Types of Gifts
Ways to Give

Just as there are numerous ways that the Johns Hopkins Children’s Center provides the most compassionate and comprehensive care for each child and family, there are many, many ways that you can give to support us.
A bequest is a gift made to an individual or organization through a will or trust. You can leave a legacy to a tax-exempt organization like the Johns Hopkins Children’s Center, making an ultimate commitment to support its ongoing mission, and still preserve your assets during your lifetime.
For more information, contact a member of our Development staff.
Gifts of cash are the most common form of contribution to Johns Hopkins. A gift of cash is easy to do and entitles you to a charitable deduction of up to 50% of your adjusted gross income.
Appreciated Securities
Appreciated stocks and bonds are also a popular asset donated to Johns Hopkins. That’s because they’re simple gifts and can offer you a greater tax benefit than an equivalent in cash. Using appreciated securities entitles you to a charitable deduction for the fair market value of the donated asset, and you avoid paying the capital gains tax you would pay if you sold the appreciated securities.
Gifts That Provide Income Stream
A gift that pays income provides benefits to both giver and receiver by providing donors or their designated beneficiary or beneficiaries with an income stream, significant tax savings and the satisfaction of supplying Johns Hopkins Children’s Center with vital long-term resources.
The charitable gift annuity is among the oldest, simplest and most popular of the charitable life-income plans. In exchange for a transfer of cash, marketable securities or, in some circumstances, real estate, Johns Hopkins contractually guarantees to make specified annuity payments to the donor, another beneficiary or both. The payout rate depends on the age and number of beneficiaries.
The charitable remainder trust is a popular plan because of the financial- and estate-planning flexibility it offers. Using this vehicle, the donor transfers property to the Johns Hopkins Children’s Center under a trust agreement that specifies how trust income and principal are to be distributed, and the trust may be created to become effective during life or at death.Real Estate Gifts
Almost any type of real estate with a minimum value of $250,000 may be donated and carries the same advantages as gifts of appreciated securities. You can even donate your principal or vacation residence while retaining lifetime use.
The Child Life Department accepts a variety of in-kind donations, including toys for children of all ages. Donations are accepted year round. For a list of needed items, visit Child Life.
We also welcome your ideas for other in-kind donations of services. Please contact us at 410-361-6493 in the Office of Development.
Many companies will match the donations made by their employees, their spouses and retirees. Your company may increase or double your gift to Johns Hopkins Children’s Center.
Sometimes family members or friends want to donate money in memory of your child. You can give in memory online now and specify the name of the person you are remembering.
The address to mail checks for memorial donations to The Johns Hopkins Children’s Center is the following:
Johns Hopkins Children’s Center
Office of Development
750 E. Pratt Street, Suite 1700
Baltimore, MD. 21202
If you want your donation to go to a specific department at Hopkins Children’s, please make a note of that request.
Parents should also ask family or friends to include the following information so acknowledgements can be made:
- Child’s name
- Parents’ name(s)
- Parents’ address
- Donor’s name, or if a group, the contact person
- Donor or contact person’s address
Payroll deduction is a great way for companies to increase company morale. Companies that participate in the United Way Campaign or the Combined Federal Campaign can designate their funds to go to Johns Hopkins Children’s Center. Contact Paula Shell at the Office of Development for more information.
Fundraisers are a fun way to support Johns Hopkins Children’s Center, its families and patients.
Employees at Johns Hopkins Children’s Center are invited to join our annual employee giving campaign. Gifts made through the program count towards the MIX 106.5 Radiothon total.