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Donna Tippett

Donna Tippett, MA, MPH




  • English



Johns Hopkins Affiliations:

  • Johns Hopkins School of Medicine Faculty

About Donna Tippett

Professional Titles

  • Speech Language Pathologist

Primary Academic Title

Associate Professor of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation


Donna Tippett, MPH, MA, CCC-SLP is an assistant professor in the Johns Hopkins Departments of Neurology and Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation. She received her undergraduate degree in speech-language pathology at Loyola College, Baltimore, Md., a master of arts in speech-language pathology at the University of Maryland, and a master of public health at Johns Hopkins University. She has worked in medical settings throughout her career, including acute inpatient, rehabilitation, and outpatient settings. Currently, she is a speech-language pathologist evaluating and treating adults with communication and swallowing disorders due to neurologic diseases. She also serves as a consultant to the Johns Hopkins Movement Disorders Clinic, and Johns Hopkins Ataxia Clinic.

Clinical Trials Summary

NIH/NIDCD P50 DC 014664 (PI; J Fridirksson), "Center for the Study of Aphasia Recover (C-STAR)" 04/01/16 - 03/31/21  The goals of this grant are to establish a new clinical center for chronic storke survivors with aphasia and to improve aphasia treatment effectiveness as well as identify patient factors that can be used to improve diagnosis of language impairment, guide aphasia treatment and predict prognosis.

NIDCD R01 DC011317 (PI R Friedman) (AE Hillis: PI of sub), “Rehabilitation and Prophylaxis of Anomia in Primary Progressive Aphasia” 7/1/11-8/30/22.   The goal of this project is to evaluate therapy for naming in improving or preventing deterioration of word-retrieval in primary progressive aphasia.  

NIH/NIDCD R01 DC 5375 (PI: AE Hillis), “Neural Basis for Language Deficits in Acute Stroke & Recovery” 7/1/2002 – 6/30/18    The goals of this grant are to identify changes in the language network from the acute stage of stroke through the first year of recovery.  

Additional Academic Titles

Associate Professor of Neurology, Associate Professor of Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery

Research Interests

Mechanisms of recovery of cognitive deficits after acute stroke, Nature and management of dysphagia in individuals with neurogenic etiologies and head and neck cancer, Relationship between impairments in specific cognitive processes and areas of dysfunctional or damaged brain tissue

Research Summary

Ms. Tippett is the coordinator in the Stroke Cognitive Outcomes and REcovery (SCORE) lab in the Department of Neurology in which studies focus on mechanisms of recovery of cognitive deficits after acute stroke, and the relationship between impairments in specific cognitive processes and areas of dysfunctional or damaged brain tissue.  

Selected Publications

  • Tippett DC, Hillis AE.  Where is aphasia theory and management “headed”?  Invited submission, F100Research. 2017; 6(F1000 Faculty Rev):1038. doi: 10.12688/f1000research.11122.1

  • Tippett DC, Thompson CB, Demsky C, Sebastian R, Wright A, Hillis AE. Differentiating between subtypes of primary progressive aphasia and mild cognitive impairment on a modified version of the Frontal Behavioral Inventory. PLoS ONE. 2017;12(8):e0183212. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0183212.

  • Meyer AM, Faria AV, Tippett DC, Hillis AE, Friedman RB.  The relationship between baseline volume in temporal areas and post-treatment naming accuracy in primary progressive aphasia.  Aphasiology. 2017; 31 (9): 1059-1077.  doi.org/10.1080/02687038.2017.1296557

  • Shahid H, Sebastian, Schnur TT, Hanayik T, Wright A,Tippett DC, Fridriksson J, Rorden C. Hillis AE.    Important considerations in lesion-symptom mapping: Illustrations from studies of word comprehension.  Human Brain Mapping. 2017; Jun;38(6):2990-3000. doi: 10.1002/hbm.23567

  • Webster KT, Tippett DC, Simpson M, Abrams R, Teets K, Herbert RJ, Gourin CG.  Speech-language pathology care and short and long-term outcomes of oropharyngeal cancer treatment in the elderly.  Laryngoscope.  2017; Oct 23. doi: 10.1002/lary.26950


  • Honors of the National Student Speech-Language-Hearing Association Award, National Student Speech-Language-Hearing Association, 11/16/16
  • ASHA Meritorious Poster Submission, Graduate education in medical speech-language pathology: An inter-university collaboration, American Speech-Language-Hearing Association, 1/1/13
  • Service Award, Maryland Speech-Language-Hearing Association, 1/1/04
  • William Hardy Award for Outstanding Speech-Language Pathologist in a Hospital Setting, Maryland Speech-Language-Hearing Association, 1/1/94

