COVID-19 Story Tip: ‘12 Things You Need to Know’ Infographic


Vaccine graphic
Credit: Michael Newman

As the coronavirus continues to spread, and half the country’s population receives the first dose of the COVID-19 vaccine, Johns Hopkins Medicine has released an infographic that outlines “12 Things You Need to Know” about getting vaccinated.

Each fact, accompanied by a cartoon and short blurb with additional details, plainly states helpful information about vaccines and their importance.

Panagis Galiatsatos, M.D., M.H.S., co-chair of Johns Hopkins Health System’s Health Equity committee in the Office of Diversity, Inclusion, & Health Equity at Johns Hopkins Medicine, is available for interviews to talk about the infographic.

"This infographic helps simplify how to continue being mindful of COVID-19 as the pandemic continues, even if we are faced with fatigue. We may be tired, but Mother Nature is not; therefore, these tips help simplify action to prevent COVID-19," Galiatsatos says.