Amanda M. Lauer, PhD
- Johns Hopkins School of Medicine Faculty
- English
FemaleAbout Amanda M. Lauer
Primary Academic Title
Associate Professor of Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery
Amanda Lauer, Ph.D., is a basic researcher focusing on understanding how auditory dysfunction relates to peripheral and brainstem changes across the lifespan, understanding how the brain contributes to auditory dysfunction and plasticity via olivocochlear efferent feedback pathways, and comparative otopathology in traditional animal models, wild species, and human temporal bones. Her lab emphasizes a team science approach, collaborating with colleagues at Johns Hopkins, the University at Buffalo, INGEBI, and elsewhere to expand the array of techniques used to address our research questions and to enrich the intellectual context in which our work is performed. Dr. Lauer is an active educator for both basic scientists and clinicians. She currently serves as the Co-Director of our NIH-funded Research Training Program in Otolaryngology for residents and medical students and as our Vice Director for Academic Affairs. Dr. Lauer is a Fellow of the Acoustical Society of America and serves on a number of advisory and grant review committees. As a PhD-trained scientist, DR. LAUER IS UNABLE TO PROVIDE PATIENT CARE.
Centers and Institutes
Hearing and Balance, Center for
Additional Academic Titles
Associate Professor of Neuroscience, , Associate Professor of Functional Anatomy and Evolution
Contact for Research Inquiries
Traylor Building
720 Rutland Ave
Baltimore, MD 21205
Phone: (443) 287-6336
Research Interests
Auditory brainstem, Efferent feedback to the cochlea, Hearing loss
Lab Website
Lauer Lab - Lab Website
Selected Publications
Publications: Peer Reviewed Original Science Research
Lohr, B. L., Lauer, A. M., Newman, M. R., & Dooling, R. J. (2004). Hearing in the red-billed firefinch (Lagonosticta senegala) and the Spanish timbrado canary (Serinus canaria): The influence of natural and artificial selection on auditory abilities and vocal structure. Bioacoustics, 14, 83-98.
Lauer, A. M., Dooling, R. J., Leek, M. R., and Lentz, J. J. (2006). Phase effects in masking by harmonic complexes in three species of birds. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 119, 1251-1259.
Lauer, A. M., and Dooling, R. J. (2007). Evidence of hyperacusis in canaries with permanent hereditary high-frequency hearing loss. Seminars in Hearing, 28, 319-326.
Lauer, A. M., Dooling, R. J., Leek, M. R., and Poling, K. P. (2008). Detection and discrimination of simple and complex sounds by Belgian Waterslager canaries. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 122, 3615-3627.
Lauer, A. M., Dooling, R. J., and Leek, M. R. (2009). Psychophysical evidence for damage to the active processing mechanism in the Belgian Waterslager canary. Journal of Comparative Physiology A: Sensory, Neural, and Behavioral Physiology, 195, 193-202.
Lauer, A. M., May, B. J., Hao, Z. J., & Watson, J. (2009). Analysis of environmental sound levels in modern rodent housing rooms. Lab Animal, 38, 154-159.
Lauer, A. M., Molis, M., and Leek, M. R. (2009). Discrimination of time-reversed harmonic complexes by normal-hearing and hearing-impaired listeners. Journal of Association for Research in Otolaryngology, 10, 609-619.
May, B. J., Lauer, A.M., Roos, M. J. (2011). Impairments of the medial olivocochlear system (MOCS) increase the risk of noise-induced auditory neuropathy in laboratory mice. Otology and Neurotology, 32, 1568-1578.
Yang, Y., Aitoubah, J., Lauer A. M., Nuriya, M., Takamiya, K., Jia, Z., May, B. J., Huganir, R. L., and Wang, L. (2011). GluA4 is indispensable for driving ultra-fast neurotransmission across a high-fidelity central synapse. Journal of Physiology, 589, 4209-4227.
