Amita Gupta, MD, MHS
Infectious Diseases
- Johns Hopkins School of Medicine Faculty
About Amita Gupta
Professional Titles
- Chief, Division of Infectious Diseases, Johns Hopkins School of Medicine
- Faculty Co-chair, Johns Hopkins India Institute
- Director, Division of Infectious Diseases, Johns Hopkins School of Medicine
Primary Academic Title
Professor of Medicine
Dr. Gupta is the Florence Sabin Professor of Infectious Diseases and Director of the Division of Infectious Diseases at the Johns Hopkins School of Medicine, and she holds a joint appointment in the Department of International Health at the JH Bloomberg School of Public Health. She is board-certified in infectious diseases and is a practicing physician at Johns Hopkins Hospital.
Dr. Gupta’s work focuses on international clinical research, public health, and education in infectious diseases, with specialties in HIV/AIDS, tuberculosis (TB), and antimicrobial resistant infections. Since 2003, her research has focused primarily on India, where she leads several JHU research collaborations. She has been awarded research grants from the NIH, CDC, UNITAID, and several philanthropic foundations to investigate infectious diseases of importance to India and beyond. She is a faculty member of the Center for Infectious Diseases in India, and is the founder and Faculty Steering Committee Co-chair of the Gupta-Klinsky India Institute (GKII). GKII brings together more than 165 faculty from across 7 Johns Hopkins University schools to collaborate with Indian institutions on research, programs, and policies that serve Indo-US national and global interests.
She is an active clinical investigator in multi-country trials conducted by the Advancing Clinical Therapeutics Globally (ACTG) network and the International Maternal Pediatric Adolescent AIDS Trials network (IMPAACT), and she has served as protocol chair for high impact TB prevention studies that have resulted in publications in The New England Journal of Medicine and The Lancet.
Dr. Gupta’s other scientific leadership positions include serving Vice-Chair for the IMPAACT TB Scientific Committee. She is US Chair for the Indo-US Vaccine Action Program-sponsored RePORT India TB research consortium, which is funded by the US National Institutes of Health (NIH) and the government of India, Department of Biotechnology since 2013. She also is a member of the global RePORT International Executive Committee, a multilateral global consortia for TB research, and Co-principal Investigator of the NIH-funded Johns Hopkins University Baltimore-India Clinical Trials Unit (JHUBI-CTU). She previously served on the Johns Hopkins Precision Medicine Center for Excellence for COVID-19, and in 2019, Dr. Gupta was appointed by the US Health and Human Services Secretary for a 4-year term to the NIAID Council, the chief advisory committee for National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases at the U.S. National Institutes of Health. In 2020, she was invited to the Governing Board of the Indo-U.S. Science & Technology Forum, and in 2023 was appointed to serve on the Association of American Universities’ Task Force on Expanding United States-India Partnerships. She is a Founder’s Circle member of Indiaspora.
Dr. Gupta is an author of more than 250 peer-reviewed research publications and 7 book chapters on prevention and treatment of HIV, TB, and other infectious diseases, primarily in low- and middle-income settings. She has mentored more than 40 junior scientists in India and the US to run research studies and submit their own scientific findings to peer-reviewed publications.
Dr. Gupta received an undergraduate degree from Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) in Materials Science Engineering, a Doctor of Medicine from Harvard Medical School, and a Master of Health Sciences in clinical investigation from Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health. She completed her internal medicine training at San Francisco General Hospital-University of California, San Francisco, followed by post-doctoral fellowships with the Epidemic Intelligence Service at the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC, Foodborne and Diarrheal Diseases) and at the Johns Hopkins School of Medicine (Infectious Diseases).
