2024 Johns Hopkins Medicine Alumni Awards

On May 31, alumni were honored with awards from the Johns Hopkins Medicine Alumni Association and the Johns Hopkins Alumni Association.

Johns Hopkins Medicine Alumni Association Awards

The Distinguished Medical Alumnus/Alumna Award honors alumni who have demonstrated excellence and achievement through their personal and professional accomplishments.

Peter C. Agre, M.D., Med ’74, PGF ’84, Faculty

Pamela A. Lipsett, M.D., M.H.P.E., HS ’89, Faculty

Neil R. Powe, M.D., M.P.H., M.B.A., Faculty ’09

Selwyn M. Vickers, M.D., F.A.C.S., A&S ’82, Med ’86, Faculty ’94

Bert Vogelstein, M.D., Med ’74, HS ’76, Faculty

The Samuel P. Asper Award for Achievement in Advancing International Medical Education recognizes alumni who have made a significant impact on health and medical education overseas.

Sarah J. Hanson, M.D., PGF ’10

The Johns Hopkins Women’s Medical Alumnae Association Hall of Fame recognizes the contributions of the extraordinary women alumni and faculty of the School of Medicine.

Ebony Boulware, M.D., M.P.H., BSPH ’00, Faculty ’13

Johns Hopkins Alumni Association Awards

The Distinguished Alumnus/Award honors alumni who have typified the Johns Hopkins University tradition of excellence and brought credit to the university.

Mary F. Cwik, Ph.D., M.A., A&S ’99, PGF ’08, Faculty

Bruce Fye, M.D., M.A., A&S ’68, Med ’72, ’78, PGF ’77, Faculty ’78*

Laman A. Gray Jr., M.D., Med ’67

*2023 award presented in 2024

The Community Champion Award recognizes outstanding contributions by alumni and friends that address critical social, economic, and environmental needs throughout our society and communities.

Shelly S. Choo, M.D., M.P.H., Med ’11, BSPH ’14, PGF ’15

The Heritage Award honors alumni and friends of Johns Hopkins who have contributed outstanding service to the progress of the university or the activities of the alumni association.

Ralph H. Hruban, M.D., Med ’85, PGF ’88, Faculty

Johns Hopkins Medicine

Johns Hopkins Medicine unveiled portraits of the following individuals for its Portrait Collection.

Pablo A. Celnik, M.D. HS ’03, Faculty ’23

Solomon H. Snyder, M.D., D.Sc., D.Phil., Faculty


To view awardee bios, visit our website at: www.hopkinsmedicine.org/som/alumni/alumni-awards