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Daniel Yeong-Jin Song

Daniel Yeong-Jin Song, MD

Radiation Oncology

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Johns Hopkins Affiliations:
  • Johns Hopkins School of Medicine Faculty


  • English

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About Daniel Yeong-Jin Song

Professional Titles

  • Co-Director, Prostate Cancer Multidisciplinary Clinic

Primary Academic Title

Professor of Radiation Oncology and Molecular Radiation Sciences


Dr. Daniel (Danny) Song is a Professor of Radiation Oncology, with joint appointments in Urology and Oncology. He serves as the Co-director of the Prostate Cancer Multidisciplinary Clinic at the Johns Hopkins Hospital and the Physician Advisor and Director of Faculty Affairs for the Department of Radiation Oncology and Molecular Radiation Sciences. His area of clinical expertise is in the management of genitourinary cancers, including cancers of the prostate, bladder and urinary tract, and testicular cancer.

Dr. Song applies his expertise and clinical experience in the utilization of a variety of radiation modalities including external beam radiation, image-guided and intensity-modulated radiation, prostate brachytherapy (seed implants), and stereotactic body radiation therapy.

Dr. Song's research interests include the development and refinement of new imaging methods to improve radiation targeting, as well as innovative means of reducing potential side effects of radiation treatment.  His research is supported by federal and private research funding programs including two R01 awards from the National Cancer Institute, Department of Defense Prostate Cancer Clinical Trial Award, the American Cancer Society, and the Hopkins-BMS Immuno-Oncology Consortium.

He is a reviewer and examiner for the American Board of Radiology, which administers the national board certification examination for radiation oncologists.   He has served on the editorial boards of the International Journal of Radiation Oncology, Biology, Physics and The Prostate, and on the scientific review committees for the American Society for Radiation Oncology (ASTRO), American Brachytherapy Society, and the Dept of Defense Prostate Cancer Research Program.  He currently serves on the Scientific Planning Committee for the American Brachytherapy Society annual meeting.  He has co-authored consensus guidelines on stereotactic body radiation therapy (TG-101) and image-guided robotic brachytherapy (TG-192) produced by the American Association of Physics in Medicine.

Dr. Song sees patients at the Johns Hopkins Hospital (downtown Baltimore) as well as Greenspring Station (Timonium) practices.

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Clinical Trial Keywords

Prostate brachytherapy; Hypofractionated radiotherapy

Additional Academic Titles

Professor of Urology, Professor of Oncology

Research Summary

Dr. Song's research focuses on developting an improved seed visualization method for prostate brachytherapy.  His research is currently funded by the National Cancer Institute, and he is working in collaboration with scientists from the Johns Hopkins Engineering Research Center.

Dr. Song's research interests include the development and refinement of new imaging methods to improve radiation targeting, as well as innovative means of reducing potential side effects of radiation treatment.  His research efforts have been sponsored and funded by competitive grants from organizations such as the Department of Defense, the National Cancer Institute, and the American Cancer Society.

Selected Publications

  • Alcorn S, Walker AJ, Gandhi N, Narang A, Wild AT, Hales RK, Herman JM, Song DY, DeWeese TL, Antonarakis ES, Tran PT: Molecularly targeted agents as radiosensitizers in cancer therapy--focus on prostate cancer.  Int J Mol Sci. 2013;Jul 16;14(7):14800-14832. doi: 10.3390/ijms140714800.  PMC3742274 

  • Benedict S, Cardinale RM, and Song DY: “Application of IMRT to stereotactic radiosurgery”, in Intensity Modulated Radiotherapy: A Clinical Perspective, Arno J. Mundt and John C. Roeske, eds., BC Decker Inc Publisher, Hamilton, Ontario, Canada, 2004.

  • Benedict SH, Yenice KM, Followill D, Galvin JM, Hinson W, Kavanagh B, Keall P, Lovelock M, Meeks S, Papiez L, Purdie T, Sadagopan R, Schell MC, Salter B, Schlesinger DJ, Shiu AS, Solberg T, Song DY, Stieber V, Timmerman R, Tomé WA, Verellen D, Wang L, Yin FF: Stereotactic body radiation therapy: the report of AAPM Task Group 101.  Med Phys. 2010;37:4078-101.

