Center for Restless Legs Syndrome

Knowledge is the key to understanding restless legs syndrome (RLS). At the Center for Restless Legs Syndrome, established by Drs. Christopher J. Earley and Richard Allen, we conduct research to learn more about this disorder and deliver better care to people who live with it. Our care program focuses on patient education and includes standard-of-care treatments and research protocols not available in other centers.

About Restless Legs Syndrome

RLS, also recently renamed Willis-Ekbom Disease (WED), is a neurological condition associated with abnormal sensations in the legs, including an uncontrollable urge to move when at rest in an effort to relieve these feelings.

Our Restless Legs Syndrome Experts

Hear From Our Experts

Biological Basis for and Management of Drug Induced Symptom Augmentation in Restless Leg Syndrome

Altered Iron Regulation: A Potential Cause of Restless Leg Syndrome

Iron and Restless Legs Syndrome

Role of Opioids in Restless Leg Syndrome

RLS Clinical Trials

Every day, research uncovers new information about possible therapies for RLS. Your involvement in clinical studies could help in the development of medications to treat RLS. You, a family member, and many other people may benefit from your willingness to become involved.

Learn about importance of clinic research

Understanding the Role of Epigenetics in RLS

This study is designed to address the question of why RLS has such a high inheritance risk. To date, there has been no single gene identified that can account for the 35-40% relative risk of inherency. This study looks deeper into complex genetic regulation (epigenetics) to determine if inheritance risk lies within these factors.

  • Eligibility: women who have iron deficiency anemia. We are looking for women who do and do not (control group) have RLS symptoms.
  • Contact: 410-550-1046

RLS Research Areas

Research is a very important component of our center. Knowledge is the key to better understanding this disorder and coming to terms with what we do not know about it. It is through research that we will hopefully one day bring about a cure for RLS.

Support RLS Research and Care at Hopkins

Philanthropy is essential to our continued progress toward improving the lives of people with RLS. The generosity of individuals enables our work to continue even when federal grant funding falls short. Gifts can be designated to support specific research projects or left unrestricted, to support either a particular physician’s work or RLS research in general. These gifts help us address new opportunities and unexpected needs quickly.

We appreciate your support and consideration. To learn more about Dr. Christopher Earley or our center and its activities, please contact:

Angel Terol
Senior Associate Director of Development
Fund for Johns Hopkins Medicine
Department of Neurology and Brain Sciences
(443) 287-7873