Centers and Institutes
- Center for TB Research
- Clinical Global Health Education, Center for
- Global Health, Center for
- Gupta-Klinsky India Institute
Clinical Trial Keywords
Tuberculosis; HIV; PMTCT; Breastfeeding; Antiretroviral; MDR-TB; Maternal and Infant Health; TB preventive therapy; drug-resistant infections
Clinical Trials Summary
- ACTG 5300/IMPAACT 2003: Phase III, Open Label, Multi-center Trial: Protecting Households on Exposure to Newly Diagnosed Index Multidrug-Resistant Tuberculosis Patients
- HATHI: Hybrid Trial for Alcohol Reduction among People with TB and HIV in India
- Regional Prospective Observational Research for Tuberculosis (RePORT) International
- Regional Prospective Observational Research for Tuberculosis (RePORT) India
- IMPAACT 1078: Phase IV Randomized Double-Blind Placebo-Controlled Trial to Evaluate the Safety of Immediate (Antepartum-Initiated) Versus Deferred (Postpartum-Initiated) Isoniazid Preventive Therapy Among HIV-Infected Women in High TB Incidence Settings
- Hinduja-Hopkins TB Research Observational Clinical Database
- Impact of Diabetes on TB Treatment Outcomes:
- Dynamics and Immune Mechanisms of QFT Response in Close Contacts of TB Cases
- A Nanopore Biosensor for Leveling MTB Antigens in Blood
- Pharmacokinetic Assessment of MDR-TB Drugs in the Treatment of TB Meningitis
- Increasing Market and Public Health Outcomes Through Scaling Up Affordable Access Models of Short Course Preventive Therapy for TB (IMPAACT4TB)
- Inflammasome Genetics and Tuberculosis Treatment Outcomes
- ACTG 5274: Phase IV, Open Label Strategy Trial: REMEMBER: Reducing Early Mortality and Early Morbidity by Empiric Tuberculosis Treatment Regimens
- Characterization of Genomics and Metabolomics among Individuals Highly-Exposed, but Resistant to MTB Infection
- Host RNA Expression for Diagnosis and Monitoring of Pediatric TB in Africa and India
- Molecular Signatures of Tuberculosis-Diabetes Interaction
- Validation of Transcriptional Signature to Predict Active TB Disease among Advanced HIV Patients
- Residual Respiratory Impairment Following Pulmonary Tuberculosis
- Implementing the Comprehensive Unit-based Safety Program to Reduce Healthcare-Associated Sepsis in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit in Pune, India
- Evaluating the Source of Neonatal Bloodstream Infections due to Classically Hospital Acquired Pathogens in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit in Pune, India
- Gut Microbiota of HIV Infected Pregnant Women
- TREAT Asia Observational Database
- COVID analyses: JH CROWN Registry
Recent News Articles and Media Coverage
- With high unhealthy alcohol use and increased risk of TB, counseling holds a solution Scroll June 21, 2023
- Johns Hopkins Medicine-led consortium to receive up to $200 million to fight TB globally The HUB August 17, 2022
- India is a critical partner in addressing global public health challenges Economic Times June 8, 2022
- Amita Gupta Named Director of Johns Hopkins Medicine's Division of Infectious Diseases, Newswise Feb 3, 2022
- Johns Hopkins Students and Faculty Members Confront India's COVID-19 Crisis. Johns Hopkins Medicine. July 8, 2021
- 7 Lessons We've Learned from this Pandemic to Remember for the Next One. SELF. June 22, 2021
- India COVID-19 Outbreak Could 'Spread Around the World,' Expert Warns. International Business Times. May 13, 2021
- Indian Students in US Anxious about COVID-19 Back Home. VOA News. May 13, 2021
- Johns Hopkins University Helping India Fight Covid Surge. CBS Baltimore. May 13, 2021
- Johns Hopkins expert Dr. Amita Gupta on India's covid 19 challenge & future preparedness options. Financial Express. May 12, 2021
- India's COVID-19 Disaster May Be Turning Into an Even Bigger Global Crisis. TIME. May 12, 2021
- How the US can help the COVID crisis in India. The Hill. May 4, 2021
- India's crushing COVID caseload the result of 'perfect storm' of factors, experts say. USA Today. April 28, 2021
- As COVID Crisis Unfolds in India, Johns Hopkins Rushes to Help. Johns Hopkins Hub. April 28, 2021
- A Bold New Chapter Begins for Hopkins and India. Johns Hopkins Hub. April 26, 2021
- Trump Briefly Leaves Hospital for Photo Op With Supporters. New York Magazine. October 4, 2020
- Johns Hopkins Researchers Publish COVID-19 'Prediction Model.' Johns Hopkins Medicine. September 23, 2020
- Study Shows Extent, Danger of TB Exposure, Part 1. Medical Daily. August 24, 2020
- International Johns Hopkins Study Says Broad Measures needed to Prevent TB Spread in India. Johns Hopkins Research Story Tip. August 6, 2020
- In Women with HIV, TB Preventive Therapy Poses Greater Risk in Pregnancy than Postpartum. NIH Press Release. October 2, 2019
Contact for Research Inquiries
1830 East Monument Street, Room 437
Baltimore, MD 21287
Phone: (410) 502-7696
Research Interests
TB in pregnancy, Antimicrobial Resistance, Diarrheal Diseases Epidemiology, Global Health, Infectious Diseases, Emerging Infections, COVID-19, TB, HIV and Co-Infection Care and Treatment Clinical Trials in India and Other Resource-Constrained Countries, Malnutrition and TB-HIV Coinfection in Adults and Children, Mother-to-Child Transmission Prevention,
Lab Website
Amita Gupta Lab - Lab Website
- The Amita Gupta Lab focuses on drug trials to prevent and treat HIV, tuberculosis (TB) and other co-morbidities in adults, including pregnant women and children who reside in low-income settings. We also conduct cohort studies assessing HIV, inflammation and nutrition in international settings; TB in pregnancy; and risk factors for TB in India (CTRIUMPH). We collaborate with several faculty in the Center for TB Research, Division of Infectious Diseases and the School of Public Health.
