COVID-19 Story Tip: Front-line Worker Story: Ebony Hunter — Teamwork Will Get Us Through


Ebony Hunter, M.D., is a pediatric emergency medicine physician at Johns Hopkins All Children’s Hospital in St. Petersburg, Fla. Hunter’s experience with coronavirus has been both personal and professional. Credit: Johns Hopkins Medicine

It seems there will never be enough “thank-you’s” for the incredible doctors, nurses, technicians and support staff members who are working around the clock to help patients who have COVID-19, the dangerous coronavirus disease. Their dedication, determination and spirit enable Johns Hopkins to deliver the promise of medicine.

Ebony Hunter, M.D., is a pediatric emergency medicine physician at Johns Hopkins All Children’s Hospital in St. Petersburg, Florida. Hunter’s experience with the coronavirus has been both personal and professional. While caring for children and families fighting COVID-19 in Florida, her family in Louisiana was one of the first to lose a loved one to the disease. “My family’s introduction to COVID-19 was a death. There are still moments where it feels surreal,” says Hunter. Despite this, she maintains a positive outlook for her co-workers, patients, family and friends. “I’m going to keep doing what I was made to do, which is help take care of people in my community and make sure others are safe.”

Ebony Hunter is available for interviews about her work.