam and Gabor Kelen (In press), 2010.
5. Jayaram G, Meuchel J. Mistaken identity in a patient with Schizophrenia. Book Chapter in The Value of Close Calls in Improving Patient Safety. Learning How to Avoid and Mitigate Patient Harm. Edited by Albert Wu. January, 2011.
6. Jayaram G, Venkatesh P. Where have all the girls gone? Female Feticide in India: a cultural genocide. Edited by Leah Dickstein. Book Chapter (In press), 2011.
1. Jayaram G, Herzog A. Handbook on Patient Safety: SAFEMD: Practical Applications and Approaches to Safe Psychiatric Practice. APPI Press, 2009. ISBN: 978-0-89042-345-5. (76 downloads since 7/2010 to 7/2011)
2. Women in Psychiatry: Personal Choices, Career Fulfillment. Edited by Norris D, Jayaram G, Primm A, American Psychiatric Association Press, 2011
- International Women's Day Honors, The World Bank, 3/1/18
- American Association of Psychiatric Administrators Leadership Award, American Association of Psychiatric Administrators, 5/1/17
- Kun Po Soo Award, Association of Asian American Psychiatrists, 5/1/17
- Paul McHugh Excellence in Teaching Award, Department of Psychiatry, 7/1/16
- Global Alumnus Service to Humanity Award, The Rotary Foundation, 6/1/15
- Association of Women Psychiatrists- Jeanne Spurlock Award, Association of Women Psychiatrists, 5/1/14
- The Rotary Foundation Global Alumni Service to Humanity Award, Zone 33 Candidate, The Rotary Foundation, 1/1/11
- Radha Pathak Award (for raising mental health awareness among South Asians), Counselors Helping Asian Indians, Columbia, MD, 1/1/10
- Distinguished Service Award, American Association of Psychiatric Administrators, Washington, DC, 1/1/08
- Presidents Award, (for community psychiatric service), St. Johns Medical College Alumni Association, Orlando, Florida, 1/1/08
- (6) Rotary International District level Awards including Best President for Humanitarian Service, Rotary International, 1/1/07
- Humanitarian Service Award (for a mental health project), India, Rotary International, 1/1/04
- Award for Leadership, Indo-American Psychiatric Association National Service, 1/1/02
- Award for Service Excellence, Association of Physicians from India, 1/1/01
- District Governors Award for Humanitarian Service in Rotary, Rotary International, 1/1/97
- Rotary International 4 Way Test Award, Rotary International, 1/1/97
- Distinguished Fellow, APA, 1/1/90
- Gold Award, Annual Hospital and Community Psychiatry Institute at Philadelphia (for a program in community psychiatry), 1/1/89
- Annual Family Practice Teaching Certificate, American Academy of Family Physicians (to those who have given at least 75 hours per year in teaching on a voluntary basis in a setting of family practice education), Prince Georges General Hospital, 1/1/82
- Gold Medal in Dermatology at the All India Conference of Dermatologists for ranking first in an All India competitive exam, St. Johns Medical College, Bangalore, India, 1/1/68
- American Association of Psychiatric Administrators
- American Medical Association
- American Women's psychiatric association
- Member of the American Psychiatric Association
Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine
Fellowship, Psychiatry, 1982Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine
Residency, Psychiatry, 1981St John's Medical College and Hospital of Bangalore University
Medical Education, Medicine, MD, 1974Board Certifications
American Board of Psychiatry and Neurology, 1984Insurance
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