  • Christodouleas J, Fox J, Song DY, DeWeese TL: “Radiation Therapy for Prostate Cancer”, in Early Diagnosis of Cancer Series: Prostate Cancer, Su LM (Ed), Saunders Elsevier, Philadelphia, PA, 2009.

  • Christodouleas JP, Tang S, Susil RC, McNutt TR, Song DY, Bekelman J, Deville C, Vapiwala N, DeWeese TL, Lu HM, Both S: The effect of anterior proton beams in the setting of a prostate-rectum spacer.  Med Dosim. 2013;38(3):315-319. (Epub 2013 Apr 8)

  • Corn PG, Song DY, Heath E, Maier J, Meyn R, Kuban D, DePetrillo TA, Mathew P: Sunitinib plus androgen deprivation and radiation therapy for patients with localized high-risk prostate cancer: results from a multi-institutional phase I study.  Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys. 2013;86(3):540-545. PMC4103023.

  • Dehghan E, Kuo N, Deguet A, Le Y, Armour E, Burdette EC, Song DY, Fichtinger G, Prince JL, Lee J:  “Ultrasound-Fluoroscopy Registration for Intraoperative Dynamic Dosimetry in Prostate Brachytherapy”, in Abdomen and Thoracic Imaging, El-Baz, Saba, and Suri eds., Springer, 2014. 

  • DeWeese TL, Song DY: Current evidence for the role of combined androgen suppression and radiation in the treatment of adenocarcinoma of the prostate. Urology. 2000;55:169-174.

  • DeWeese TL, Song DY: Radiation dose escalation as treatment for clinically-localized prostate  cancer: is more really better? JAMA. 2005;294:1274-1275.

  • Fichtinger G, Fiene J, Kennedy CW, Kronreif G, Iordachita I, Song DY, Burdette EC, Kazanzides P: Robotic assistance for ultrasound guided prostate brachytherapy.  Med Image Anal. 2008;12(5);535-545.

  • Ford EC, Gaudette R, Myers L, Vanderver B, Engineer L, Zellars R, Song DY, Wong J, DeWeese TL: Evaluation of safety in a radiation oncology setting using failure mode and effects analysis.  Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys. 2009;74(3):852-858.  PMC3655406

  • Gandhi N, Wild AT, Chettiar ST, Aziz K, Kato Y, Gajula RP, Williams RD, Cades JA, Annadanam A, Song D, Zhang Y, Hales RK, Herman JM, Armour E, DeWeese TL, Schaeffer EM, Tran PT: Novel Hsp90 inhibitor NVP-AUY922 radiosensitizes prostate cancer cells.  Cancer Biol Ther. 2013;14(4):347-356. (Epub 2013 Jan 28)  PMC3667875

  • Hales R, Song DY: “Radiation Therapy” in Johns Hopkins Patients’ Guide to Lung Cancer, Klamerus J, Brahmer J, Ettinger D (Eds), Jones and Bartlett, Sudbury, MA.

  • Huynh-Le M, Zhang Z, Tran PT, DeWeese TL, Song DY:  Low interrater reliability in grading of rectal bleeding using National Cancer Institute Common Toxicity Criteria and Radiation Therapy Oncology Group toxicity scales: a survey of radiation oncologists. Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys. 2014;Dec 1;90(5):1076-1082. doi: 10.1016/j.ijrobp.2014.08.014. (Epub 2014 Oct 13).

  • Jain A, Deguet A, Iordachita I, Chintalapani G, Blevins J, Le Y, Armour E, Burdette C, Song D, Fichtinger G: Intra-operative 3D guidance in prostate brachytherapy using a non-isocentric C-arm.  Med Image Comput Comput Assist Interv Int Conf Med Image Comput Comput Assist Interv. 2007;10(Pt 2):9-17.

  • Jain A, Deguet A, Iordachita I, Chintalapani G, Vikal S, Blevins J, Le Y, Armour E, Burdette C, Song D, Fichtinger G: Intra-operative 3D guidance and edema detection in prostate brachytherapy using a non-isocentric C-arm.  Med Image Anal. 2012;16:731-743.

  • Kumar R, Le Y, DeWeese T, Song DY: Re-implantation following sub-optimal dosimetry in low-dose-rate prostate brachytherapy: technique for outpatient source insertion using local anesthesia. J Contemp Brachy (in press).

