Special Report: Fifteen Years of Patient Safety Milestones

Learn how Johns Hopkins has built a culture of accountability and advanced patient safety.

Published in Dome - January/February 2016

In November 1999, the institute of Medicine released “To Err is Human,”a report estimating that between 44,000 and 98,000 Americans die in hospitals every year from medical mistakes. 

In 2001, 18-month-old Josie King died at The Johns Hopkins Hospital from sepsis, a blood infection. Four months later, employee Ellen Roche died after participating in an asthma study.

The events would change Johns Hopkins Medicine forever.

Below are some of the milestones in that transformation. 


15 Milestones 

Compiled by Lisa Broadhead

No Room for Error

Fifteen years ago, a “moral moment” transformed patient safety at Johns Hopkins and around the world.

A photo shows a group from Johns Hopkins.

Special Report: Patient Safety Across Johns Hopkins Medicine

At every Johns Hopkins hospital, new programs are improving patient experience and reducing opportunities for error.

Special 4pg Dome_640px_Howard County Hospital

Special Report: Perspectives on Patient Safety

Voices from across Johns Hopkins Medicine share memories of transformation and look to the future.
