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Charley Coleman Della Santina

Charley Coleman Della Santina, MD, PhD




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4.8 of 5 stars136 ratings, 33 reviews
Johns Hopkins Affiliations:
  • Johns Hopkins School of Medicine Faculty


  • English

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About Charley Coleman Della Santina

Professional Titles

  • Director, Johns Hopkins Cochlear Implant Center
  • Director, Johns Hopkins Vestibular NeuroEngineering Laboratory
  • Co-Director, Johns Hopkins Vestibular Clinical Testing Laboratory

Primary Academic Title

Professor of Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery


Dr. Charles Della Santina specializes in surgery for treatment of otosclerosis, acoustic neuroma/vestibular schwannoma, and other problems that cause hearing loss or abnormal vestibular (inner ear balance) sensation. He performs acoustic neuroma surgery, cochlear implantation, stapes surgery, middle ear bone reconstruction, bone-conduction hearing device implantation, other middle ear and mastoid surgeries, and surgery for vestibular disorders including superior canal dehiscence syndrome, Meniere’s disease, bilateral loss of vestibular sensation, gentamicin ototoxicity and other disorders.

A Ph.D. biomedical engineer, electrical engineer and neurophysiologist, Dr. Della Santina founded and directs the Johns Hopkins Vestibular NeuroEngineering Lab. His research group focuses on developing a vestibular implant to treat chronic unsteadiness and oscillopsia (shaky vision during head movement) caused by gentamicin ototoxicity and other causes of bilateral vestibular hypofunction.

Dr. Della Santina's more than 110 publications also include studies of inner ear physiology and anatomy; new clinical tests of vestibular function; and the effects of cochlear implantation, superior canal dehiscence syndrome, and gentamicin on the inner ear.

Centers and Institutes

Recent News Articles and Media Coverage

Additional Academic Titles

Professor of Biomedical Engineering

Research Interests

Auditory cortex activity during stimulation by cochlear implants, Design, development, testing and application of the Johns Hopkins MVP Multi-channel Vestibular Prosthesis (a new implantable stimulator intended to restore inner ear balance sensation in individuals disabled by unsteady vision due to hair cell injury after gentamicin, Meniere's disease, or other disorders., Developing new technologies for neural stimulation, Developing new technologies for vestibular function testing and rehabilitation, Epidemiology of bilateral vestibular hypofunction and other vestibular disorders, Genetics of Menieres disease, Superior Canal Dehiscence and other inner ear disorders, Magnetohydrodynamic vestibular stimulation, Vestibular Implants to restore balance sensation, Inner Ear Gene Therapy to restore hearing and balance, Developing new technologies for vestibular function testing and rehabilitation

Lab Website

Vestibular NeuroEngineering Laboratory - Lab Website

Selected Publications

  • Most Recent NN Publications:

    Johnson L, Della Santina CC, Wang X (2012) Temporal bone characterization and cochlear implant feasibility in the common marmoset (Callithrix jacchus), Hearing Research 2012 May 11. [Epub ahead of print] PMID: 22583919

    Ward BK, Agrawal Y, Nguyen E, Della Santina CC, Limb CJ, Francis HW, Minor LB, Carey JP (2012) Hearing outcomes following surgical plugging of the superior semicircular canal by a middle cranial fossa approach, Otol Neurotol ON-12-110R2 (in press)

    Davidovics NS, Fridman GY, Della Santina CC, Co-modulation of stimulus rate and current from elevated baselines expands head motion encoding range of the vestibular prosthesis, Exp Brain Res. 2012 May; 218(3):389-400. Epub 2012 Feb 19. PubMed PMID: 22349559.

    Rahman MA, Dai C, Fridman GY, Davidovics NS, Chiang B, Ahn JH, Hayden R, Melvin TAN, Sun DQ, Hedjoudje A, Della Santina CC (2011) Restoring the 3D vestibulo-ocular reflex via electrical stimulation: the Johns Hopkins Multichannel Vestibular Prosthesis Project, Conf Proc. IEEE-EMBC:3142-3145, doi: 10.1109/IEMBS.2011.6090857

    Sun DQ, Rahman MA, Fridman GY, Dai C, Chiang B, Della Santina CC (2011) Chronic stimulation of the semicircular canals using a multichannel vestibular prosthesis: Effects on locomotion and angular vestibulo-ocular reflex in chinchillas, Conf Proc IEEE-EMBC:3519-3523, doi: 10.1109/IEMBS.2011.6090584

