From the Director

Unprecedented Progress

This is an exciting time in cancer medicine, and I am privileged to share with you groundbreaking advances in radiation oncology and molecular radiation sciences. The opportunities for progress are unprecedented.  Targeted therapies, immune therapies and advanced technologies such as proton therapy and data mining are resulting in better cancer treatments for patients and reducing the toxic side effects that have, for so long, been associated with cancer. 

Radiation oncology and molecular radiation sciences has been and remains a vital part of every advance against cancer.  Ongoing research continues to improve the precision, increase the strength and expand the delivery methods for radiation therapies. Research techniques—unique to the Kimmel Cancer Center—allow us to study the effects of radiation therapy in ways never before possible and to image, quantify and measure tumor responses in real time.


Theodore DeWeese, M.D., Director

Sidney Kimmel Professor of Radiation Oncology and Molecular Radiation Sciences 
Vice President for Interdisciplinary Patient Care, Johns Hopkins Medicine