  • Kuo N, Deguet A, Song DY, Burdette EC, Prince JL, Lee J: Automatic segmentation of radiographic fiducial and seeds from fluoroscopic images in prostate brachytherapy.  Med Eng Phys. 2012;34:64-77.  PMC3209498

  • Kuo N, Dehghan E, Deguet A, Mian OY, Le Y, Burdette EC, Fichtinger G, Prince JL, Lee J, Song DY: An image-guidance system for dynamic dose calculation in prostate brachytherapy using ultrasound and fluoroscopy.  Med Phys. 2014;41(9):091712. doi: 10.1118/1.4893761.

  • Kuo N, Kang HJ, Song DY, Kang JU, Boctor EM: Real-time photoacoustic imaging of prostate brachytherapy seeds using a clinical ultrasound system.  J Biomed Opt. 2012;17(6):066005.

  • Lee J, Kuo N, Deguet A, Dehghan E, Song DY, Burdette EC, Prince JL: Intraoperative 3D reconstruction of prostate brachytherapy implants with automatic pose correction.  Phys Med Biol. 2011;56:5011-5027.  PMC3172706

  • Lin J, Sinibaldi VJ, Carducci MA, Denmeade S, Song D, DeWeese T, Eisenberger MA: Phase I trial with a combination of docetaxel and (153)Sm-lexidronam in patients with castration-resistant metastatic prostate cancer. Urol Oncol. 2011;29:670-675.  PMC3483074

  • Lin SH, Sugar E, Teslow T, McNutt T, Saleh H, Song DY: Comparison of daily couch shifts using MVCT (TomoTherapy) and B-mode Ultrasound (BAT system) during prostate radiotherapy.  Technol Cancer Res Treat. 2008;7(4):279-285. PMC3634324

  • Muntener M, Patriciu A, Petrisor D, Schar M, Ursu D, Song DY, Stoianovici D: Transperineal prostate intervention: robot for fully automated MR imaging – system description and proof of principle in a canine model. Radiology. 2008;247(2):543-549.  PMC3108451

  • Pinkawa M, Schoth F, Bohmer D, Hatiboglu G, Sharabi A, Song D, Eble MJ: Current standards and future directions for prostate cancer radiation therapy.  Exp Rev Anticancer Ther. 2013;13:75-88

  • Podder TK, Beaulieu L, Caldwell B, Cormack RA, Crass JB, Dicker AP, Fenster A, Fichtinger G, Meltsner MA, Moerland MA, Nath R, Rivard MJ, Salcudean T, Song DY, Thomadsen BR, Yu Y: AAPM and GEC-ESTRO guidelines for image-guided robotic brachytherapy: Report of Task Group 192.  Med Phys. 2014 Oct;41(10):101501. doi: 10.1118/1.4895013.

  • Qiu H, Herman J, Ahuja N, DeWeese T, Song DY: Neoadjuvant chemoradiation followed by interstitial prostate brachytherapy for synchronous prostate and rectal cancer.  Pract Radiat Oncol. 2012;4:e77-84.

  • Sharabi A, Song DY: “Effects on rectal dose of injectable hydrogel spacer”, in Innovative Radiotherapy Techniques for Prostate Cancer, Pinkawa M (Ed), UNI-MED Science (in press).

  • Song DY, and DeWeese TL: “Radiotherapy for the treatment of locally advanced and metastatic prostate cancer”, in Prostate Cancer: Surgical Principles and Practice, Kirby, Partin, Feneley, and Parsons eds., Taylor and Francis, London, 2005.

  • Song DY, Blomgren H:  “Stereotactic Body Radiotherapy for Lung Tumors” in Stereotactic Body Radiotherapy, Kavanagh and Timmerman, eds., Williams-Wilkins, 2004.

  • Song DY, Burdette EC, Fiene J, Armour E, Kronreif G, Deguet A, Zhang Z, Iordachita I, Fichtinger G, Kazanzides P: Robotic needle guide for prostate brachytherapy: clinical testing of feasibility and performance.  Brachytherapy. 2011;10:57-63.  PMC3021094

  • Song DY, DeWeese TL: “Radiation Therapy”, in Dr. Patrick Walsh’s Guide to Surviving Prostate Cancer, Janet Worthington and Patrick C. Walsh, Warner Books, NY, 2007.

  • Song DY, DeWeese TL: Can PSA nadir predict prostate cancer outcomes following radiotherapy?  Nat Clin Pract Urol. 2006;3:464-465.