Selected Publications
Krishnan S, Wu X, Kim S, McIntire K, Naini L, Hughes MD, Dawson R, Mave V, Gaikwad S, Sanchez J, Mendoza-Ticona A, Gonzales P, Comins K, Shenje J, Nerette Fontain S, Omozoarhe A, Mohapi L, Lalloo UG, Garcia Ferreira AC, Mugah C, Harrington M, Shah NS, Hesseling AC, Churchyard G, Swindells S, Gupta A; AIDS Clinical Trials Group (ACTG) A5300/International Maternal Pediatric Adolescent AIDS Clinical Trials (IMPAACT) I2003 Protecting Households on Exposure to Newly Diagnosed Index Multidrug-resistant Tuberculosis Patients (PHOENIx) Feasibility Study Team. One-year incidence of tuberculosis infection and disease among household contacts of rifampin- and multi-drug resistant tuberculosis. Clin Infect Dis. 2023 May 25:ciad301. doi: 10.1093/cid/ciad301. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 37227925.
Miner MD, Hatherill M, Mave V, Gray GE, Nachman S, Read SW, White RG, Hesseling A, Cobelens F, Patel S, Frick M, Bailey T, Seder R, Flynn J, Rengarajan J, Kaushal D, Hanekom W, Schmidt AC, Scriba TJ, Nemes E, Andersen-Nissen E, Landay A, Dorman SE, Aldrovandi G, Cranmer LM, Day CL, Garcia-Basteiro AL, Fiore-Gartland A, Mogg R, Kublin JG, Gupta A, Churchyard G. Developing tuberculosis vaccines for people with HIV: consensus statements from an international expert panel. Lancet HIV. 2022 Nov;9(11):e791-e800. doi: 10.1016/S2352-3018(22)00255-7. Epub 2022 Oct 11. Erratum in: Lancet HIV. 2022 Dec;9(12):e822. PMID: 36240834; PMCID: PMC9667733.
Gupta A, Montepiedra G, Aaron L, Theron G, McCarthy K, Bradford S, Chipato T, Vhembo T, Stranix-Chibanda L, Onyango-Makumbi C, Masheto GR, Violari A, Mmbaga BT, Aurpibul L, Bhosale R, Mave V, Rouzier V, Hesseling A, Shin K, Zimmer B, Costello D, Sterling TR, Chakhtoura N, Jean-Philippe P, Weinberg A. Isoniazid preventive therapy in HIV-infected pregnant and postpartum women. N Engl J Med. 2019 Oct 3;381(14):1333-1346. PMID: 31577875.
Gupte AN, Kumar P, Araújo-Pereira M, Kulkarni V, Paradkar M, Pradhan N, Menon P, Chandrasekaran PD, Hanna LE, Yogendra Shivakumar SVB, Rockwood N, Du Bruyn E, Karyakarte R, Gaikwad S, Bollinger R, Golub J, Gupte N, Viswanathan V, Wilkinson RJ, Mave V, Babu S, Kornfeld H, Andrade BB, Gupta A. Baseline IL-6 is a biomarker for unfavorable tuberculosis treatment outcomes: a multi-site discovery and validation study. Eur Respir J. 2021 Oct 28:2100905. doi: 10.1183/13993003.00905-2021. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 34711538.
