Steven L. Salzberg, PhD
- Johns Hopkins School of Medicine Faculty
- English
MaleAbout Steven L. Salzberg
Professional Titles
- Bloomberg Distinguished Professor
- Director, Center for Computational Biology
Primary Academic Title
Professor of Biomedical Engineering
Steven Salzberg is the Bloomberg Distinguished Professor of Biomedical Engineering, Computer Science, and Biostatistics at Johns Hopkins University, where he is also the Director of the Center for Computational Biology in the Whiting School of Engineering, and an affiliate faculty member in the Department of Genetic Medicine. From 2005-2011, he was the Director of the Center for Bioinformatics and Computational Biology (CBCB) and the Horvitz Professor of Computer Science at the University of Maryland, College Park. From 1997-2005 he was Senior Director of Bioinformatics at The Institute for Genomic Research (TIGR) in Rockville, Maryland, one of the world's leading DNA sequencing centers at the time.
Dr. Salzberg received his B.A. degree in English and M.S. and M.Phil. degrees in Computer Science from Yale University, and his Ph.D. in Computer Science from Harvard University. He joined the Computer Science Department at Johns Hopkins as an Assistant Professor in 1989.
Dr. Salzberg has authored or co-authored over 300 scientific publications that have been cited over 250,000 times, and his h-index is 150. He is a member of the American Academy of Arts & Sciences, and a Fellow of AAAS, ACM, and ISCB. He was the 2020 recipient of the Senior Scientist Award from the International Society for Computational Biology.
Centers and Institutes
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Recent News Articles and Media Coverage
Steven Salzberg receives the 2013 Benjamin Franklin Award for Open Access in the Life Sciences
Interview on NPR's podcast, Shots, on multivitamins and cancer, 29 Oct 2012
Interview on vaccines, flu, and whooping cough, on the Kojo Nnamdi show (WAMU radio), 21 Aug 2012
What biologists should know about genome assembly, a Technology Feature article in Nature Methods
Interview on Midday with Dan Rodricks, on Alternative Medicine, WYPR public radio, 25 Oct 2011
How anthrax sleuths cracked the case by decoding genetic fingerprints (Washington Post, 16 Apr 2011)
Additional Academic Titles
Professor of Genetic Medicine
Contact for Research Inquiries
Phone: (410) 516-8246
Research Interests
Bioinformatics, Gene finding, Genome assembly, Genome technology, Genomics
Lab Website
Salzberg Lab - Lab Website
Courses & Syllabi
- Bioinformatics for Metagenomics, University of Maryland, CMSC 828G
- Computational Gene Finding and Genome Assembly, University of Maryland, CMSC 828N/H
- Computational Biology, Johns Hopkins University, CS 600.439
- Artificial Intelligence, Johns Hopkins University, CS 600.435
- Expert Systems, Johns Hopkins University, CS 600.350
- Machine Learning, Johns Hopkins University, CS 600.661
- Natural Language Processing, Johns Hopkins University, CS 600.665
- Introduction to Genomic Research, Whiting School of Engineering/Johns Hopkins University, EN 601.350, 1/28/18 - 5/15/18
- Introduction to Genomic Research, Whiting School of Engineering/Johns Hopkins University, EN 600.340, 1/27/17 - 5/15/17
- Introduction to Genomic Research, Whiting School of Engineering/Johns Hopkins University, EN600.340, 1/27/16 - 5/15/16
- Member, International Advisory Committee
- Chosen for ISIHighlyCited.com
- "The Hottest Research of 1999-2000", Institute for Scientific Information.
- Accomplishments by a Senior Scientist Award, International Society of Computational Biology, 6/1/20
- Elected member, American Academy of Arts and Sciences, 4/1/18
- Winner, Benjamin Franklin Award for Open Access in the Life Sciences, 1/1/13
- Fellow, International Society for Computational Biology, 1/1/13
- Winner, Robert G. Balles Prize in Critical Thinking, 1/1/13
- Co-winner of Genome Biology Award, 1/1/09
- Editorial Advisory Board, Genome Biology, 1/1/09
- Editorial Board, Genome Research, 1/1/09
- Editorial Board, Biology Direct, 1/1/08
- Member, Faculty of 1000, 1/1/08
- Board of Reviewers, PLoS Currents Influenza, 1/1/08
- Hot 100 authors, BioMed Central, 12/1/07
- Member, Biodata Management and Analysis Study Section, 1/1/07
- Editorial Board, PLoS ONE, 1/1/06
- Editorial Board, Evolutionary Bioinformatics, 1/1/05
- Fellow, American Association for the Advancement of Science, 1/1/04
- Board of Scientific Counselors, National Center for Biotechnology Information, 1/1/03
- Editorial Board, BMC Biology, 1/1/03
- Editorial Board, BMC Genomics, 1/1/03
- Editorial Board, BMC Bioinformatics, 1/1/03
- Associate Editor, Journal of Computational Biology, 1/1/02
- Editorial Board, Applied Bioinformatics, 1/1/02
- Associate Editor, Bioinformatics, 1/1/01
- Editorial Board, Gene, 1/1/99
- Editorial Board, Pattern Analysis and Applications, 1/1/97
- Career Award, NIH, 1/1/96
- Editorial Board, Artificial Intelligence Review, 1/1/95