Lauer, A. M., May, B. J. (2011). The medial olivocochlear system attenuates the developmental impact of early noise exposure. Journal of the Association for Research in Otolaryngology, 12, 329-343.
Lauer, A. M., May, B. J. (2011). Acoustic basis of directional acuity in laboratory mice. Journal of the Association for Research in Otolaryngology, 12, 633-645.
Lauer, A. M., El-Sharkawy, A. M., Kraitchman, D. L., Edelstein, W. A. (2012). MRI acoustic noise can harm experimental and companion animals. Journal of Magnetic Resonance Imaging. 36, 743-747.
Lauer, A. M., Fuchs, P. A., Ryugo, D. K., Francis, H. W. (2012). Efferent synapses return to inner hair cells in the aging cochlea. Neurobiology of Aging, 33, 2892-2902.
Lina, I. A., Lauer, A. M. (2013). Rapid measurement of auditory filter shape in mice using the auditory brainstem response and notched noise. Hearing Research, 298, 73-79.
Schettino, A., Lauer, A. M. (2013). The efficiency of design-based stereology in estimating spiral ganglion populations in mice. Hearing Research, 304, 153-158.
Lauer, A. M., Connelly, C.J., Graham, H., Ryugo, D.K. (2013). Morphological characterization of bushy cells and their inputs in the laboratory mouse (Mus musculus) anteroventral cochlear nucleus. PLoS ONE 8(8): e73308. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0073308.
Hiebler, S., Masuda, T., Moser, T., Liu, A., Faust, P., Chowdhury, N., Lauer, A., Bennett, J., Watkins, P., Zack, D., Braverman, N., Raymond, G., Steinberg, S. (2014). The Pex1-G844D mouse: A model for mild human Zellweger spectrum disorder. Mol Gen Metab 111:522-532.
McGuire, B. M., Fiorillo, B., Ryugo, D. K., Lauer, A. M. (2015). Auditory nerve synapses persist in ventral cochlear nucleus long after loss of acoustic input in mice with early-onset progressive hearing loss. Brain Res 1605:22-30.
Sun, D. Q., Lehar, M., Swarthout, L., Dai, C., Lauer, A. M., Carey, J.P., Mitchell D. E., Cullen, K. E., Della Santina, C. C. (2015). Histopathologic changes of the inner ear in Rhesus monkeys after intratympanic gentamycin injection and vestibular prosthesis electrode array implantation. J Assoc Res Otolaryngol. 16:373-87.
Ngodup, T., Goetz, J. A., McGuire, B. C., Sun, W., Lauer, A. M., Xu-Friedman, M. A. (in press). Activity-dependent, homeostatic regulation of neurotransmitter release from auditory nerve fibers. Proc Nat Acad Sci USA. doi: 10.1073/pnas.1420885112
- American Hearing Research Foundation Research Award, 1/1/11
- National Organization for Hearing Research Award, 1/1/10
- Ruth L. Kirschstein Individual l Postdoctoral National Research Service Award, NIDCD, 1/1/08
- Ruth L. Kirschstein Institutional Postdoctoral National Research Service Award, NIDCD, 1/1/07
- Student Travel Award, Meeting of the Association for Research in Otolaryngology, 1/1/02
- Mentored Student Research Travel Award, American Auditory Society, 1/1/02
- Ruth L. Kirschstein Individual Predoctoral National Research Service Award, NIDCD, 1/1/02
- 2nd Place Award, Graduate Research Interaction Day, University of Maryland, 1/1/01
- Graduate Psychology Award, St. Joseph's University, 1/1/00
- Graduate Fellowship, Department of Psychology, University of Maryland, 1/1/00
- Graduate Assistantship, Department of Psychology, St. Joseph's University, 1/1/99
- Acoustical Society of America
- Association for Research in Otolaryngology
- Society for Neuroscience
Additional Training
Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, Maryland, 2011, Otolaryngology