Garibaldi BT, Fiksel J, Muschelli J, Robinson ML, Rouhizadeh M, Perin J, Schumock G, Nagy P, Gray JH, Malapati H, Ghobadi-Krueger M, Niessen TM, Kim BS, Hill PM, Ahmed MS, Dobkin ED, Blanding R, Abele J, Woods B, Harkness K, Thiemann DR, Bowring MG, Shah AB, Wang MC, Bandeen-Roche K, Rosen A, Zeger SL, Gupta A. Patient Trajectories Among Persons Hospitalized for COVID-19 : A Cohort Study. Ann Intern Med. 2021 Jan;174(1):33-41. doi: 10.7326/M20-3905. Epub 2020 Sep 22. Erratum in: Ann Intern Med. 2021 Jan;174(1):144. PMID: 32960645; PMCID: PMC7530643
Swindells S, Ramchandani R, Gupta A, Benson CA, Leon-Cruz J, Mwelase N, Jean Juste MA, Lama JR, Valencia JV, Omoz-Oarhe A, Supparatpinyo K, Masheto G, Mohapi L, da Silva Escada RO, Mawlana S, Banda P, Severe P, Hakim J, Kanyama C, Langat D, Moran L, Andersen J, Fletcher CV, Nuermberger E, Chaisson RE for the BRIEF TB/A5279 Study Team. One month of rifapentine plus isoniazid to prevent HIV-related tuberculosis. N Engl J Med. 2019;380:1001-1011. DOI: 10.1056/NEJMoa1806808.
Mave V, Chandanwale A, Kagal A, Khadse S, Kadam D, Bharadwaj R, Dohe V, Robinson ML, Kinikar A, Joshi S, Raichur P, McIntire K, Kanade S, Sachs J, Valvi C, Balasubramanian U, Kulkarni V, Milstone AM, Marbaniang I, Zenilman J, Gupta A. High Burden of Antimicrobial Resistance and Mortality Among Adults and Children With Community-Onset Bacterial Infections in India. J Infect Dis. 2017 Apr 15;215(8):1312-1320. doi: 10.1093/infdis/jix114. PMID: 28329303; PMCID: PMC5853545.
2018 Johns Hopkins School of Medicine 125th Anniversary "Living the Hopkins Mission" Honoree
Graduate Program Affiliations
- Infectious Diseases Society of America
- American Medical Association
- American Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene
- The International Union Against Tuberculosis and Lung Disease (The Union)
Professional Activities
- ACTG 5274, Reducing Early Mortality Among Patients with Advanced HIV Disease: A Randomized Strategy Trial Comparing the Safety and Efficacy of an Individualized Patient TB Treatment Approach to a Public Health Pre-emptive TB Treatment Approach in Resource-Limited Settings (REMEMBER), Vice Chair
- ACTG 5279, Phase III Clinical Trial of Short-Course Rifapentine/Isoniazid for the Prevention of Active Tuberculosis in HIV-Infected Adults with Latent Tuberculosis Infection, Vice Chair
- ACTG TB transformative Science Group, Member
- ACTG TB Transformative Science Group, Member
- Executive Committee, RePORT International, Member
- IeDEA TB working group, Chair
- IMPAACT P1078, A Randomized Clinical Trial to Evaluate the Safety of Immediate (antepartum-initiated) Versus Deferred Reduction in TB Incidence and Mortality Among HIV-Infected Women and Their Infants in High TB Incidence Settings, Chair
- IMPAACT TB Scientific Committee, Vice Chair
- IMPAACT TB Scientific Committee, Vice Chair
- Indo-US Science and Technology Forum (IUSTTF), Governing Board Member
- JH COVID-19 CROWN registry research, Faculty
- Johns Hopkins India Institute, Faculty Co-chair
- NIAID Advisory Council, Member
- NIH/Indian Government TB Research Consortium (RePORT), Co-Chair
- PHOENIX ACTG A5300/IMPAACT 2003 feasibility study and MDR TB contact prophylaxis trial, Co-Chair
- Union Interest Group in Maternal-Infant TB working group, Member
- The Johns Hopkins Hospital
- 1717 East Monument Street, Park Building, Ground Level, Baltimore, MD 21287
- phone: 410-955-1725
- fax: 443-287-4173
Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health
Graduate School, MHS, 2007Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine
Fellowship, Infectious Diseases, 2005University of California San Francisco School of Medicine
Residency, Internal Medicine, 2000Harvard Medical School
Medical Education, MD, 1997Insurance
- Aetna
- CareFirst
- Cigna
- First Health
- Geisinger Health Plan
- HealthSmart/Accel
- Humana
- Johns Hopkins Health Plans
- MultiPlan
- Pennsylvania's Preferred Health Networks (PPHN)
- Point Comfort Underwriters
- Private Healthcare Systems (PHCS)
- UnitedHealthcare
- Veteran Affairs Community Care Network (Optum-VACCN)