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Adrian Sandra Dobs

Adrian Sandra Dobs, MD, MHS


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Johns Hopkins Affiliations:
  • Johns Hopkins School of Medicine Faculty


  • English

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About Adrian Sandra Dobs

Professional Titles

  • Director, Johns Hopkins Clinical Research Network

Primary Academic Title

Professor of Medicine


Dr. Dobs is presently an active clinical researcher in the field of endocrine gonadal function. She is particularly interested in new forms of male hormone replacement therapy and has published extensively in the area of hormonal changes with aging and chronic disease. Her clinical practice covers general endocrinology, with a focus on sex hormone disorders in both men and women. As Director of the Johns Hopkins Clinical Research Network, she oversees a multi-institutional consortium of hospitals in the mid-Atlantic states dedicated to facilitating clinical research through an academic-community hospital partnership.

Clinical Trial Keywords

Hormone replacement therapy men and women, hyperlipidemia, diabetes

Additional Academic Titles

Professor of Oncology

Contact for Research Inquiries

Phone: (443) 287-4000

Research Interests

Endocrinology, Gonadal dysfunction, hyperlipidemia, diabetes mellitus

Lab Website

Adrian Dobs Lab - Lab Website

  • Researchers in the Adrian Dobs Lab study topics that include gonadal dysfunction, hyperlipidemia, diabetes mellitus, and the relationship between sex hormones and heart disease. We currently are investigating male gonadal function--with particular interest in new forms of male hormone replacement therapy--and hormonal changes related to aging.

Research Summary

Dr. Dobs is presently an active investigator in the field of sex hormone disorders and a clinical investigator who has published extensively in HIV-related endocrinopathies and risks and benefits of testosterone replacement therapies.

Selected Publications

  • Research Support.

    Ongoing Research Support:
    RO1 DA1409801 (Dobs AS) 06/15/03 05/31/09
    NIDA/NIH Cognitive Consequences of Endocrine Dysfunction in Injection Drug Users
    Role: Principal Investigator
    The major goal of this project is to investigate the consequences of hypogonadal endocrine dysfunction in injection drug users with and without HIV.

    2U01 AI35042-07 (Margolick JB) 04/01/04 03/31/11
    NIAID/NIH Multi-Center AIDS Cohorts
    Role: Co-Investigator
    The major goal of this project is to determine metabolic abnormalities of HIV disease.

    R03DA026038 09/30/08 9/29/10
    Serum Sex Hormones and Cardiovascular Risk in the MACS
    The major goal of this project is to study the relationship of sex steroids to heart disease
    Principal Investigator


    1. Paller CJ, Shiels MS,Rohrmann S, Basaria S, Rifai N, Nelson W, Platz EA, Dobs A, Relationship of Sex Streriod Hormones with Bone Mineral Density in a Nationally-Representative Sample of Men, Clin Endocrinol (Oxf) May 2008 (E-pub ahead of print) PMID 18485120

    2. Wohl D, Scherzer R, Heymensfield S, Simberkoff M, Sidney S, Bacchetti P, Grunfeld C:FRAM Study Investigators (including Dobs A), The Associations of Regional Adipose Tissue with Lipid and Lipoprotein Levels in HIV Infected Men, J Aquir Immune Defic Syndr. , May 2008 48 (1):44-52.

    3. Brown T, Jacobson L, Xu X, Tang Y, Qaqish R, Kingsley L, Palella F, Witt M, Visscher B, Dobs A, The Relationship Between Inflammatory Markers, the Metabolic Syndrome and Body Composition Among HIV Seropositive and Seronegative Men: Two Nested Case-Control Studies from the Multicenter AIDS Cohort Study, Conference on Retroviruses and Oppurtunistic Infections.

    4. Dobs A, Mortgentaler A, Does Testosterone Therapy Increase the Risk of Prostate Cancer?Endocr.Prac.,2008,14,7,904-911 PMID 18996823
    Eckman A, Dobs A, Drug-Induced Gynecomastia,Expert Opin.Drug Saf..,2008,7,6,691-702, England PMID 18983216

    5. Mortgentaler A, Dobs AS, Kaufman JM, Miner MM, Shsbsigh R, Swerdloff, RS, Wang C. Long Acting Testosterone Therapyin Men with Hypogonadism: Results of a Pharmacokinetic Clinical Study, JUrol.,2008,180,6,2307-2313,United States, PMID 18930255

    6. Ouyang P, Vaidya D, Dobs A, Golden S, Szklo M, Heckbert S, Kopp P, Gapstur S, Sex Hormone Levels and Subclinical Atherosclerosis , Atherosclerosis, 2008 PMID 18849030

    7. Andrade A, Hendrix C, Parsons T, Caballero B, Yuan C, Flexner C, Dobs A, Brown T, BMC Complementary and Alternative Medicine.,2008,8,50,England, PMID 18713456