  • Song DY, DeWeese TL: Defining the appropriate measure of success for adjuvant radiation following prostatectomy.  Nat Clin Pract Urol. 2007;4(8):416-417. Munn DH, Beall AC, 

  • Song DY, Herfarth KK, Uhl M, Eble MJ, Pinkawa M, van Triest B, Kalisvaart R, Weber DC, Miralbell R, DeWeese TL, Ford EC: A multi-institutional clinical trial of rectal dose reduction via injected polyethylene-glycol hydrogel during IMRT for prostate cancer: Analysis of dosimetric outcomes. Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys. 2013;87(1):81-87. (Epub 2013 Feb 13)  PMC3737267

  • Song DY, Jabbour S, and DeWeese TL: “Emerging concepts in improving the therapeutic outcome of locally advanced prostate cancer using radiation therapy”, in Prostate Cancer: Biology, genetics, and the new therapeutics, Chung, Isaacs, and Simon eds., Humana Press, NJ, 2006.

  • Song DY, Jain AK, Zhang Z, Deguet A, Le Y, Armour E, Burdette EC, Fichtinger G: Dynamic intraoperative dosimetry for prostate brachytherapy using a non-isocentric C-arm.  Brachytherapy. 2011;10:98-106.

  • Song DY, Kavanagh BD, Benedict SH, Schefter TA: Stereotactic body radiotherapy: rationale, techniques, optimization, and application of an emerging technology. Oncology. 2004;18:1419-1430.

  • Song DY, Lawrie WT, Abrams RA, Kafonek DR, Bayless TM, Welsh JS, DeWeese TL:  Acute and late radiotherapy toxicity in patients with inflammatory bowel disease.  Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys. 2001;51(2):455-459.

  • Song DY, Thompson TL, Ramakrishnan V, Harrison R, Bhavsar N, Onaodowan O, DeWeese TL: Salvage Radiotherapy for Rising or Persistent PSA after Radical Prostatectomy. Urology. 2002;60(2):281-287.

  • Song DY.  Stereotactic body radiation therapy: rationale and clinical experience. In: UpToDate.com, Rose BD (Ed), UpToDate, Wellesley, MA, 2008-2013.

  • Song DY: “Brachytherapy for Prostate Cancer”, in Radiation Oncology: a Question-Based Review”, Hristov B, Lin S, Christodouleas J (Eds), Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, Philadelphia, PA, 2010.

  • Song DY: Oncology scan—rising stars, fading stars, and shooting stars: new trends in prostate cancer management. Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys. 2014;89(1):4-6.

  • Song DY: The role of radiotherapy in the treatment of locally advanced prostate cancer. Community Oncol. 2006;3:759-764.

  • Sundi D, Cohen J, Cole A, Neuman B, Cooper J, Faisal F, Raben M, Song DY, Drake C, Netto G, Macura K, DeWeese T, Partin A, Bivalacqua T, Ross A, Schaeffer E: Establishment of a new prostate cancer multidisciplinary clinic.  Prostate. 2015 75(2):191-9. PMCID: PMC4270998.

  • Susil RC, McNutt T, DeWeese TL, Song DY: Effects of prostate-rectum separation on rectal dose from external beam radiation therapy.  Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys. 2010;76(4):1251-1258.  PMC3115781

  • Swartz MJ, Janson K, DeWeese TL, Song DY. Radiation therapy for prostate cancer: the role for dose escalation.  Compr Ther. 2007;33:216-222.

  • Tran PT, Hales RK, Zeng J, Aziz K, Salih T, Gajula RP, Chettiar S, Gandhi N, Wild AT, Kumar R, Herman JM, Song DY, DeWeese TL: Tissue biomarkers for prostate cancer radiation therapy. Curr Mol Med. 2012;12:772-787.

  • Uhl M, Herfarth K, Eble MJ, Pinkawa M, van Triest B, Kalisvaart R, Weber DC, Miralbell R, Song DY, DeWeese TL: Absorbable hydrogel spacer use in men undergoing prostate cancer radiotherapy: 12 month toxicity and proctoscopy results of a prospective multicenter phase II trial.  Radiat Oncol. 2014;9:96.  PMC24758224

  • Yang Y, Ford EC, Wu B, Pinkawa M, van Triest B, Campbell P, Song DY, McNutt TR: An overlap-volume-histogram based method for rectal dose prediction and automated treatment planning in the external beam prostate radiotherapy following hydrogel injection. Med Phys. 2013;Jan;40(1):011709. doi: 10.1118/1.4769424.

