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Barry Gordon

Barry Gordon, MD




  • English



Johns Hopkins Affiliations:

  • Johns Hopkins School of Medicine Faculty

About Barry Gordon

Professional Titles

  • Director, Cognitive Neurology/Neuropsychology Division

Primary Academic Title

Professor of Neurology


Barry Gordon, M.D., Ph.D., is a behavioral neurologist and cognitive neuroscientist whose work focuses on identifying and implementing better methods for improving language, memory, thinking skills, and learning in individuals with autism, amnesia, Alzheimer’s disease, and other acquired and developmental brain conditions. Dr. Gordon is the inaugural holder of the Therapeutic Cognitive Neuroscience endowed professorship, and Professor of Neurology with a Joint Appointment in Cognitive Science, at Johns Hopkins Medicine. He was founder of the Cognitive Neurology/Neuropsychology group and the Memory Clinic at Johns Hopkins, and also a Founding Member of Johns Hopkins' Mind/Brain Institute. He was a member of the Steering Committee of Hopkins’ Science of Learning Institute.

Dr. Gordon received a B.S. degree from Pennsylvania State University and an M.D. degree from Thomas Jefferson University School of Medicine as part of the two institutions’ Five Year Cooperative Program in Medicine. He did a medical internship at New York Hospital/Cornell Medical Center, and his neurology residency at The Johns Hopkins Hospital. After joining the Department of Neurology faculty of The Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, Dr. Gordon received his M.A. and Ph.D. degrees in Psychology from The Johns Hopkins University

Dr. Gordon has authored or co-authored over 150 scientific articles and book chapters, and two books on memory for the general public, Memory: Remembering and Forgetting in Everyday Life and Intelligent Memory (with Lisa Berger), both of which were selections of the Book-of-the-Month-Club. Dr. Gordon is currently Editor-in-Chief of the journal Cognitive and Behavioral Neurology. His professional leadership positions have included being President of the Behavioral Neurology Society, and Chair of the Board of Governors of the Academy of Aphasia. He was also elected as a member of the American Neurological Association, is a Fellow of the American Academy of Neurology, and a Fellow of the American Psychological Association. He is a member of numerous other professional societies, including the Society for Neuroscience, the International Neuropsychological Society, and the Association for Psychological Science. Dr. Gordon and his work have received national and international media attention, including guest appearances on programs such as the PBS series The Brain, the Oprah Winfrey Show, NPR's Fresh Air, the Today Show, CBS’s Morning Edition, ABC’s Good Morning America, and NBC’s Dateline, and he has also been cited in such publications as The New York Times, Time, Newsweek, and The Wall Street Journal. Dr. Gordon co-wrote and co-produced the nationally-syndicated TV program Improving Your Memory with Dr. Barry Gordon for public television.

Recent News Articles and Media Coverage

  • What can be done to help parents of autistic adults? PBS Newshour (09/30/2014)

    Ron Suskind: "Life, Animated: A Story Of Sidekicks, Heroes, and Autism" NPR's The Diane Rehm Show (04/22/2014)

    Your Brain Isn’t Equipped to Deal With the Heartbleed Bug, TIME (04/29/2014)

    Growing Popularity Of Online Brain-Training Games, NPR's The Diane Rehm Show (03/24/2014)

Contact for Research Inquiries

1629 Thames St.
Suite 350
Baltimore, MD 21231

Phone: (410) 502-5093

Selected Publications


    Gordon B. Memory: Remembering and Forgetting in Everyday Life. New York: Mastermedia Ltd/Dana Alliance for Brain Initiatives, 1995.

    Gordon B and Berger L. Intelligent Memory. New York: Viking Press, 2003.


    Gordon B, Boatman D, Hart J, Jr., Miglioretti D, Lesser RP: Direct cortical electrical interference (stimulation). In Language & Aphasia, Handbook of Neuropsychology, 2nd edition, Vol 3. Berndt RS (ed), 2001, pp 375-91.

    Crone NE, Boatman D, Gordon B, Hao L: Induced electrocorticographic gamma activity during auditory perception. Brazier Award-winning article, 2001. Clin Neurophysiol 2001; 112(4):565-82.

    Crone NE, Hao L, Hart J, Jr., Boatman D, Lesser RP, Irizarry R, Gordon B: Electrocorticographic gamma activity during word production in spoken and sign language. Neurology 2001; 57(11):2045-53.

    Gordon B: Autism and autistic spectrum disorders. In Diseases of the Nervous System. Clinical Neuroscience and Therapeutic Principles, 3rd edition, Vol 1. Asbury AK, McKhann GM, McDonald WI, Goadsby PJ, McArthur JC (eds). Cambridge, UK, Cambridge University Press, 2002, pp 406-21.

