Child Life Practicum Program

The Johns Hopkins Summer Child Life Practicum Program is intended to provide an introduction to the child life profession to individuals who are interested in pursuing a career as a child life specialist. Practicum students have the opportunity to observe the role of child life in two clinical settings as well as assist with the development and implementation of therapeutic and developmentally appropriate activities in a playroom setting. In addition to the clinical and playroom experiences, the practicum student is responsible for the completion of readings and assignments that encourage the application of child development theories to their work with children and families. If accepted, the student’s placement and supervisor will be determined by the child life training coordinator based on department availability and student learning needs.

The Child Life department at Johns Hopkins Children’s Center is currently contracted with Towson University’s master's in child life, administration and family collaboration program and is no longer accepting outside applications for our practicum program. We are still accepting applications for our internship program. For additional information, please e-mail Child Life Training Coordinator Jennifer Seiler at

Practicum Goals 

Goals for the practicum student’s experience include:

  • Becoming increasingly familiar with the role of the child life specialist
  • Demonstrating effective communication skills with hospitalized children and their families
  • Interacting with patients in group activities as well as on an individual basis
  • Being able to describe the impact of hospitalization on the emotional and developmental needs of children at different ages
  • Translating, adapting and applying to the work setting that has been experienced previously only in theory
  • Gaining basic knowledge and understanding of disease processes common in the pediatric population, medical procedures and terminology
  • Developing professional attitudes, growth, maturity and judgment by functioning in a professional environment

For additional information, please contact the child life training coordinator, Jennifer Seiler, at