For many of us, this year’s holiday season may look different, and many are asking how we can enjoy the fellowship of the season while keeping ourselves, our loved ones and our communities safe from COVID-19.

Johns Hopkins Medicine experts urge people to make responsible, safe decisions as they develop their Thanksgiving plans this year. This includes wearing masks, practicing physical distancing and staying at home whenever possible.

“We’ve had to make some challenging decisions on how we celebrate the festivities over the next several weeks,” says Sapna Kudchadkar, M.D., Ph.D., associate professor of anesthesiology and critical care medicine. “We’ve decided as a family that it’s really important that we make this sacrifice this year and celebrate at home. We’ll be using video calls creatively so we can all celebrate safely without missing out on the most important parts of the holidays.”

Johns Hopkins Medicine experts are available for interviews about safe holiday celebrations. Contact [email protected].

More information from Johns Hopkins on celebrating the holidays safely: How to Make Decisions About Winter Holiday Gatherings Amid Covid-19