COVID-19 Story Tip: Johns Hopkins Medicine Collaborates with the City and Faith Organizations to Offer Guidance on Safely Reopening Houses of Worship


Reopening churches
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Johns Hopkins Medicine is collaborating with Mayor Brandon M. Scott and the Baltimore City Health Department to advise houses of worship on how to reopen safely during the COVID-19 pandemic. The program will include opportunities for faith institutions to pair with health professionals to receive individualized guidance on how to create health and safety protocols to protect congregants and staff.

The partnership, announced on April 26, will involve two components: a virtual educational session and one-on-one guidance to help Baltimore faith institutions comply with the City’s public health mandates, learn about best practices and receive resources.

“Johns Hopkins Medicine and University are proud to collaborate with The Mayor’s Office of Neighborhoods and the Baltimore City Health Department on this vital COVID-19 education initiative,” said Sherita Golden, M.D., M.H.S., vice president and chief diversity officer at Johns Hopkins Medicine and professor of medicine at Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine. This initiative is a part of a broader scope of work we have been leading, aimed at partnering with Baltimore City, faith leaders and our community to bring relief to residents facing economic hardships due to the pandemic and to provide information about COVID-19, vaccines and testing.”

Golden and Panagis Galiatsatos, M.D., M.H.S., assistant professor of medicine and director of Medicine for the Greater Good at Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, are available for interviews.