Maya Salameh, MD
Internal Medicine
- Johns Hopkins School of Medicine Faculty
About Maya Salameh
Primary Academic Title
Assistant Professor of Medicine
Dr. Maya Salameh is associate director of the Johns Hopkins Center for Vascular Medicine in the division of cardiology. She is also assistant professor of medicine at the Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine.
Dr. Salameh graduated summa cum laude from Johns Hopkins University with a BS in biomedical engineering, and received her medical degree from the Yale University School of Medicine. She served as chief resident in internal medicine at Yale. Prior to joining Johns Hopkins, Dr. Salameh was director of the Vascular Ultrasound Laboratory at Columbia University Medical Center.
Selected Publications
Peer-Reviewed Publications
Salameh MJ, Rundek T, Jin Z, Boden-Albala B, Ratchford E, DiTullio M, Homma S, Sacco RL. Self-Reported Peripheral Arterial Disease Predicts Future Vascular Events in a Community-Based Cohort. J Gen Intern Med 2008;23(9): 1423-1428.
Okajima K, Abe Y, Suzuki K, Salameh MJ, DiTullio M, Jin Z, Sacco RL, Mohr JP, Homma S, for the PICSS Investigators. Impact of Valvular Thickness on Stroke Recurrence in Medically Treated Patients with Stroke. Cerebrovasc Dis. 2007;24(4):375-380.
Ratchford E, Jin Z, DiTullio MR., Homma S, Salameh MJ, Gan R, Boden-Albala B, Sacco RL, Rundek T. Carotid Bruit for Detection of Hemodynamically Significant Carotid Stenosis: The Northern Manhattan Study. Neural Res. 2009;31(7);748-52.
Case Reports
Ratchford EV, Salameh MJ, Morrissey NJ. Underestimation of Carotid Stenosis in Bradycardia: A Case Report. Vascular. 2009; 17(1):51-4.
Reviews and Commentary
Rundek T, Salameh M.J. Carotid Plaque Assessment A Bumpy Road to Improved Risk. JAm Coll Cardiol2010;56:1069.
Salameh MJ, Ratchford EV. Update on Peripheral Arterial Disease and Claudication. Phys Med Rehahil N Am. 2009;20(4):627-56.
Salameh MJ, Federman DJ. Peripheral arterial disease: increasing awareness—a major step
forward. South Med J 2009; 1 02( 11 ): 1095-7.
- Ewig Scholar Clinical Teaching Award, Columbia University College of Physicians & Surgeons, 1/1/09
- Samuel D. Kushlan Junior Resident Award, Yale University School of Medicine, 1/1/02
- Yale/Johnson&Johnson Physician Scholar, International Health Elective in Havana and Pinar del Rio Province, 1/1/02
- American College of Physicians Internal Medicine Award, Yale University School of Medicine, 1/1/00
- Society of General Internal Medicine
- Society of Vascular Medicine and Biology
- The Johns Hopkins Hospital
- 1800 Orleans Street, Baltimore, MD 21287
- phone: 410-955-5000
- fax: 410-955-5001
Yale New Haven Health
Residency, Internal Medicine, 2004Yale University School of Medicine
Medical Education, MD, 2000Insurance
- Aetna
- CareFirst
- Cigna
- First Health
- Geisinger Health Plan
- HealthSmart/Accel
- Humana
- Johns Hopkins Health Plans
- MultiPlan
- Pennsylvania's Preferred Health Networks (PPHN)
- Point Comfort Underwriters
- Private Healthcare Systems (PHCS)
- UnitedHealthcare
- Veteran Affairs Community Care Network (Optum-VACCN)