    Roberts DC, Marcelli V, Gillen JS, Carey JP, Della Santina CC, Zee DS, MRI magnetic field stimulates rotational sensors of the brain, Current Biology (2011) doi:10.1016/j.cub.2011.08.029

    Kawashima Y, Geleoc G, Kurim K, Labay V, Lelli A, Asai Y, Makishima T, Wu D, Della Santina C, Holt J, Griffith AJ, Mechanotransduction in Mouse Inner Ear Hair Cells Requires Transmembrane Channel-Like Genes 1 and 2 Journal of Clinical Investigation (2011) 121(12):4796-809. doi: 10.1172/JCI60405. Epub 2011 Nov 21. PubMed PMID: 22105175; PubMed Central PMCID: PMC3223072.

    Dai C, Fridman GY, Davidovics NS, Chiang B, Ahn JH, Della Santina CC, Restoration of 3D vestibular sensation in rhesus monkeys using a multichannel vestibular prosthesis, Hearing Research (2011) doi:10.1016/j.heares.2011.08.008

    Gazquez I, Lopez-Escamez JA, Moreno A, Campbell CA, Meyer NC, Carey JP, Minor LB, Gantz BJ, Hansen MR, Della Santina CC, Aran I, Soto-Varela A, Santos S, Perez-Garrigues H, Smith R, Lopez-Nevot MA, Functional variants in NOS1 and NOS2A are not associated with progressive hearing loss in Mnires disease in a European Caucasian population, DNA and Cell Biology (in press 2011)

    Hayden R, Sawyer S, Mori S, Migliaccio AA, Della Santina CC, Virtual Labyrinth model of vestibular afferent excitation via implanted electrodes Validation and application to design of a multichannel vestibular prosthesis, Experimental Brain Research Exp Brain Res. 2011 Mar 6. PMID: 21380738

    Chiang B, Fridman GY, Dai C, Rahman MA, Della Santina CC, Design and performance of a multichannel vestibular prosthesis that restores semicircular canal sensation in macaques, IEEE Trans. Neural Systems and Rehab Engineering 2011 Oct;19(5):588-98. Epub 2011 Aug 18. PMID: 21859631

    Kim KS, Minor LB, Della Santina CC, Lasker D, Variation in response dynamics of regular and irregular vestibular-nerve afferents during sinusoidal head rotations and currents in the chinchilla Experimental Brain Research 2011 May 210(3-4):643-9.Epub 2011 Mar 3. PubMed PMID: 21369854

    Webb S, Grillet N, Andrade L, Xiong W, Swarthout L, Della Santina CC, Kachar B, Mueller U, Regulation of PCDH15 function in mechanosensory hair cells by alternative splicing of the cytoplasmic domain, Development 2011 Apr;138(8):1607-17

    Dai C, Fridman GY, Chiang B, Davidovics NS, Melvin TA, Cullen KE, Della Santina CC, Cross-axis adaptation improves 3D vestibulo-ocular reflex alignment during chronic stimulation via a head-mounted multichannel vestibular prosthesis, Experimental Brain Research 2011 Mar 4. [Epub ahead of print]

    Ushio M, Minor LB, Della Santina CC, Lasker DM, Unidirectional rotations produce asymmetric changes in horizontal VOR gain before and after unilateral labyrinthectomy in macaques, Experimental Brain Research 2011 Mar 23. [Epub ahead of print] PMID:21431432

    Yakushin S, Kolesnikova O, Cohen B, Ogorodnikov D, Suzuki J-I, Della Santina CC, Minor LB, Raphan T, Complementary gain modifications of the cervico-ocular reflex (COR) and angular vestibulo-ocular reflexes after canal-plugging, Experimental Brain Research 2011 Feb 1. [Epub ahead of print]

    Dai C, Fridman GY, Della Santina CC, Effects of vestibular prosthesis electrode implantation and stimulation on hearing in rhesus monkeys, Hearing Research 2010 Dec 31. [Epub ahead of print]

    Migliaccio AA, Meierhofer R, Della Santina CC, Characterization of the 3D angular vestibulo-ocular reflex in C57BL6 mice, Experimental Brain Research 2010 Dec 29. [Epub ahead of print] PMID: 21190017

