Ph.D. Students Reach Bargaining Agreement

Union-represented Ph.D. students at Johns Hopkins University voted in favor of ratifying a three-year collective bargaining agreement that guarantees them enhanced pay and benefits.

The 29 articles that make up the contract between the university and the union that represents PhD students — Teachers and Researchers United – United Electrical, Radio and Machine Workers of America Local 197 (TRU-UE Local 197) — address a broad range of important topics including minimum stipend levels, union rights, appointment duties, grievance and arbitration, training and professional development, professional rights, and health and safety provisions.

The contract offers enhanced pay and benefits that raise the minimum stipend to $47,000 per year beginning this July. Stipend increases are approximately 32% on average across the bargaining unit and more than 50% in some departments. The three-year agreement also includes guaranteed minimum stipend increases of more than 6% in the second year of the contract to $50,000, and then a 4% increase in the third year of the contract. Among other benefit enhancements, the contract also includes paid health benefits for children and some spouses, parental leave benefits, increased vacation and sick time, and a one-time $1,000 signing bonus for all bargaining unit members.

The ratified agreement, completed in late March, is the product of more than 40 bargaining sessions between university and union representatives.