Jennifer Lawton has been appointed professor and chief of the Johns Hopkins Division of Cardiac Surgery and is also director of the Cardiac Surgery Research Laboratory. Before joining Johns Hopkins, Lawton was at Washington University. A specialist in adult cardiac surgery, Lawton performs innovative procedures, such as the minimally invasive valve and off-pump coronary artery surgery, a variation of coronary artery bypass graft surgery without the use of the heart-lung machine. As a funded surgeon-scientist, Lawton studies protection of the heart muscle by examining the responses of isolated heart cells in response to stress and the role of a cardioprotective ion channel in the heart.
Maureen O’Donnell is a breast surgeon who practices at the Sullivan Breast Center at Sibley Memorial Hospital. Prior to joining the Sullivan Breast Center, O’Donnell was in a general surgery private practice. She was also an assistant professor of surgery at Virginia Commonwealth University School of Medicine and was involved in resident surgical education at Inova Fairfax Hospital. O’Donnell has extensive experience diagnosing and managing a range of breast diseases, from benign breast issues to breast cancer. She is skilled in techniques including breast-conserving surgery, nipple-sparing and skin-sparing mastectomy, and oncoplastic breast surgery.