    Migliaccio AA, Minor LB, Della Santina CC, Adaptation of the vestibulo-ocular reflex for forward-eyed foveate vision, Journal of Physiology (2010) Aug 19. [Epub ahead of print]PMID: 20724359

    Della Santina CC, Migliaccio AA, Hayden R, Melvin TA, Fridman GY, Chiang B, Davidovics NS, Dai C, Carey JP, Minor LB, Anderson ICW, Park H, Lyford-Pike S, Tang S, Current and Future Management of Bilateral Loss of Vestibular Sensation An update on the Johns Hopkins Multichannel Vestibular Prosthesis Project, Cochlear Implants International 2010 Sept 11(s2): 2-11.

    Agrawal Y, Carey JP, Della Santina CC, Schubert MC, Minor LB, Diabetes, vestibular dysfunction and falls: Analyses from the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey, Otology & Neurotology 2010 Sep 17. [Epub ahead of print] PubMed PMID: 20856157.

    Davidovics NS, Fridman GY, Chiang B, Della Santina CC, Effects of biphasic current pulse frequency, amplitude, duration and interphase gap on eye movement responses to prosthetic electrical stimulation of the vestibular nerve, IEEE Trans. Neural Systems and Rehab Eng. 2010 Sep 2. [Epub ahead of print] PMID: 20813652; [DOI10.1109/TNSRE.2010.2065241] print: 19(1):84-94.

    Francis HW, Masood H, Chaudhry KN, Laeeq K, Carey JP, Della Santina CC, Limb CJ, Niparko JK, Bhatti NI, Objective assessment of mastoidectomy skills in the operating room, Otology & Neurotology 2010 Jul;31(5):759-65. PMID: 20517169.

    Fridman GY, Davidovics NS, Dai C, Migliaccio AA, Della Santina CC, Vestibulo-ocular reflex responses to a multichannel vestibular prosthesis incorporating a 3D coordinate transformation for correction of misalignment, JARO 2010 Sep;11(3):367-81. PMID: 20177732

    Campbell CA, Della Santina CC, Meyer, Horning NC, Smith NB, Myrie OA, Stone EM, Fukushima K, Califano J, Carey JP, Hansen MR, Gantz BJ, Minor LB, Smith RJH. Polymorphisms in KCNE1 or KCNE3 are not associated with Mnire disease in the caucasian population, Am. J. Medical Genetics 2009 Dec 23;152A(1):67-74. [Epub] PubMed PMID: 20034061.

    Nguyen KD, Minor LB, Della Santina CC, Carey JP. Vestibular function and vertigo control after intratympanic gentamicin for Mnire''s disease, Audiol Neurootol. 2009;14(6):361-72. Epub 2009 Nov 16. PubMed PMID: 19923806.

    Muir GM, Brown JE, Carey JP, Hirvonen TP, Della Santina CC, Minor LB, Taube JS. Disruption of the head direction cell signal after occlusion of the semicircular canals in the freely moving chinchilla, J Neurosci. 2009 Nov 18;29(46):14521-33. PubMed PMID: 19923286.

    Laeeq K, Bhatti NI, Carey JP, Della Santina CC, Limb CJ, Niparko JK, Minor LB, Francis HW. Pilot testing of an assessment tool for competency in mastoidectomy, Laryngoscope. 2009 Nov 2;119(12):2402-2410. [Epub ahead of print] PubMed PMID: 19885831.

    Crane BT, Minor LB, Della Santina CC, Carey JP. Middle ear exploration in patients with Mnire''s disease who have failed outpatient intratympanic gentamicin therapy, Otol Neurotol 2009 Aug;30(5):619-24. PubMed PMID: 19503016

    Agrawal Y, Carey JP, Della Santina CC, Schubert MC, Minor LB (2009) Disorders of balance and vestibular function in US adults: data from the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey, 2001-2004, Arch Intern Med. May 25;169(10):938-44. PubMed PMID: 19468085.

    Newman-Toker DE, Sharma P, Chowdhury M, Clemons TM, Zee DS, Della Santina CC (2009) Penlight-Cover Test - A New Bedside Method to Unmask Nystagmus, J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry. Mar 30. [Epub ahead of print] PubMed PMID: 19336432.

