Joshua Doloff, PhD
- English
MaleJohns Hopkins Affiliations:
- Johns Hopkins School of Medicine Faculty
About Joshua Doloff
Professional Titles
- Director, Immunoengineering and Regenerative Medicine Lab
Primary Academic Title
Assistant Professor of Biomedical Engineering
Dr. Joshua C. Doloff received his B.S.E. in Bioengineering from the University of Pennsylvania, and Ph.D. in Molecular, Cellular Biology and Biochemistry from Boston University. His early doctoral work on genetic engineering of cancer-targeted viral vectors won technology development and University Provost awards, and in the latter half of his Ph.D., he focused on chemotherapeutic modulation that elicited potent anti-tumor immune response. Collectively, his work was recognized by his peers as best doctoral dissertation in his graduating class when Joshua was presented with the Frank A. Belamarich Award.
During his postdoctoral studies, Joshua earned a Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation (JDRF) Fellowship in the labs of Robert Langer and Daniel G. Anderson in the Departments of Chemical Engineering and the David H. Koch Institute at MIT. There, his work on deciphering and preventing immune-mediated rejection of macroscale biomaterial and biomedical device implants contributed to numerous publications, awarded or pending patents, a new Cambridge-based startup company—Sigilon, invited speaker engagements, and awards—including top presentation selections, a co-chair honor at the 2017 BMES meeting, and a 1stplace Immunoengineering prize at the 2017 SFB symposium.
In September 2018, Joshua was presented with a Distinguished Alumni Rising Star Award from his former Doctoral Department at Boston University, and just this November Joshua became a new Assistant Professor in Biomedical Engineering and Materials Science at the Johns Hopkins School of Medicine.
Centers and Institutes
Recent News Articles and Media Coverage
Additional Academic Titles
Assistant Professor of Oncology
Research Interests
Regenerative Medicine and Immunoengineering
Lab Website
Doloff Lab - Lab Website
Our mission is to explore the intersection between therapeutics, whether biologic or synthetic in origin, and living systems to better understand what happens when deliverables are introduced into the body, as well as how the host immune system perceives and behaves towards them.
Research Summary
Dr. Doloff's Lab in Immunoengineering and Regenerative Medicine is interested in utilizing systems and synthetic biology approaches to understand complex tissue dynamics and generate improved therapeutic platforms for multiple applications including autoimmunity and transplantation medicine (e.g., type 1 diabetes), ophthalmology, and cancer.
Selected Publications
Doloff JC and Waxman DJ. 2012. VEGF receptor inhibitors block the ability of metronomically dosed cyclophosphamide to activate innate immunity-induced tumor regression, Cancer Research, Mar 1; 72(5): 1103-15.
Doloff JC, Veiseh O, Vegas AJ, Tam HH, Farah S, Ma M, Li J, Bader A, Chiu A, Sadraei A, Aresta-Dasilva S, Griffin M, Jhunjhunwala S, Webber M, Siebert S, Tang K, Chen M, Langan E, Dholokia, Thakrar R, Qi M, Oberholzer J, Greiner DL, Langer R, and Anderson DG. 2017. Colony Stimulating Factor-1 Receptor is a central component of the foreign body response to biomaterial implants in rodents and non-human primates. Nature Materials. 2017 Mar 20. doi: 10.1038/nmat4866.
Farah S*, Doloff JC*, Mueller P, Sadraei A, Han HJ, Olafson K, Tyas K, Tam HH, Hollister-Locke J, Griffin M, Meng A, McGarrigle J, Greiner DL, Weir G, Oberholzer J, Langer R, and Anderson DG. 2019. Long-Term Implant Fibrosis Prevention in Rodents and Non-Human Primates Using Crystallized Drug Formulations. Nature Materials. 2019 Aug; 18(8): 892-904. doi: 10.1038/s41563-019-0377-5.
Veiseh O*, Doloff JC*, Ma M*, Vegas AJ, Tam HH, Bader AR, Li J, Langan E, Wyckoff J, Loo WS, Jhunjhunwala S, Chiu A, Siebert S, Tang K, Hollister-Locke J, Aresta-Dasilva S, Bochenek M, Mendoza-Elisa J, Wang Y, Qi M, Lavin D, Chen M, Dholokia N, Thakrar R, Lacik I, Weir GC, Oberholzer J, Greiner DL, Langer R, and Anderson DG. 2015. Size- and shape-dependent foreign body immune response to materials implanted in rodents and non-human primates. Nature Materials, Jun; 14(6):643-51.
Xie X*, Doloff JC*, Yesilyurt V*, Sadraei A*, McGarrigle J, Omami M, Veiseh O, Isa D, Ghani S, Joshi I, Li J, Wang W, Tam HH, Tao J, Chen H, Yang B, Oberholzer J, Langer RS, Anderson DG. 2018. Reduction of measurement noise in a continuous glucose monitor by coating the sensor with a zwitterionic polymer. Nature Biomedical Engineering. 2018 July 30. doi: 10.1038/s41551-018-0273-3.
- Boston University MCBB Distinguished Young Alumni Rising Star Award, 9/15/18
- BMES Session Co-Chair, Implantable Devices/Sensors, 10/15/17
- Society for Biomaterials, 1st Place Prize, Immune Engineering SIG, 4/15/17
- Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation (JDRF) Postdoctoral Fellowship, 6/1/15
- US-Japan Drug Delivery Symposium, Top poster, Selected speaker, 12/15/13
- Koch Institute Joseph C. Jefferds, Jr. Research Travel Fellowship, 12/1/13
- Frank A. Belamarich Award, Boston University, 5/15/11
- New England Membrane Enzyme Group Wetterhahn Award, Top Graduate Student presenter, 5/15/09
- Boston University Provost Award, 4/15/09
- Boston University Office of Technology Development Award, 4/15/07
- Presidential Fellow, Boston University, 9/1/04
- University of Pennsylvania, University Scholars, Research grant, 6/1/01
- New Jersey (Junior) Academy of Sciences Independent Research Grant, 3/15/98
Additional Training
- Sr. Postdoctoral Fellow, Massachusetts Institute of Technology & Children’s Hospital Boston, Koch Institute for Integrative Cancer Research, Cambridge, MA (2018)