Unit Liaison Program

Published in PFAC Annual Report - PFAC Annual Report 2023

In 2023, with support from Kris Hakanson, PFAC co-chair and Suburban Hospital’s director of patient and family experience, the PFAC launched its unit liaison program. Unit Liaisons are PFAs who volunteer to work directly with one of the hospital’s clinical units. The program’s goals are to help each participating PFA to better understand the unit’s dynamics and challenges, to bring the patient and family voice to the operation of the unit, and to relay observations to the PFAC as it deliberates patient- and family-centered care issues. PFA unit liaisons meet with their unit’s nursing leadership, connect with staff, attend staff meetings — especially monthly comprehensive unit-based safety program (CUSP) meetings — and, when appropriate, visit with patients. Some liaisons choose to extend their involvement by becoming regular volunteers on the unit.

By the end of 2023, eight PFA unit liaisons had begun collaborating with their assigned unit. Further expansion of the program is expected in 2024.