    8. Vaidya D, Dobs A, Gapstur S, Golden S, Hankinson A, Liu K, Ouyang P, The Association of Endogenous Sex Hormones with Lipoprotein Subfraction Profile in the Multi-Ethnic Study of Atheroschlerosis, Metabolism, 2008,57,6,782-790, United States, PMID 18502260

    9. Pfeil E., Dobs A, Current and Future Testosterone Delivery Systems for Treatment of the Hypogonadal Male, Expert Opin. Drug Deliv., 2008 5,4,471-481, England, PMID 18426387

    10. Cofrancesco J, Scherzer R, Tien P, Gilbert C, Southwell H, Sidney S, Dobs A, Grunfeld C, Illicit Drug Use and HIV Treatment Outcomes in a US Cohort, AIDS,2008,22,3,357-365, England, PMID 18195562

    Journal Citations

    Basaria, S.; Muller, D.C.; Carducci, M.A.; Egan, J.; Dobs, A.S. Hyperglycemia and insulin resistance in men with prostate carcinoma who receive androgen-deprivation therapy. Cancer. 2006 Feb 1;106(3):581-588.

    Braga-Basaria, M.; Dobs, A.S.; Muller, D.C.; Carducci, M.A.; John, M.; Egan, J.; Basaria, S. Metabolic syndrome in men with prostate cancer undergoing long-term androgen-deprivation therapy. J Clin Oncol. 2006 Aug 20;24(24):3979-3983.

    Braga-Basaria, M.; Muller, D.C.; Carducci, M.A.; Dobs, A.S.; Basaria, S. Lipoprotein profile in men with prostate cancer undergoing androgen deprivation therapy. International journal of impotence research. 2006 Sep-Oct;18(5):494-498.

    Levinson, N.M.; Kuchment, O.; Shen, K.; Young, M.A.; Koldobskiy, M.; Karplus, M.; Cole, P.A.; Kuriyan, J. A Src-like inactive conformation in the abl tyrosine kinase domain. PLoS Biol. 2006 May;4(5):e144.

    Maggio, M.; Blackford, A.; Taub, D.; Carducci, M.; Ble, A.; Metter, E.J.; Braga-Basaria, M.; Dobs, A.; Basaria, S. Circulating inflammatory cytokine expression in men with prostate cancer undergoing androgen deprivation therapy. J Androl. 2006 Nov-Dec;27(6):725-728.

    Basaria, S.; Muller, D.C.; Carducci, M.A.; Egan, J.; Dobs, A.S. Relation between duration of androgen deprivation therapy and degree of insulin resistance in men with prostate cancer. Archives of internal medicine. 2007 Mar 26;167(6):612-613.

    Rohrmann, S.; Nelson, W.G.; Rifai, N.; Brown, T.R.; Dobs, A.; Kanarek, N.; Yager, J.D.; Platz, E.A. Serum estrogen, but not testosterone, levels differ between black and white men in a nationally representative sample of Americans. J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 2007 Jul;92(7):2519-2525.

    Selvin, E.; Feinleib, M.; Zhang, L.; Rohrmann, S.; Rifai, N.; Nelson, W.G.; Dobs, A.; Basaria, S.; Golden, S.H.; Platz, E.A. Androgens and diabetes in men: results from the Third National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES III). Diabetes Care. 2007 Feb;30(2):234-238.

    Paller, C.J.; Shiels, M.S.; Rohrmann, S.; Basaria, S.; Rifai, N.; Nelson, W.; Platz, E.A.; Dobs, A. Relationship of sex steroid hormones with bone mineral density (BMD) in a nationally representative sample of men. Clinical endocrinology. 2009 Jan;70(1):26-34.

    Sharma, P.; Wisniewski, A.; Braga-Basaria, M.; Xu, X.; Yep, M.; Denmeade, S.; Dobs, A.S.; DeWeese, T.; Carducci, M.; Basaria, S. Lack of an effect of high dose isoflavones in men with prostate cancer undergoing androgen deprivation therapy. J Urol. 2009 Nov;182(5):2265-2272.

    Shiels, M.S.; Rohrmann, S.; Menke, A.; Selvin, E.; Crespo, C.J.; Rifai, N.; Dobs, A.; Feinleib, M.; Guallar, E.; Platz, E.A. Association of cigarette smoking, alcohol consumption, and physical activity with sex steroid hormone levels in US men. Cancer Causes Control. 2009 Aug;20(6):877-886.

    Menke, A.; Guallar, E.; Rohrmann, S.; Nelson, W.G.; Rifai, N.; Kanarek, N.; Feinleib, M.; Michos, E.D.; Dobs, A.; Platz, E.A. Sex steroid hormone concentrations and risk of death in US men. Am J Epidemiol. 2010 Mar 1;171(5):583-592.