    Yakushin SB, Tarasenko Y, Raphan T, Suzuki J-I, Della Santina CC, Minor LB, Cohen B (2009) Modification of the Cervico-ocular Reflex by Canal Plugging, Annals NY Acad. Sci. 1164:60-7. Published Online: May 21 2009 12:57PM DOI: 10.1111/j.1749-6632.2009.03775.x

    Cohen B, Xiang Y, Yakushin SB, Kunin M, Raphan T, Minor LB, Della Santina CC (2009) Effect of canal plugging on quadrupedal locomotion in monkey, Annals NY Acad. Sci. 1164:89-96. Published Online: May 21 2009 12:57PM DOI: 10.1111/j.1749-6632.2009.03845.x

    Nguyen KD, Minor LB, Della Santina CC, Carey JP (2009) Time course of repeated intratympanic gentamicin for Mnire''s disease. Laryngoscope. Apr;119(4):792-8. PubMed PMID: 19213044.

    Melvin TN, Della Santina CC, Carey JP, Migliaccio AA (2008) Effects of cochlear implantation on vestibular function, Otology & Neurotology 2009 Jan;30(1):87-94

    Schubert MC, Della Santina CC, Shelhamer M. (2008) Incremental angular vestibulo-ocular reflex adaptation to active head rotation, Exp Brain Res. 2008 Dec;191(4):435-46. PMID: 18712370

    Tang S, Melvin TN, Della Santina CC (2008) Effects of semicircular canal electrode implantation on hearing in chichillas, Acta Otolaryngologica 2008 Jul 10:1-6. [Epub ahead of print]

    Della Santina CC (2008) Cochleostomy placement and vestibular injury, Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg. 2008 Jun;138(6):812-3


  • American Otological Society Clinician-Scientist Award
  • Robert Brny Society Young Scientist of the Year Award
  • American Neurotology Society Frank M. Nizer Lectureship
  • ENTER Foundation Award for Innovation in Otolaryngology
  • ENT-UK Gordon Smyth Lectureship
  • induction into the American Otological Society
  • standing membership on the National Institutes of Health AUD study section


  1. Johns Hopkins Outpatient Center
    • 601 North Caroline Street, Floor 6, Baltimore, MD 21287
    • Johns Hopkins Health Care & Surgery Center - Green Spring Station, Lutherville
      • 10803 Falls Road, Pavilion III STE 2300, Lutherville, MD 21093



      Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine

      Residency, Otolaryngology Head and Neck Surgery, 2002

      University of California San Francisco School of Medicine

      Medical Education, Biomedical Engineering, MD PhD, 1997

      Board Certifications


      American Board of Otolaryngology - Head and Neck Surgery, 2010

      Plastic Surgery Within the Head and Neck

      American Board of Otolaryngology - Head and Neck Surgery, 2003


      Johns Hopkins providers accept various commercial health insurance plans. However, they may not be included in all of an insurance company's plans or offerings. This may include Exchange, Medicaid, Medicare, and specific limited benefit plans. Exceptions to participation also exist based on your employer’s benefits package and the provider's location or specialty. Please contact your insurer directly to make sure your doctor is covered by your plan. For more details, please review our Insurance Information.
      Search plans
      • Aetna
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      • Geisinger Health Plan
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      • Pennsylvania's Preferred Health Networks (PPHN)
      • Point Comfort Underwriters
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      • UnitedHealthcare
      • Veteran Affairs Community Care Network (Optum-VACCN)

      Ratings & Reviews

      4.8 out of 5

      136 ratings, 33 reviews

      The Patient Rating score is an average of all responses to physician related questions on the national CG-CAHPS Medical Practice patient experience survey through Press Ganey. Responses are measured on a scale of 1 to 5, with 5 being the best score. Comments are also gathered from our CG-CAHPS Medical Practice Survey through Press Ganey and displayed in their entirety. Patients are de-identified for confidentiality and patient privacy.

      Overall Rating by Patient
      Average provider Overall Rating by Patient rating 4.8 out of 5 stars
      Provider Listened Carefully
      Average provider Provider Listened Carefully rating 4.8 out of 5 stars
      Provider Explained Things Clearly
      Average provider Provider Explained Things Clearly rating 4.9 out of 5 stars
      Provider Knew Medical History
      Average provider Provider Knew Medical History rating 4.9 out of 5 stars
      Provider Showed Respect
      Average provider Provider Showed Respect rating 4.9 out of 5 stars
      Provider Spent Enough Time
      Average provider Provider Spent Enough Time rating 4.7 out of 5 stars
      Search reviews
        5 out of 5 stars
        Reviewed on 2/13/2025

        Excellent care

        5 out of 5 stars
        Reviewed on 1/16/2025

        Seems extremely knowledgeable. Was very "hands in". Spent a lot of time with me.

