Where Healing Starts

About the Center

The Johns Hopkins Hospital Comprehensive Stroke Center, directed by Dr. Victor Urrutia, is on a mission to improve the life of people who experienced stroke. We use multifaceted treatment strategies to help patients on all stages of stroke recovery. Our stroke center is certified by the Joint Commission and Maryland’s Emergency Medical Services Systems (MIEMSS). These certifications recognize that we offer the critical elements for long-term success and improving outcomes.

Stroke and Cardiovascular Risk Calculator

Learn your risk of stroke and heart attack by using this calculator developed by the American Heart Association and see the steps you can take to improve your cardiovascular health.

Patient Stories

Surviving Stroke at a Young Age | Sam’s Story

Stroke | Amy's Story

FAST Response to Stroke Symptoms and tPA Saves a Life | Althea’s Story

Sheikh Khalifa Stroke Institute

Created through a generous philanthropic gift from the United Arab Emirates (UAE), the Sheikh Khalifa Stroke Institute, with locations in Baltimore and Abu Dhabi, draws on Johns Hopkins’ vast leadership in stroke diagnosis, treatment and rehabilitation, with the focus on biomedical research, acute treatment, brain repair and neuroplasticity, behavioral recovery, stroke prevention and public health.

Learn more about SKSI

Certifications and Designations