Where Are They Now?

In this occasional series, we check in on alumni of Wilmer Eye Institute, Johns Hopkins Medicine ophthalmology residency program to see what they’ve been up to since graduating.

John Kerrison, M.D., 1996

John Kerrison graduated from Wilmer’s ophthalmic residency program in 1996. Kerrison says the residency program was great because it was rigorous and demanding and prepared him for where he is today. In 1999, Kerrison returned to the institution, serving as assistant chief of service, guiding and mentoring residents. During this time, Kerrison was also an active-duty member of the United States Air Force. He later completed neuro-ophthalmology fellowship training at Emory School of Medicine and vitreoretinal surgery fellowship training at Retina Consultants of Charleston in Charleston, South Carolina.

A member of the American Academy of Ophthalmology, Kerrison practices at Retina Consultants of Charleston in a dual role as a vitreoretinal specialist and a neuro-ophthalmologist. He has conducted NIH-backed research aimed at devising new treatments for retinal ganglion cell regeneration. Notably, Kerrison has written and contributed to many ophthalmology handbooks, including the sixth edition of Walsh & Hoyt’s Clinical Neuro-Ophthalmology.

Kerrison’s advice for ophthalmology residents? “Demand excellence from yourself and your colleagues,” he says. “Always be humble to your patients, colleagues and teachers, and enjoy each day with everyone.”