        5 out of 5 stars
        Reviewed on 1/16/2025

        Doctor was very open and honest

        5 out of 5 stars
        Reviewed on 1/15/2025

        The provider is through and kind

        5 out of 5 stars
        Reviewed on 1/9/2025

        Excellent care

        5 out of 5 stars
        Reviewed on 1/8/2025

        Dr. Charles Della Santina & his team are the very best. Thank you to all for a job well done.

        5 out of 5 stars
        Reviewed on 1/2/2025

        Pleased with he met my expectation

        5 out of 5 stars
        Reviewed on 1/2/2025

        DR Della Santina has always been very available to me via the phone.

        5 out of 5 stars
        Reviewed on 11/21/2024

        Very good.

        5 out of 5 stars
        Reviewed on 11/14/2024

        He is very knowledgeable and concerned about my health. I REALLY APPRECIATE the time he takes with his patients even if it means my own wait time may be a little longer!

        5 out of 5 stars
        Reviewed on 11/7/2024

        A great Doctors

        5 out of 5 stars
        Reviewed on 10/24/2024

        Doctor Did a great job giving me the ear injection already scheduled.

        5 out of 5 stars
        Reviewed on 10/17/2024

        Dr. Della Santina addresses his comments directly to his pediatric patients, making them feel part of the process of treatment and healing. His bedside manner with children is remarkable.

        5 out of 5 stars
        Reviewed on 10/8/2024

        Was very good about explaining my condition and options for treatment.

        5 out of 5 stars
        Reviewed on 10/8/2024

        Very thorough, especially as case is complicated.

        4 out of 5 stars
        Reviewed on 9/26/2024

        The Fellow who conducted the exam was very friendly and listened to my explanation of my symptoms. Dr. Della Santina was very professional. I appreciated that he understood my interest in not choosing anything invasive.

        5 out of 5 stars
        Reviewed on 9/26/2024

        Dr. Della Santina is the best. Very professional and excellent at what he does.

        5 out of 5 stars
        Reviewed on 9/19/2024

        Dr Santina is so genuinely caring! He is patient, friendly, listens carefully and goes above and beyond to let me know he believes my health matters.

        5 out of 5 stars
        Reviewed on 9/12/2024

        Did an excellent jobVery helpful with explaining g and listening

        5 out of 5 stars
        Reviewed on 9/12/2024

        Dr. Della Santina is very knowledgeable and took his time explaining what he was doing and the reason for the procedure.His assistant was very helpful as well.

        5 out of 5 stars
        Reviewed on 9/3/2024

        Doctor seemed very knowledgable.

        5 out of 5 stars
        Reviewed on 8/22/2024

        Dr. Della Santina was patient, kind, compassionate, thorough, comforting and the epitome of the perfect doctor.

        5 out of 5 stars
        Reviewed on 8/8/2024

        Dr. Della Santina is the best!

        5 out of 5 stars
        Reviewed on 8/8/2024

        Dr Della Santina is excellent!

        5 out of 5 stars
        Reviewed on 6/27/2024

        Excellent care - have already recommended to others in my community struggling with hearing loss

        5 out of 5 stars
        Reviewed on 6/20/2024

        He was fabulous!

        5 out of 5 stars
        Reviewed on 5/30/2024

        Outstanding staffs

        5 out of 5 stars
        Reviewed on 5/23/2024

        Very pleased

        5 out of 5 stars
        Reviewed on 5/9/2024

        Dr Della Santina facilitated communication with audiologist to help facilitate my hearing aid needs.

        5 out of 5 stars
        Reviewed on 4/18/2024

        Dr. Della Santini was very professional, describing matters and asking questions, without seeming rushed.

        5 out of 5 stars
        Reviewed on 4/18/2024

        Excellent thorough efficient

        5 out of 5 stars
        Reviewed on 3/21/2024

        He's very good and knowledgeable about my hearing issues.

        5 out of 5 stars
        Reviewed on 3/21/2024

        He's awesome and explains things to the level that our younger son can understand.