  • Yu HH, Song DY, Tsai Y, Thompson T, Frassica DA, DeWeese TL: Perineural invasion affects biochemical recurrence-free survival in patients with prostate cancer treated with definitive external beam radiotherapy.  Urology. 2007;70(1):111-116.


  • National Institutes of Health 2nd Biennial Career Development Award
  • Director's Teaching Award, The Sidney Kimmel Comprehensive Cancer Center, 1/1/14
  • Educator of the Year Award, Association of Residents in Radiation Oncology, 1/1/10
  • Faculty Teaching Award, VCU Department of Radiation Oncology, 1/1/02
  • "Best Pediatric Doctors in Richmond,", Richmond magazine, 1/1/02
  • Educator of the Year Award, Association of Residents in Radiation Oncology, 1/1/02
  • Alpha Omega Alpha Medical Honor Society, 1/1/95


  • American Brachytherapy Society
  • American Society of Radiation Oncology


  1. Sidney Kimmel Comprehensive Cancer Center
    • 401 North Broadway Street, Weinberg Building, Floor-L2, Baltimore, MD 21287
    • Sibley Memorial Hospital
      • 5255 Loughboro Road Northwest, Washington, DC 20016
      • Johns Hopkins Health Care & Surgery Center - Green Spring Station, Lutherville
        • 10753 Falls Road, Pavilion II STE 145, Lutherville, MD 21093



        Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine

        Residency, Radiation Oncology, 2001

        Medical College of Georgia

        Medical Education, MD, 1996

        Board Certifications

        Radiation Oncology

        American Board of Radiology, 2001


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        4.8 out of 5

        58 ratings, 15 reviews

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        Average provider Overall Rating by Patient rating 4.7 out of 5 stars
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        Average provider Provider Listened Carefully rating 4.9 out of 5 stars
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        Average provider Provider Explained Things Clearly rating 4.8 out of 5 stars
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        Average provider Provider Showed Respect rating 4.9 out of 5 stars
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        Average provider Provider Spent Enough Time rating 4.8 out of 5 stars
        Search reviews
          5 out of 5 stars
          Reviewed on 1/21/2025


          5 out of 5 stars
          Reviewed on 12/31/2024

          Very professional and courteous.

          5 out of 5 stars
          Reviewed on 12/17/2024

          Very impressed with Dr Song!

          5 out of 5 stars
          Reviewed on 11/26/2024

          First consult 5 years ago. Very knowledgeable

          5 out of 5 stars
          Reviewed on 11/14/2024

          Great physician, knowledgeable and straightforward

          5 out of 5 stars
          Reviewed on 9/24/2024

          Dr. Song is not only an expert in prostate cancer from a medical perspective, he communicates very clearly, he is is very kind and he is very attentive to patient needs. He took all the time needed to very thoroughly explain my condition and helped me thoroughly understand how his recommended treatment is likely to achieve a very successful outcome. He also explained very completely what my experience is likely to be during my treatment.

          5 out of 5 stars
          Reviewed on 8/23/2024

          Skilled, professional, friendly no

          2 out of 5 stars
          Reviewed on 8/22/2024

          His behavior was distant, short and cold.He showed no empathy and support.He did not explain with precision and detail the plan of treatment.The final plan of treatment still has not been given to us.

          5 out of 5 stars
          Reviewed on 8/8/2024

          Has been a great help with providing excellent care and support.

          5 out of 5 stars
          Reviewed on 8/2/2024

          Dr Song is an excellent provider; this and all the times I've met with have been outstanding. I always left feeling well informed and an honest, clear direction and outlook.

          5 out of 5 stars
          Reviewed on 5/31/2024

          Very knowledgeable and excellent communicator

          5 out of 5 stars
          Reviewed on 4/19/2024

          Dr. Song is the best!! He knows how to clearly explain treatment options. He has always communicated with me in a respectful manner.

          5 out of 5 stars
          Reviewed on 4/12/2024

          Dr. Song is pleasant, knowledgeable, and caring.

          5 out of 5 stars
          Reviewed on 3/28/2024


          5 out of 5 stars
          Reviewed on 3/12/2024

          Dr. Song is excellent