    Boser K, Higgins S, Fetherston A, Preissler MA, Gordon B: Semantic fields in low-functioning autism. J Autism Dev Disord 2002; 32(6):563-82.

    Gordon B: Neurolinguistics. In The Handbook of Brain Theory and Neural Networks, 2nd ed. Arbib MA (ed), Bradford Books/MIT Press, 2003, pp 745-50.

    Stark C, Stark S, Gordon B: New semantic learning and generalization in a patient with amnesia. Neuropsychology 2004; 19(2):139-151.

    Sinai A, Bowers CW, Crainiceanu CM, Boatman D, Gordon B, Lesser RP, Lenz FA, Crone NE: Electrocorticographic high gamma activity versus electrical cortical stimulation mapping of naming. Brain 2005; 128(Pt 7): 1556-70.

    Boatman DF, Gordon B and Zimmerman AW: Evaluating central auditory function in autism: new approaches for clinical practice. J Dev Learn Disord 2005; 9:27-38.

    Warden DL, Gordon B et al.: Guidelines for the pharmacologic treatment of neurobehavioral sequelae of traumatic brain injury. J Neurotrauma 2006; 23(10):1468-501.

    Stark S and Gordon B: Visual sequence learning in individuals with lower functioning autism. Focus Autism Other Devel Disabil 2007; 22(1):14-22.

    Wied HM, Morrison PF, Gordon B, Zimmerman AW, Vining EP, Boatman DF. Cortical auditory dysfunction in childhood epilepsy: electrophysiological evidence. Curr Pediatr Rev 2007; 3:317-27.

    Schretlen DJ, Inscore AB, Jinnah HA, Rao V, Gordon B, Pearlson GD: Serum uric acid and cognitive function in community-dwelling older adults. Neuropsychology 2007; 21(1), 136-140.

    Manning KJ, Gordon B, Pearlson GD, Schretlen DJ: The relationship of recency discrimination to explicit memory and executive functioning. J Intl Neuropsychol Soc 2007; 13, 710-715.

    Schretlen DJ, Inscore AB, Vannorsdall TD, Kraut M, Pearlson GD, Gordon B, Jinnar HA: Serum uric acid and brain ischemia in normal elderly adults. Neurology 2007; 69, 1418-1423.

    Stark SM, Gordon B, Stark CEL. Does the presence of priming hinder subsequent recognition performance? Memory 2008; 16(2):157-73.

    Stark S, Gordon B, Stark C. A case study of amnesia: exploring a paradigm for new semantic learning and generalization. Brain Injury 2008; 22(3), 283-292.

    Vannorsdall TD, Hinnah HA, Gordon B, Kraut M, Schretlen DJ: Cerebral ischemia mediates the effect of serum uric acid on cognitive function. Stroke 2008; 39, 3418-3420.

    Pickett E, Pullara O, OGrady J and Gordon B: Speech acquisition in older nonverbal individuals with autism: a review of features, methods, and prognosis. Cogn Behav Neurol 2009; 22(1): 1-21.

    Gordon B, Ledoux K. Direct electrical stimulation of language cortex. In: The Handbook of the Neuroscience of Language. Stemmer B, Whitaker HA (eds). Oxford, Elsevier, in press.

    Schretlen DJ, Winicki JM, Meyer SM, Testa SM, Pearlson GD and Gordon B: Development, psychometric properties, and validity of the Hopkins Adult Reading Test (HART). Clinical Neuropsychol., in press.

    Schretlen DJ, Gordon B: The frequency and bases of abnormal performance by healthy adults on neuropsychological testing. J Intl Neuropsychol Soc, in press.


  • Roche Award
  • Phillips Prize
  • Hare Honor Society
  • Elected to Dana Alliance for Brain Initiatives, 1/1/93
  • NINCDS Teacher-Investigator Award, 1/1/82
  • Alpha Omega Alpha (Junior year), 1/1/72
  • Lange Award (twice), 1/1/70
  • National Merit Finalist, 1/1/67


  • Alpha Omega Alpha, Boston University Medical School

Professional Activities

NIH Directors Pioneer Awards, Review Panel Chair, 1/1/06 - 12/31/06


  1. The Johns Hopkins Hospital
    • 1800 Orleans Street, Baltimore, MD 21287



    Johns Hopkins University

    Graduate School, Psychology, PhD, 1981

    Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine

    Residency, Neurology, 1977

    Sidney Kimmel Medical College

    Medical Education, MD, 1973

    Board Certifications


    American Board of Psychiatry and Neurology, 1979


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