    Mondul, A.M.; Selvin, E.; Rohrmann, S.; Menke, A.; Feinleib, M.; Kanarek, N.; Rifai, N.; Dobs, A.S.; Platz, E.A. Association of serum cholesterol and cholesterol-lowering drug use with serum sex steroid hormones in men in NHANES III. Cancer Causes Control. 2010 Oct;21(10):1575-1583.


  • American Andrology Society
  • Institute of Medicine Roundtable in Clinical Research
  • The Endocrine Society

Professional Activities

  • Albert Einstein College of Medicine, Medical Residency, 1/1/78 - 1/1/81
  • JHU-SYSU (China) Clinical Research Collaboration, Director, 1/1/11 - 1/1/20
  • Johns Hopkins Clinical Research Network, Director, 1/1/10
  • Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, Vice-Chair, 1/1/96 - 1/1/01
  • Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, Vice-Chair, 1/1/01 - 1/1/18
  • NCI-funded Center to Reduce Cancer Disparities, Director, 1/1/12 - 1/1/18


  1. Johns Hopkins Outpatient Center
    • 601 North Caroline Street, Floor 7, Baltimore, MD 21287
    • Johns Hopkins Health Care & Surgery Center - Green Spring Station, Lutherville
      • 10751 Falls Road, Falls Concourse STE 412, Lutherville, MD 21093



      Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health

      Graduate School, MHS, 1990

      Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine

      Fellowship, Endocrinology, 1984

      Montefiore Medical Center

      Residency, Internal Medicine, 1982

      Albany Medical College

      Medical Education, MD, 1978

      Board Certifications

      Endocrinology Diabetes and Metabolism

      American Board of Internal Medicine, 1987

      Internal Medicine

      American Board of Internal Medicine, 1981


      Johns Hopkins providers accept various commercial health insurance plans. However, they may not be included in all of an insurance company's plans or offerings. This may include Exchange, Medicaid, Medicare, and specific limited benefit plans. Exceptions to participation also exist based on your employer’s benefits package and the provider's location or specialty. Please contact your insurer directly to make sure your doctor is covered by your plan. For more details, please review our Insurance Information.
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      • Veteran Affairs Community Care Network (Optum-VACCN)

      Ratings & Reviews

      4.6 out of 5

      45 ratings, 12 reviews

      The Patient Rating score is an average of all responses to physician related questions on the national CG-CAHPS Medical Practice patient experience survey through Press Ganey. Responses are measured on a scale of 1 to 5, with 5 being the best score. Comments are also gathered from our CG-CAHPS Medical Practice Survey through Press Ganey and displayed in their entirety. Patients are de-identified for confidentiality and patient privacy.

      Overall Rating by Patient
      Average provider Overall Rating by Patient rating 4.5 out of 5 stars
      Provider Listened Carefully
      Average provider Provider Listened Carefully rating 4.6 out of 5 stars
      Provider Explained Things Clearly
      Average provider Provider Explained Things Clearly rating 4.7 out of 5 stars
      Provider Knew Medical History
      Average provider Provider Knew Medical History rating 4.5 out of 5 stars
      Provider Showed Respect
      Average provider Provider Showed Respect rating 4.6 out of 5 stars
      Provider Spent Enough Time
      Average provider Provider Spent Enough Time rating 4.7 out of 5 stars
      Search reviews
        5 out of 5 stars
        Reviewed on 2/18/2025

        As always Dr Dobs was very informative and knowledgeable In her field

        5 out of 5 stars
        Reviewed on 2/12/2025

        Dr. Dobbs is professional, thorough, an attentive listener, and I feel very satisfied with the care I have received so far.

        5 out of 5 stars
        Reviewed on 1/8/2025

        I always enjoy my annual visits with Dr. Dobs. She treats me with respect and listens to my concerns or provides immediate responses to my questions for information on studies related to my health issues.

        5 out of 5 stars
        Reviewed on 11/20/2024

        Excellent care.

        5 out of 5 stars
        Reviewed on 11/20/2024

        I'm delighted to be working with Dr. Dobs and [staff]. They are thorough, personable, and fully in command of pertinent information.

        5 out of 5 stars
        Reviewed on 10/23/2024

        Love Dr Dobbs, she is so nice.

        5 out of 5 stars
        Reviewed on 9/24/2024

        Am excellent doctor

        5 out of 5 stars
        Reviewed on 9/10/2024

        Very knowledgeable

        5 out of 5 stars
        Reviewed on 9/4/2024

        Outstanding did a great job

        5 out of 5 stars
        Reviewed on 8/28/2024

        I've been her patient for years and I keep coming back

        5 out of 5 stars
        Reviewed on 8/6/2024

        I have known Dr. Dobs for years and she has been very helpful for me.None

        5 out of 5 stars
        Reviewed on 6/18/2024

        She was great! Very attentive and thorough. Asked many questions and answered all of mine.