Nathan Jones, R.N., Receives the DAISY Award

Nathan Jones, R.N., is the DAISY Award recipient. He was nominated for this honor by a parent who wrote:
“Our son went through a tough procedure. As his parents, we were a mess and couldn’t comfort him – and then there was Nathan. His soothing voice and ability to ease our son’s pain and emotional distress was just amazing. My husband and I have no words that can truly explain how much it meant. Our son recently turned 14. He doesn't like to talk about being in the hospital but will always mention Nathan. He helped our family get through a difficult time and we’re thankful for that.”
Nathan’s manager added:
“Nathan has many qualities that enable him to be highly successful as a registered nurse. He is mature, bright, self-motivated, hardworking and dedicates himself to our patients and families. Nathan exhibits compassion and a desire to learn to help further his knowledge. He demonstrates clinical excellence in all areas, and provides care to our acute patients with empathy and commitment. He brings a smile and healthy sense of humor to every shift – helping to foster a positive environment for the team. Nathan is a wonderful asset to the organization and to the nursing profession.”
Congratulations, Nathan, and thank you for your commitment to patient- and family-centered care.