Lectures & Presentations

  • Acute ischemic lesions associated with impairments in expression and recognition of affective prosody, Poster, annual meeting, Annual Meeting of the American Neurological Association, American Neurological Association, Chicago, IL, 9/27/15
  • Areas critical for accessing semantics from spoken words, poster, annual meeting, American Academy of Neurology 69th Annual Meeting, Academy of Neurology, Boston, MA, 4/22/17
  • Assessing dissociations of object and action naming in acute stroke, Presentation, Clinical Aphasiology Conference, Monterey, California, 5/1/15
  • Cerebellar tDCS: A novel approach to augment aphasia treatment, poster, annual meeting, Clinical Aphasiology Conference, Clinical Aphasiology Conference, Charlottesville, VA, 5/24/16
  • Current management of dysphonia and dysphagia in Parkinson's disease, oral, annual meeting, 2nd Neurological Disorders Summit, United Scientific Group, Baltimore, MD, 9/7/16
  • Decline in naming in patients with primary progressive aphasia is associated with the strength of functional correlation between homologous pre-frontal cortices in the initial MRI, Poster Presentation, American Academy of Neurology 67th Annual Meeting, American Academy of Neurology, Washington, DC,, 4/1/15
  • Differentiating between subtypes of primary progressive aphasia and mild cognitive imapirment of a modified vesion of the Frontal Behavioral Inventory, poster, annual meeting, 141th Annual Meeting of the American Neurological Association, American Neurological Association, Baltimore, MD, 10/16/16
  • Impaired processing of positive and negative facial expressions in right hemisphere stroke, Invited plenary speaker, University of the District of Columbia Speech-Language Pathology Faculty-Student Research Symposium, 5/1/15
  • Influence of antidepressants on aphasia recovery, poster, annual meeting, 55th Annual Meeting of the Academy of Aphasia, Academy of Aphasia, Baltimore, MD, 11/5/17
  • Interesting cases in patients with head and neck cancer and dysphagia, poster, annual meeting, Annual Convention of the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association, American Speech-Language-Hearing Association, Denver, CO, 11/17/15
  • Maintenance of anomia treatment effects in primary progressive aphasia, poster, annual meeting, 54th Annual Meeting of the Academy of Aphasia, Academy of Aphasia, Wales, UK, 10/16/16
  • Neural correlates of object and action naming: Complementary evidence from primary progressive aphasia and acute stroke, poster, annual meeting, 55th Annual Meeting of the Academy of Aphasia, Academy of Aphasia, Baltimore, MD, 11/5/17
  • Patterns of decline on language testing in primary progressive aphasia, poster, annual meeting, 55th Annual Meeting of the Academy of Aphasia, Academy of Aphasia, Baltimore, MD, 11/5/17
  • The meaning of semantic errors, Presentation, Clinical Aphasiology Conference, Monterey, California, 5/1/15
  • Transforming memories into language therapy, poster, annual meeting, Annual Convention of American Speech-Language-Hearing Association, American Speech-Language-Hearing Association, Los Angeles, CA, 11/11/17
  • Update in speech and voice treatment in Parkinson disease, Presentation, 11th Annual Voice Conference: Advanced Topics in the Diagnosis and Treatment of Laryngeal Disorders Laryngeal Stroboscopy in Clinical Practice with Hands-On Instruction, Towson, Maryland, 6/1/15
  • Vibrent technology in head and neck cancer, poster, annual meeting, Annual Convention of the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association, American Speech-Language-Hearing Association, Philadelphia, PA, 11/17/16
  • What makes right hemisphere stroke patients sound emotionless?, poster, annual meeting, American Academy of Neurology 69th Annual Meeting, Academy of Neurology, Boston, MA, 4/22/17
  • What matters about white matter?, poster, annual meeting, Society for Neurobiology of Language, Society for Neurobiology of Language, Baltimore, MD, 11/8/17
  • What picture descriptions can reveal about disordered communication and the brain, Poster, annual meeting, Annual Meeting of the Academy of Aphasia, Academy of Aphasia, Tucson, AZ, 10/13/15

Graduate Program Affiliations

  • 01/06 – present Adjunct faculty, Department of Hearing and Speech Sciences, University of Maryland, College Park, MD



  • American Speech-Language-Hearing Association
  • Maryland Speech-Language-Hearing Association

Professional Activities

  • NeuroImage: Clinical, Invited reviewer
  • Neuroscience Journal, Invited reviewer
  • PLOS One, Invited reviewer
  • Seminars in Speech and Language, Invited editor for special issue on acute stroke management



Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health

Graduate School, MPH, 1994

Kennedy Krieger Institute

Fellowship, Speech Language Pathology, 1985

University of Maryland College Park

Graduate School, MA, 1984

Board Certifications

Certificate of Clinical Competence in Speech-Language Pathology (CCC-SLP)

American Speech-Language-Hearing Association (ASHA), 1985


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