Treatments and Procedures: Platelet-rich Plasma (PRP) Injection

Platelet-rich plasma injection, or PRP, is a procedure in which the doctor injects patients with their own blood that has been treated to concentrate platelets in the plasma. PRP is used to support tissue regeneration, including hair growth, and works in conjunction with hair transplants and other procedures.

PRP: Why Choose Johns Hopkins Facial Plastic Surgery?

  • In addition to decades of expertise and renowned skill, our team ensures clear communication, warmth and compassion throughout each step of your procedure.
  • The team is dedicated to safeguarding each patient’s well-being and health while helping them feel attractive and confident.
  • All treatments are safe and effective, as supported by scientific studies.
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PRP: What to Expect

Preparation for PRP

To ensure your safety and optimal results, be sure to follow the doctor's instructions if you are taking aspirin, antibiotics or other medications.

If you are getting PRP for hair loss, wash your hair on the day of treatment, but do not use any products on the hair. Bring a clean hat to your appointment to wear after the procedure to protect the area.

Because PRP therapy involves drawing blood, it is important to eat a meal before the procedure to avoid lightheadedness.

The PRP Procedure

  • First, the doctor draws blood from your arm, and then separates the PRP from the rest of the blood’s components.
  • After injecting lidocaine to numb the treatment area, she carefully injects the PRP into multiple places under your skin. The platelets break down and release their growth factors, which trigger the natural processes of cell proliferation and tissue renewal.
  • The procedure takes about 30 minutes, and most people can resume their normal activities immediately afterward.

After PRP Treatment

  • Avoid washing the treatment area for 48 hours. After that, you can use your regular hair products and continue any topical medications.
  • The treatment area may be sore for two or three days, and you may notice some bruising. Acetaminophen can help ease discomfort. In case of severe pain, notify the doctor’s office right away.
  • You can use hair dye or coloring treatments one week after PRP treatment for hair loss.
  • You will notice the effect of treatment after at least six months. Repeat treatments may be necessary to maintain the improvement.

Our Physician

Lisa Ishii, M.D., is board certified in both otolaryngology–head and neck surgery and facial plastic and reconstructive surgery, which gives her a unique and comprehensive level of expertise.

Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery: Johns Hopkins | Q&A

Lisa Ishii, M.D., a Johns Hopkins facial plastic and reconstructive surgeon, answers frequently asked questions about facial cosmetic and reconstructive surgery. She provides information on when and why you should consult a facial plastic surgeon and what you can expect at your first appointment.