Appointments and Referrals

In case of an emergency, please contact 911 and/or go to the nearest hospital. Otherwise, please use the following information to schedule and appointment with or refer a patient to the Johns Hopkins Encephalitis Center.

For Referring Physicians

To refer a patient to our encephalitis team, please call +1 800-765-5447 or call the Hopkins Access Line for more information or to speak to a nurologist.

For Patients

What to have ready before scheduling your appointment:

  • Diagnosis
  • Most recent MRI reports, records and blood tests
  • Contact information including telephone and email
  • Front and back of your insurance card

What to Bring to Your Appointment

We encourage patients to write down any questions they want to ask and bring a family member or friend to the appointment. This companion can help you get to the hospital and can listen and ask questions during the consultation, as well as offer support to make decisions about encephalitis care.

Please bring the following to your appointment

  • All recent MRI scans, reports and blood/cerebrospinal fluid tests
  • The appointment information 
  • Health insurance information, including insurance card(s), special forms, referrals or important phone numbers
  • Any medical records not sent in advance of the visit
  • Names, addresses and telephone numbers of other treating physicians
  • A list of medications you currently take and the prescribed doses
  • A pen and notebook or folder to keep questions to ask, and to take notes and store paperwork and other material from the visit
  • Books, magazines, crossword puzzles or other items that may help pass the time

Patients from out of town should also bring contact information for where they are staying in Baltimore.

Request an Appointment

Transfers and Referrals

Maryland Patients

Patients Within the U.S.

International Patients