The ringing of a bell can symbolize many things: the passage of time, a celebration, a beginning or even an ending. At Johns Hopkins Children’s Center, patients ring a bell to celebrate the completion of chemotherapy treatments. At Panda Express, associates ring a bell to celebrate every time a customer makes a donation. And when that bell rings at Panda Express, the associates cheer, remembering the patients they know they’re helping.
Nationwide, Panda Express proudly supports Children’s Miracle Network Hospitals — Johns Hopkins Children’s Center is one — through its Panda Cares program. Locally, 15 locations (and counting) raise funds year-round that benefit the Children’s Center through an employee giving campaign and by asking customers to donate. Children’s Center leadership uses the funds raised wherever the need is greatest.
“As a company, we think that we have to do something in the community, especially for the children,” says Cristina Hernandez, northeast area coach of operations. “Our practice is that we ask every customer, it’s part of our training. We want to give our customers the opportunity to give and help those kids who are really in need.”
And this “ask every customer” mentality has proved to be successful. Over the last five years, Panda Express’ fundraising has shown unparalleled growth locally, increasing from $1,600 raised in 2015 to an impressive $145,000 for the Children’s Center in 2019. This wouldn’t be possible without the encouragement and support of Panda Express leadership and management, who lead by example through their voluntary payroll donations.
“Caring and loving is part of our culture. We want to support everyone and want everyone’s life to be better,” Hernandez says. “We took the managers to Johns Hopkins, and they were able to share these experiences with their associates to help inspire them. The money doesn’t go to medical bills, but to things like toys and playrooms. It really makes a difference for the kids in the hospital.”
In a crucial time of need, Panda Express also stepped up to help those on the front line during the COVID-19 pandemic, donating 60,000 single-use surgical masks to The Johns Hopkins Hospital.
“We are so grateful to Panda Express, both our local stores and corporate leadership, for their never-ending support of our patients, families and care-providers,” says Cynthia Palacz, senior associate director of development at the Children’s Center. “It’s reassuring that even in these unknown times, we can rely on our community to step up and make a difference.”
For more information on community fundraising opportunities, contact